
  • 网络external motivation;extrinsic motivation;intrinsic motivation;extrinsic moti-vation
  1. 认知心理学家认为动机可分为内部动机(intrinsicmotivation)和外部动机(ExtrinsicMotivation)。

    Cognitive psychologists divide motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation .

  2. 内部动机与外部动机的关系

    A Review On the Relationship Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

  3. 但MPAM-R偏重于锻炼者的内部动机,要较全面地测量锻炼动机,需要增加锻炼者迫于外界压力而进行锻炼的外部动机结构。

    However , MPAM-R emphasized particularly on internal motivation of exercise , for wide board measurement of exercise motivation , it was necessary to add measurement of external motivation .

  4. 为了支持核心假设,把核心假设分成两个部分,分别提出了两个假设H1:内部动机与工作绩效存在显著的正相关关系;假设H2:外部动机与工作绩效存在显著的正相关关系。

    In order to support the core assumptions core hypothesis is divided into two parts respectively made two assumptions . Hypothesis H1 : internal motivation and performance there was a significant positive correlation . Hypothesis H2 : the external motivation and performance there was a significant positive correlation .

  5. 内部动机和外部动机不存在显著的交互作用。

    The interaction between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation was not significant .

  6. 独立院校学生英语学习的外部动机比较强烈。

    Students ' external motivation of English learning in independent colleges is strong .

  7. 初中生在创造动机上,内部动机得分显著高于外部动机。

    In terms of creative motivation , intrinsic motivation is significantly higher than extrinsic motivation .

  8. 对于命名任务而言,外部动机的主效应显著,内部动机的主效应不显著;

    There were significant main effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in connection task .

  9. 学习动机分为内部动机和外部动机。

    Motivation to learn is made up of two parts , intrinsic and extrinsic motivation .

  10. 知识共享的内部动机与外部动机与知识共享成正相关关系。

    Knowledge sharing and internal motivation and external motivation into a positive correlation between knowledge sharing .

  11. 学生的内部动机在英语学习过程中产生的积极影响远远大于外部动机;

    Internal motivation has more positive effect on students than external motivation in the process of ESL ;

  12. 内部动机与外部动机、学习定向、证实定向呈极显著的正相关。

    The intrinsic motivation is extremely positively related to the extrinsic motivation , learning orientation and proving orientation .

  13. 第二章中首先从盈余管理产生的动机(分为内部动机和外部动机)、表现形式、基本特征入手,分析了盈余管理的基本情况。

    The second chapter originally explains the motive ( including inner motive and outer motive ) and basic characters .

  14. 外部动机可进一步分为奖励或惩罚,功用价值,群体态度和压力。

    The external motivation is further divided into reward / punishment , utility value , group attitude and pressure .

  15. 在这两种分类的基础上,一种新的分类应运而生,即将动机分为内部动机和外部动机。

    Here a new classification of motivation is built up , which divides motivation into internal motivation and external motivation .

  16. 多重回归分析发现,对于不同的任务,内部动机与外部动机的贡献显著不同。

    Hierarchical Multiple Regression ( HMR ) showed the unique contributions of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to creativity were obviously task-related .

  17. 其中内部动机和动机强度显著高于控制班学生,外部动机略高于控制班,但结果不显著。

    Among of them , the intrinsic motivation and the intensity motivation is significantly higher than that in the control class .

  18. 基于以上的两种理论,一种新的分类产生,就是内部动机和外部动机。

    On the basis of these two classifications , a new classification came out , that is internal motivation and external motivation .

  19. 而外部动机则与外部的诱因(外刺激)相关。因此,本试验旨在探究游戏活动,作为学生喜欢的一种诱因(刺激),是否有助于提高学生的词汇学习动机。

    Then as an incentive that students like , games and activities are certainly the best measures to motivate students to learn vocabulary .

  20. 内部动机中,自我完善比例最高;而外部动机中,功用价值所占比例最高。

    In internal motivation , self-perfection ranks the first place while in external motivation , the utility value accounts for the most percentage .

  21. 结果表明:大学生的内、外部动机不存在显著的相关,但它们也并非截然对立,而是相互影响、相互作用的;

    The results of the study indicate : there is no significant relation between inner motivation and exterior motivation , but they are not completely independent .

  22. 大学生的内部动机与学习成绩之间存在极其显著的相关,外部动机与学习成绩存在负相关,即过于强烈的外部动机对学习成绩会产生消极作用。

    The effect of inner motivation on students ' achievements is very significant , but the effect of exterior motivation on students ' achievements is negative .

  23. 我国职业学校学生的学习动机显现出极不平衡的特点,其外部动机明显而内部动机缺乏。

    The study motivation of students in vocational school is unbalanced , which represents that the external motivation is obvious while the internal one is deficient .

  24. 高职生融合型动机、工具型动机、内部动机和成就型动机与其英语成绩呈显著性正相关,外部动机与英语成绩呈显著负相关性。

    Integrative motivation , instrumental motivation , intrinsic motivation and achievement motivation are positively correlated with learning proficiency and extrinsic motivation has a significant negative correlation .

  25. 大学生的学习效能感与内部动机、学习定向呈极显著的正相关与外部动机呈显著正相关,与回避定向呈极显著的负相关;

    The learning efficacy is extremely positively related to intrinsic motivation and learning orientation , and positively related to extrinsic motivation , but extremely negatively related to escaping orientation .

  26. 结果1学习优秀的大学生比学习不良的大学生的内部动机强,但两类大学生在外部动机上无差异;

    Results ① The good learners had a higher score than poor learners in inner learning motivation , but there was no difference in their exterior learning motivation between them ;

  27. 本文从学习动机理论即行为主义,人本主义,认知三方面阐述了内部动机和外部动机在英语教学中都是不可缺少的组成部分。

    This paper attempts to analyze the necessity of the combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the EFL classroom from three perspectives , namely , behavioral , humanistic and cognitive .

  28. 3高职生的自我概念,特别是认知自我与学习动机有中低等程度的正相关,自我概念与内部动机的相关高于其与外部动机的相关。

    The self-concept of the advanced vocational students , especially cognitive self-concept has positive correlation with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation , The self-concept correlates with the intrinsic motivation is higher than with extrinsic motivation .

  29. 调查结果表明,大学生的学习动机由强到弱依次为内部动机、成就动机、社会动机和外部动机;

    The results show that : In motive of studying , the first is intrinsic motivation , the second is achievement motivation , the third is society motivation , and the fourth is extrinsic motivation .

  30. 根据相关的城乡中学生英语学习动机的调查数据,笔者从内部动机,外部动机,工具型动机,融合型动机及动机缺失的方面对实际情况进行了比较。

    We can use it to make comparison between English learning motivation of the two kinds of areas from intrinsic motivation , extrinsic motivation , instrumental motivation , integrative motivation and the absence of motivation .