
  • 网络brain shrinkage;Cerebral atrophy;cerebralhemi-atrophy
  1. 酒依赖患者大脑萎缩的CT研究

    Cerebral atrophy in alcohol dependent patients measured by computerized tomography

  2. 体重指数和大脑萎缩关系的24年随访研究

    A 24-year follow-up of body mass index and cerebral atrophy

  3. 据彭博社报道,英国牛津大学的一项研究发现,维生素B群能够减缓老年人大脑萎缩,这项研究有助于对老年痴呆症进行更深入的研究。

    Bloomberg reports that Vitamin B can slow brain shrinkage in elderly people , according to a study by the University of Oxford that may facilitate further research into Alzheimer 's disease .

  4. 头颅MRI检查28例,发现朕氏体发育不良5例,小脑萎缩3例,大脑萎缩1例。

    Cranial CT or MRI were performed in 28 cases , 5 cased showed hypoplasia of corpus callosum , 3 cased showed atrophy of cerebellum , 1 case showed atrophy of cerebrum .

  5. 脑CT表现:主要表现为不同程度脑萎缩及脑内软化灶,大脑萎缩15例,小脑萎缩14例,小脑合并大脑萎缩9例,脑萎缩并脑内软化灶7例;

    The CT findings of brain were cerebral atrophy in different degree and encephalomalacia foci . Fifteen cases had cerebellum atrophy , 14 cases had cerebral atrophy , 9 cases had both cerebellum and cerebral atrophy , 7 cases had cerebral atrophy with encephalomalacia foci .

  6. 科菲说:每个人都有某种程度的大脑萎缩。

    " Everyone has some degree of brain shrinkage ," Coffey said .

  7. 部分病例可合并大脑萎缩。

    In some cases the cerebral atrophy could be demonstrated .

  8. 松泽的发现表明,思考可以防止大脑萎缩。

    Matsuzawa 's findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking .

  9. 接受教育能保护智力免受大脑萎缩的影响

    Education May Protect against Effects of Shrinking Brain

  10. 目的研究酒依赖导致大脑萎缩的程度及其因素。

    ObjectiveTo study the extent and factors of the cerebral atrophy in alcohol dependent patients .

  11. 饮酒过量者最终会导致大脑萎缩,造成痴呆。

    Alcoholics can end up with a shrunken brain , which is linked to dementia .

  12. 从实验中松泽得出结论,对于大脑萎缩有种简单的弥补措施,它一般与习惯性动脑筋有关。

    Matsuzaswa concluded from his tests that there is a simple remedy to the contraction normally associated with Age-Using of the head .

  13. 有趣的是,一项有关老年人的研究表明,实际上是接受过较多教育的人大脑萎缩得较多。

    Interestingly , in a study of elderly men and women , those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage .

  14. 然而,科菲指出,在没有智力衰退迹象的人中有很明显的大脑萎缩现象。

    There is , however , a " remarkable range " of shrinkage among people who show no signs of mental decline , Coffey noted .

  15. 或许,一些人希望身体的其他部位可以萎缩,但是我可以肯定,没人希望大脑萎缩。

    While some of us might want other parts of our body to shrink , I 'm pretty sure no one wants a shrinking brain .

  16. 虽然这项实验的目的并不是测试人的记忆能力,但是研究人员发现大脑萎缩速度最慢的人,其记忆力测试的分数也最高。

    Although the trial was not designed to measure thinking ability , the researchers found that individuals with the lowest rates of shrinkage had the highest mental test scores .

  17. 在试验的结尾,维生素治疗的效果被发现非常明显,而且试验一开始大脑萎缩率最高的受试者,试验结束时的效果也最为明显。

    At the end of the trial the effects of the vitamin treatment were found to be dramatic , and most pronounced in participants who started out with the highest rates of brain shrinkage .

  18. MRI均显示大脑皮质萎缩,6例还出现脑实质内多发异常信号。

    MRI showed cerebral atrophy in all cases , 6 of the 9 patients were found mutiple abnormal signals in cerebral parenchyma .

  19. 结论脑型HLD患者存在明显智能、记忆障碍,广泛性大脑皮层萎缩,尤其是额颞叶萎缩是主要原因之一。

    Conclusion Patients with cerebral hepatolenticular degeneration had intelligence and memory disorders , the main cause was extensive cerebral cortex atrophy , especially frontotemporal lobe atrophy .

  20. SANJAYGUPTA,CNN首席医疗记者:你知道,这非常有趣,因为你不知道什么原因导致她的大脑额叶萎缩,或枯萎,或者一出生就没有。

    DR. SANJAY GUPTA , CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT : You know , it 's interesting , because you don 't know exactly what caused her frontal lobes of her brain to atrophy or sort of away or was she simply born without them .

  21. 尽管样斑块、神经纤维缠结和大脑的萎缩,这些现象似乎是老年痴呆症无疑,

    Despite the presence of plaques and tangles and brain shrinkage -- what appeared to be unquestionable Alzheimer 's

  22. 初步结果可是发人深省:遭受下背疼痛之苦的人,大脑平均萎缩程度要比正常人还多。

    The preliminary results were revealing : the average atrophy was greater in those with lower back pain than was normal .

  23. 当我们变老时,我们的大脑会萎缩,而这种萎缩会带来痴呆和认知能力的丧失,例如记忆。

    As we age , our brains shrink and the shrinkage is associated with dementia and loss of cognitive functions such as memory .

  24. 研究人员们警告,无节制增长的腰围与其他中年危机的表征不仅对于你的心脏健康大有坏处,同时还可能引发大脑的萎缩。

    An expanding waistline and other middle-age vices are not only bad for your heart – they could cause your brain to shrink , warn researchers .

  25. 认知功能特别是处理速度在我们20岁时达到巅峰状态,而随着我们年龄的增长,大脑会萎缩,因此多项任务处理和记忆提取所需要的时间可能会变长。

    Cognitive functioning , particularly processing speed , peaks at age 20 and the brain shrinks as we age , so things like multitasking and memory retrieval may take longer .

  26. 结论①酒依赖会导致广泛性大脑皮质萎缩和白质萎缩,皮质萎缩右脑比左脑重,以顶叶为最重;

    Conclusion ① Alcohol dependence will cause massive cerebral cortex atrophy and white matter atrophy with more serious cortex atrophy occurring in the right semisphere of the cerebrum . The most serious atrophy occurs in the cerebral cortex of the parietal lobes ;

  27. 慢性酒精中毒患者的认知功能障碍与弥散性大脑白质萎缩的关系研究

    Cognitive impairment and diffuse white matter atrophy in alcoholics

  28. 昏迷病人的大脑皮层会萎缩。

    Cerebral cortex atrophies in coma patients .

  29. 我们上了年纪,大脑就会开始萎缩。

    When we get older , our brains begin to shrink due to something called brain atrophy .

  30. 颅内合并症(33/60)经综合治疗后,1例大脑皮层严重萎缩,1例继发脑积水。

    Only one case had serious atrophy of cerebral cortex and another had hydrocephalus after intracranial complications ( 33 / 60 ) were managed by combining therapy .