
  • 网络Great Kremlin Palace;Great Kremlin
  1. 这座建筑由尼古拉一世建于1838-1849年,被称为“大克里姆林宫”,或者是克里姆林宫的大宫殿。

    This building is called the " Big Kremlin Palace " or Big Palace of the Kremlin , and was built in 1838-1849 by the order of Tsar NicholasI .

  2. 雾里看花的交易与决定暗示着资金链大有深入克里姆林宫的可能。

    Mystifying deals and decisions suggest that the money trail runs all the way to the Kremlin .

  3. 奥运之火穿过这个巨大国家的旅程始于红场,过去的圣巴西尔大教堂和克里姆林宫的红墙。

    The flame 's journey across this massive country started in Red Square , past St.Basil 's Cathedral and the red walls of the Kremlin .