
  • 网络urticaceae;Family Urticaceae;Urtica
  1. 河南荨麻科(Urticaceae)一些类群的订正它不属于正规植物分类学的分类阶元的范畴。

    Revision of some taxa of Urticaceae from Henan It falls outside the scope of the formal taxonomic categories .

  2. 天目山荨麻科一种浙江新记录&宽叶荨麻

    A New Record of Urticaceae Plant in Tianmu Mountain of Zhejiang

  3. 是荨麻科(Urticaceae)苎麻属(Boehmeria)多年生宿根性草本植物,也是我国的特产,在世界上素有中国草的美誉。

    , special product of China and named " China grass " is a herbaceous perennid which belongs to urticaceae family , boehmeria genus .

  4. 双子叶植物的一个目,包含桑科、荨麻科和榆科。

    An order of dicotyledonous plants including Moraceae and Urticaceae and Ulmaceae .

  5. 湖南楼梯草属(荨麻科)的分类与分布

    The Classification and Distribution of Elatostema ( Urticaceae ) in Hunan , China

  6. 黄山风景区荨麻科植物资源及其开发利用

    Urticaceae Plant Resource and Its Development and Utilization of in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  7. 贵州壳斗科、荨麻科药用植物资源的种类与分布

    Species and geographic distribution of the medical plant resources of Fagaceae and Urticaceae in Guizhou

  8. 荨麻科新分类群中国荨麻科楼梯草属分类

    New taxa of Urticaceae from China

  9. 通过野外考察、资料收集与标本鉴定相结合,基本搞清了贵州壳斗科、荨麻科药用植物资源的种类与地理分布。

    Open field survey , data collection and specimensidentification were made , to confirm species and geographic distribution of the medical plants of Fagaceae and Urticaceae in guizhou .

  10. 长刺毛的植物,在接触后刺激皮肤,(特别是荨麻属或荨麻科的植物)。

    Any of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact ( especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae ) .
