
shēnɡ wèn
  • reputation;fame;news;tidings
声问 [shēng wèn]
  • (1) [news]∶音讯;音信

  • 声问断绝

  • (2) [reputation]∶名誉;名声

  • 行止尽而声问远

  1. 是一个男人的声音,压声问:“又和谁喝酒?”

    A man 's voice asked ," drinking again with someone ?"

  2. 他柔声问:“我为什么失败而亡?”

    He questioned softly " Why I failed ?"

  3. “还有伙食呢?”尤金细声问。

    And my keep ? Whispered eugene .

  4. 他柔声问:“我为什么失败而亡?”“为了美”,我回答说。

    He questioned softly " Why I failed ? " " For Beauty , " I replied .

  5. 也许是我已经对你动了心,每当夜深人静的时候,常常就会浮起你的身影。那一声问。

    Maybe I have told you move heart , whenever in the dead of night of time , usually will float your shadow.The1 ask .

  6. 瞎子听出了他的脚步声,问他是否是那个改标牌的人?

    He then placed the sign by the feet of the blind man , and left .

  7. 如果一个机器人不确定一种动物是否适合放到微波炉里的话,它就有机会停下来,发出嘟嘟声,然后问人类它该怎么做。

    If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for the microwave , it has the opportunity to stop , send out beeps , and ask for directions from a human .

  8. 这场谈话内容变得广泛起来,过了不久,又听见楼下有脚步声走过房问。

    The conversation became inclusive , and presently other footsteps were heard crossing the room below .

  9. 我听到他小声地吹了一声口哨,然后问我的儿子Joshua,“那人是谁?”“那是我妈”,Joshua回答。

    I heard him let out a low whistle and ask my son , Joshua , " Who 's that ? " " That 's my mom , " Joshua answered .

  10. 这是一个小男孩尖声叫到并问。

    Just then a little boy piped up and asked .