
  • 网络fungi;macrofungi;Mushroom
  1. 真菌免疫调节蛋白家族(FIPs)是近年来从大型真菌中提取的具有免疫活性的一类小分子量蛋白,与植物凝集素和免疫球蛋白的结构和免疫功能类似。

    The fungal immunomodulatory proteins ( FIPs ) are a kind of micro-proteins extracted from macro fungi with immunomodulatory activity in recent years . The structure and biological functions of FIPs have similarity with lectins and immunoglobulin .

  2. 大型真菌原生质体技术的研究与进展

    Advances in the Research on the Technology of Macro - fungi Protoplast

  3. 云南大型真菌提取物及其多糖组分对TMV的抑制作用

    Inhibition Effects of the Extracts and Polysaccharide in Macrofungus on TMV

  4. 大型真菌200余种。

    There are more than 200 species large scale funguses in Xinjiang .

  5. 江西大型真菌资源及其生态分布

    The resources and ecological distribution of larger fungi in Jiangxi

  6. 大型真菌100多种;

    There are more than 100 species of big fungi .

  7. 神农架大型真菌资源及其开发利用

    Development and utilization of the macro-fungus resource in the Shennongjia Forest District

  8. 神农架林区大型真菌资源调查研究

    Investigation on Macro - fungus Resources in Shennongjia Forest District

  9. 北京松山自然保护区大型真菌调查初报

    Brief report on investigation of macro-fungi in Beijing Song mountain nature reserve

  10. 重庆四面山大型真菌调查研究初报

    The First Report of Big Fungus Resources in Simian Mountain in Chongqing

  11. 一组复合大型真菌降解秸秆纤维素的研究

    Study on straw lignin degraded by a composite fungus strains

  12. 四川宜宾大雪山大型真菌资源初步调查

    Investigation of Macrofungus Resources in Great Snow Mountain of Yibin

  13. 西天目山自然保护区的大型真菌

    Macromycetes from the Nature Reserve of Mount West Tianmu

  14. 该地区的大型真菌分布为3个垂直带即:低山林带中的大型真菌;

    The distribution of the fungi is divided into 3 vertical bands , i.

  15. 湖北省大型真菌调查&担子菌亚门真菌名录(Ⅱ)

    An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province & A list of Basidiomycotina fungi (ⅱ)

  16. 江苏大型真菌资源调查

    A survey of big type fungi in Jiangsu

  17. 大型真菌的抗细菌和抗真菌活性研究

    Antibacterial and Antifungal Evaluation of Macro - fungi

  18. 莫干山的大型真菌资源

    Investigation of macro fungi resources from Mount Mogan

  19. 15种为江西省大型真菌新记录种。

    A total 15 species are new records .

  20. 佛坪自然保护区的大型真菌(Ⅱ)

    The mushrooms in Foping nature preserve (ⅱ)

  21. 这些多糖主要取自高等植物、海藻及大型真菌。

    Those polysaccharides usually come from higher plants , algae or some kinds of mushrooms .

  22. 最后提出了保护和利用南岳山自然保护区大型真菌资源的建议。

    Lastly , a protection proposal for the Nan-yue mountain 's macrofungus resources are launched .

  23. 随着液体深层发酵技术的发展,己可以对许多大型真菌进行大规模培养。

    With the development of liquid submerge fermentation many large fungus has been large-scale cultured .

  24. 对优势科、食(药)用、有毒菌以及它们的营养类型进行了分析,结果显示:①该地区大型真菌的物种丰富(占四川的11.09%);

    Dominant families , edible ( medical ) fungi , toadstool and their aliment-type were analyzed .

  25. 灵芝是珍贵的大型真菌,在我国具有悠久的栽培历史。

    Ganoderma lucidum , one kind of rare macro fungi , has a long-standing history of cultivation .

  26. 豫南大别&桐柏山区野生大型真菌生境考察初报

    A Preliminary Report on the Habitats of Large-Form Wild Fungi in Dabie-Tongbai Mountain Area of South Henan Province

  27. 还就河南大别山药用大型真菌的保护与利用提出了建议。

    Finally , some reasonable suggestions are pointed out to the protection and exploitation resources of medicinal macrofungi in the Dabie Mountain .

  28. 本文对长春净月潭国家森林公园大型真菌的物种多样性、区系多样性与森林植被和季节的相关性进行了系统研究。

    Species diversity , flora diversity and relation between season and forest vegetation in the Jingyuetan forestry park were studied systematically in this paper .

  29. 长期本底调查查明本区有植物1668种,隶属198科798属;已知昆虫26目4000余种,已知大型真菌260种。

    There are 1668 plant species of 798 genus , 198 families more than 4000 identified insect species of 26 orders and 260 species of identified macro-fungi .

  30. 大型真菌是生物圈中重要的组成部分和生态资源,在自然界物质循环和维持生态平衡中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Macro-fungi are the main component of biosphere and one of the ecological resources , and play very important roles in matter cycling and in maintaining ecological balances .