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dà zhuàn
  • Large Seal Script;a style of calligraphy, current in the Zhou Dynasty
大篆 [dà zhuàn]
  • [big seal character] 周朝的字体,是一种笔画较繁复的篆书。秦朝创制小篆以后,把这种字体叫大篆

  1. 早期大篆线条拓展的三个阶段。

    The three expansion stages of early ancient seal character lines .

  2. 历代大篆书法家对传统的继承和创新。

    The calligraphers inherit and develop on the traditional ancient seal character .

  3. 甲骨文后来演变成金文、大篆,金文和大篆的形体结构松散而不稳定,且地区差异大,尚未定形。

    Later , inscriptions on bones developed into Jinwen and dazuan , which were loosely structural and were not setting for area differences .

  4. 商周文字饰美之风,主要体现在族徽文字、青铜纹样和大篆篆引的图案化构成三个方面。

    The custom of decorate and beautify writing on Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty is characterized by three aspects , which are clan badge writing , bronze grain kind and the pattern turn constitute of the big seal script lead .