
  • 网络the true meaning of the lord of heaven
  1. 初轧机上的切分轧制《天主实义》的天佛(道)对话

    Dialogue between Heaven and Buddhism ( Daoism ) in The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven

  2. 戴震的讳言&论《天主实义》与《孟子字义疏证》之关系

    DAI Zhen 's " Concealed Words " & A Study of the Relationship between The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven and The Commentary on the Meanings of Terms in the Book of Mencius

  3. 他在《天主实义》中多以天主教教义附和儒家思想,探究天主教义和儒学的相通之处,如利玛窦认同儒家仁的思想,且不反对中国的祭祖传统。

    He studied the similarities of Catholicism and Confucianism , For example , Matteo Ricci recognized the Confucian " benevolence ", and not against the Chinese tradition of ancestor worship .