
  • 网络employee
  1. 甘肃省卫生学校外聘人员绩效管理体系再设计

    Re-design of Performance Management System for External Employees in Gansu Health School

  2. 稽核工作得由组织内部人员及(或)由外聘人员担任。

    Audits may be performed by personnel from within the organization or by external persons selected by the organization .

  3. 对于需要大量技术知识的项目,内部顾问通常能比外聘人员提供更多的专业建议。

    On projects that require a lot of technical knowledge , internal consultants often offer more know-how than an outsider .

  4. 近年来,甘肃省卫生学校发展规模逐步壮大,学校引入外聘人员人数、岗位不断增多,在管理中呈现出来的绩效管理体系的不完备问题越来越明显。

    Meanwhile , Gansu Health School is continuously growing and developing these years , more external employees are needed , and many imperfections in performance management are of great significance .

  5. 赫比尼亚克认为,内部顾问与公司的关系使其比外聘人员更具优势,而且内部顾问可以全程关注整个执行过程,随时处理屡见不鲜的突发情况。

    There also are the benefits of internal relationships , the connection that the consultants have to the business and the advantage that the consultants will stick around through the implementation process , where unexpected problems often arise , hrebiniak says .

  6. 基层医院外聘保洁人员的职业危害调查与防护

    Survey and Protection of Occupational Risks among Cleaner Employee in Grass-roots Hospitals

  7. 家族企业外聘管理人员离职倾向实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Outer Managers ' Turnover Intention of Family Enterprises

  8. 外聘专业人员为企业提供内部审计服务正在成为一种趋势。

    Employing professional from outside to offer internal audit service has now been a tendency .

  9. 督促施工单位施工组织机构框架图及人员名单中,把外聘劳务人员应纳入其班组进行统一管理。

    Supervise and urge the construction company to incorporate the external employees into its group for unified management on basis of construction organization frame diagram and staff list .

  10. 银行应严格按照本指导意见的有关规定使用和管理外聘外部营销人员。

    The bank shall hire and administer the latter in strict accordance with the relevant provisions in these Guiding Opinions .

  11. 顾赛密先生说,比如在纺织品产业内,外聘的咨询人员需要大量的时间对该行业进行了解,而且可能永远不能够深入到企业的核心部分。

    Mr de gusseme says that , in the case of the textile industry , an external consultant would take a huge amount of time to learn about the industry and may never get to the core of the business .