
  • 网络Great Dance
  1. 雅乐舞蹈的主要内容是“六大舞”,也称“六代舞”,代表六个朝代。

    The chief content of the dance for Yayue was the " six major dances ", or the " six-dynasty dances ", which represented six dynasties .

  2. 这些舞蹈和六大舞一样,也是用作教育贵族子弟的教材,成为乐教的重要内容。

    Just as the Six Major Dances , the Six Minor Dances were also composed for educating young nobles and formed an important part of the music education .

  3. 你的伟大的精神和意志力大大鼓舞了我。

    I 'm immediately heartened by your magnificent spirit and will-power .

  4. 与此同时,一个体态丰腴的金发舞女会绕着“旋转舞厅”下的一根柱子大秀钢管舞。

    At the same time , a buxom blonde dancer gyrates around a pole under the spinning disco ball .

  5. 本文认为二十一世纪是中国大有可为的世纪,我们一定能够在文学理论研究的大舞台上舞出一片属于我们自己的精彩天地。

    We believe that the 21st century is the century for us Chinese , we can surely inaugurate a wonderful world in literary research .

  6. 还是去年,几个大妈试图在中国一辆拥挤的列车上大秀广场舞的视频引发了更大的争议。

    A video of several women attempting to perform a square dance on board a crowded passenger train in Q a went viral last year , sparking further controversy .

  7. 《中国日报》的报道称,有关广场舞应在何时何地开展,以及乐曲音量应该多大——广场舞遭受诟病的主要原因——的指导方针尚未出台。

    Guidelines on when and where activities should be held , and how loud the music should be - the source of most of the ire directed at dancing - have yet to be developed , China Daily reported .

  8. 大轴戏脱衣舞和全班加演结束以后,灯光亮了。

    After the last strip and the ensemble the lights went on .

  9. 据我了解,在美国的一些癌症治疗医院正在大范围的进行舞茸D-组分结合化疗的临床实验,相信这些实验能够得到很好的效果。

    USA using Maitake D-fraction and chemotherapy . I would expect that the results will be favorable . Again , Maitake extract does not kill cancer cells directly .