
  • 网络ocean drilling program;odp;Ocean Drilling Programme
  1. 国际深海钻探计划/大洋钻探计划

    International Deep Sea Drilling Project / Ocean Drilling Programme

  2. 较为详细地介绍了大洋钻探计划(ODP)的科学目标、研究主题及其重要的科学意义。

    Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) is the largest and worldwide attention attracting international program in the marine science research .

  3. 随着深海钻探计划(DSDP)和大洋钻探计划(ODP)的开展,在古海洋学领域取得了许多重大发现。

    With the development of DSDP and ODP , several important results have been achieved in palaeoceanography .

  4. SEIZE作为大陆边缘计划(MARGINS)的重要研究内容和综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)的优先研究领域,重点对世界主要俯冲发震带进行研究。

    As one of major initiatives of the NSF-MARGINS Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program ( IODP ), SEIZE focuses its research on major subduction seismogenic belts in the world .

  5. 南海北部陆坡大洋钻探计划(ODP)1144站的高速堆积体为高分辨率的古环境研究提供了良好的材料。

    High accumulation-rate sediments at Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) Site 1144 in the northern slope of the South China Sea provide unique materials for a high-resolution study on paleoenvironment .

  6. 边缘海沉积地质学研究在大洋钻探计划中占据着重要地位,也是我国的优势所在,应该成为我国ODP近期工作的主要内容。

    The sedimentary geology of marginal seas occupies an important position in the Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ), it is a superior field of our country and thus should become the major parts of our recent ODP researches .

  7. 论文以大洋钻探计划(ODP)184航次南沙1143站有孔虫的稳定氧、碳同位素(δ18O与δ13C)分析为基础,研究了过去5百万年以来南海南部的古海洋学。

    This thesis discusses paleoceanography of the southern South China Sea ( SCS ) over the last 5 million years ( myr ) on the basis of stable oxygen and carbon isotopes on foraminifers (δ 18O and δ 13C ) from Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) Leg 184 .

  8. 大洋钻探计划及其高新技术

    Ocean Drilling Program and the High tech Used in the Program

  9. 大洋钻探计划与古海洋学的发展

    Ocean drilling program and the development of Paleoceanography

  10. 挑战地球科学的新前沿21世纪大洋综合钻探计划(OD21)

    Challenge the New Frontier of Earth Science-Integrated Ocean Drilling Program in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century ( OD21 )

  11. 从世界地质工程学科发展的高度,对钻井工程的可持续发展提出了4条建议:参加大洋综合钻探计划;开发属于中国的海底固体矿产资源;

    The paper presents 4 suggestions about sustainable development of drilling engineering on the level of the world geology engineering development .

  12. 建议我国的地球科学和地质勘探工作者逐步开展四大地球科学工程的研究与开发:参与由日本等筹划的大洋综合钻探计划;

    The paper suggests that the geoscience and the geological prospecting circles in China should carried out research and development on four major geoscience project : Participating the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program ( IODP ) which is initiated by Japan ;