
  • 网络hemerocallis middendorfii;hemerocallis hybrida;hemerocallis middendorffii
  1. 芽后型除草剂防除大花萱草田杂草试验

    Weeding results of post-emergence herbicides on chomophyte in Hemerocallis hybrida

  2. 高抗盐大花萱草的组培法筛选

    Selection of the Tissue Culture Methods of High Salt-resistance Hemerocallis middendorfii

  3. 结果表明:合理施肥不仅能够增强大花萱草的分生能力,提前花期2~4d,而且可以提高其观赏价值;

    Results showed the rational fertilization not only enhanced the tillering capacity and promote the florescence for 2 to 4 days ahead , but also improved the decorative value .

  4. 试验以重瓣大花萱草带生长点的茎段为试材,以MS与1/2MS为基本培养基,分别添加不同浓度的2,4-D,6-BA,NAA。

    The experiments were used the stem with growing point of double flower Hemerocallis fulva as test plant . The MS and 1 / 2 MS as culture medium were each added different concentration 2,4-D , 6-BA and NAA .

  5. 组培法筛选高抗盐大花萱草品种的初步研究

    The Primary Study on Selection High Salt Resistane Hemerocallis middendorfii by Tissue Culture Methods

  6. 大花萱草品种分类标准初探

    Studies on the classification of Hemerocallis hybridus cultivars

  7. 水分胁迫对大花萱草品种生理特性的影响及钙的缓解作用

    Effects on Physiological Characteristics of Hemerocallis Middendorfii Species and the Role of Calcium Mitigation under Water Stress

  8. 结果表明:不同处理的重瓣大花萱草在生长过程中,光合色素的含量呈先升后降的趋势;

    The results showed that photosynthetic pigment contents of leaves increased first and then decreased under different shade treatments .

  9. 本文还对大花萱草通过组织培养技术进行快速繁殖生产种苗以及降低成本进行了讨论。

    The possibility of using rapid clonal propagation via tissue culture for Hemerocallis fulva and the cost reduction of culture in vitro were also discussed .

  10. 大花萱草&金娃娃的初代培养和无性系的建立烟草品种红花大金元变异株的快速繁殖技术

    The primary culture and the establishment of clone of Hemerocallis fulva var. flore-pleno ; Rapid Propagation Technology Study on Variable Plant of Tobacco Variety " Hongda "