
tiān tíng
  • heaven;the sky;imperial court;the middle of the forehead;middle of the head;God's court;God's palace
天庭 [tiān tíng]
  • (1) [God's court;God's palace]∶天帝的宫廷;天帝的朝廷

  • (2) [imperial court]∶帝王的宫廷;朝廷

  • (3) [the sky]∶天空

  • 这种种声音在无边无际的天庭中响着。--胡也频《光明在我们的前面》

  • (4) [middle of the head]∶指前额的中央

  • 天庭饱满

天庭[tiān tíng]
  1. 夜风在天庭中回旋低唱。

    The night wind revolves in the sky and sings .

  2. 她离开她的丈夫去了天庭。

    She left her husband and went to the heavens .

  3. 上帝在他的天庭里,世间一切都安好。

    With god in his heaven , all rights with the world .

  4. 头颅高过第九重天庭。

    My head would be high as the ninth heaven .

  5. 在地狱的绝望中建立一座天庭。

    And builds a heaven in hell 's despair . '

  6. 美猴王是一个卡通角色,他在天庭上制造了很多麻烦。

    The Monkey King is a cartoon character who causes problems in heaven .

  7. 我听到天庭鼓乐齐鸣,在为我的女儿加冕。

    I heard the celestial music form Heaven , which is crowning for you .

  8. 遍布西班牙,荧火蔓延撒向天庭。

    Scattering contagious fire into the sky .

  9. 拿破仑已在天庭受到控告,他的倾覆是注定了的。

    Napoleon had been denounced in the infinite and his fall had been decided on .

  10. 伫立,在天庭的门廊。

    Leaning from Heaven 's gate .

  11. 一道光线从他的天庭,经过笔直的鼻子,照到他深沉宽厚的嘴唇上。

    A radiant line went from mid-forehead over his straight nose and full , silent lips .

  12. 她是在天庭被创造的。

    She was made in heaven .

  13. 不幸的是,王母娘娘发现了这件事,把织女押回了天庭。

    Unfortunately , the Queen Mother found out the fact and brought the Weave Maid back .

  14. 作为天庭卫戍司令托塔天王李靖的三太子,他永远无法取悦父亲,最终自杀身亡。

    The third son of garrison commander General Li Jing , he can never please his father and eventually commits suicide .

  15. 这就是“上海国际会议中心”中最有特色的“天庭吧”,也就是美宝莲新闻发布会的场地。

    This is the most characteristic " Heaven Bar " of Shanghai International Conference Centre , where Maybelline press conference is to be held .

  16. 天庭雅韵与鬼域悲音&济慈的《夜莺颂》与爱伦·坡的《乌鸦》比较研究

    Graceful Music from Heaven and Melancholy Rhyme from Hell & A comparative study of Keats 's Ode to a Nightingale and Allan Poe 's The Raven

  17. 叫做《大闹天宫》,它讲述了一个猴子领导一群猴子违反天庭中玉皇大帝的规定。

    Havoc in Heaven , it tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven .

  18. 然而不幸的是,天庭的玉皇大帝和王母娘娘得知他们的孙女(织女和他们是这种关系?)

    Unfortunately , the King and Queen of Heaven were furious finding out that their granddaughter had gone to the world of Man and taken a husband .

  19. 而世间贪欲却不断侵蚀这些无罪的花朵罪孽深重的人却在判断著是非曲直凡人却把天使控于股掌之间啊!天庭的深处怎么有愤怒的雷鸣在搅动!

    The want that saps their sinless flower Speaks judgment on sins ministers Man holds an angel in his power Ah ! deep in Heaven what thunder stirs .

  20. 董永千辛万苦终于来到玉帝的面前,却被玉帝一把推下天庭。叶黄素和玉米黄质有助于促进敏锐的视觉。

    Dong Yong makes it to the celestial palace but falls after a push from the imperial emperor . Lutein and zeaxanthin that help promote sharp and detailed eye vision .

  21. 为了守护他的权力,君主会将祭祖与祭天结合起来,创造一个神或天庭,宣称自己是上天的代表和在凡间的后代。

    In order to secure his power , the king combined ancestral worship and nature worship to create the God or the Heaven , and proclaimed himself the agent or the descendent of the God .

  22. 中国人相信诸神,尤其是灶神,他在年末返回天庭朝见玉皇大帝的时候,会禀报每户人家的行为善恶。

    The Chinese believe that the gods , in particular the kitchen god , leave their homes and visit the Jade Emperor , the ruler of the heavens , to report on the conduct of families .

  23. 不时有一种可怕的疑虑攫佐她的灵魂,不知是否该把珠儿马上送上天庭,自己也走向永恒的裁判所断定的来世,才更好些。

    At times , a fearful doubt strove to possess her soul , whether it were not better to send Pearl at once to heaven , and go herself to such futurity as Eternal Justice should provide .

  24. 而我必须再一次进入水珠圆润的天庭和玉蜀黍的犹大教堂我才能为一个声音的影子祈祷或在服丧的幽谷之中播撒我苦涩的种子去哀悼

    And I must enter again the round Zion of the water bead And the synagogue of the ear of corn Shall I let pray the shadow of a sound Or sow my salt seed In the least valley of sackcloth to mourn