
shāng qíng
  • soil moisture content
墒情 [shāng qíng]
  • [soil moisture content] 土壤湿度是否适于耕种的情况

墒情[shāng qíng]
  1. 基于BP网络的土壤墒情预报模型研究

    Study on Forecasting Soil Moisture Content Based on BP web

  2. 田间土壤墒情的分布特性

    The Distribution of Soil Moisture Content in A Field

  3. 基于遥感与GIS集成的土壤墒情监测服务系统

    Monitoring and Service System of Soil Moisture Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

  4. 冬小麦田间墒情预报的BP神经网络模型

    Back-propagation neural network model for soil moisture forecast of winter wheat field

  5. 辣椒不同深度土壤墒情预报的BP神经网络模型

    Back-propagation neural network model for red pepper soil moisture forecast at different depths

  6. 基于BP人工神经网络的膜下滴灌作物水分响应及农田墒情预报模型研究

    Study of the CRW and the Cropland Soil Moisture Content Forecast under Mulched Drip Irrigation on BP Neural Network

  7. 基于Excel的土壤墒情计算系统

    Soil Moisture Computing System Based on Excel

  8. 本文开拓了膜下滴灌条件下棉花水分响应模型建模理论的新思路。(2)建立了两种三层结构的BP人工神经网络模型预报土壤墒情。

    Two types of model with three layers structure based on BP artificial neural network to forecast soil moisture have been set up .

  9. 将MODIS遥感数据应用于墒情信息提取的研究

    Study on the MODIS Remote Sensing Data Applied to the Soil Moisture Extraction

  10. ARIMA模型预测土壤墒情研究

    Research on soil moisture forecast based on ARIMA model

  11. Voronoi地图可以为田间墒情数据的分布与检查提供可视化工具。

    Voronoi map can provide visualized tool for the drought data distribution and check in the field .

  12. 在GIS上直观的显示出区域内土壤体积含水率的空间分布、变化趋势、各向异性的方向和大小、自相关距离,证实土壤墒情存在着空间变异和各向异性。

    Space distribution , transformation tendency , anisotropic direction magnitude and auto correlation distance are displayed by GIS software and it has been proved that space variance and anisotropy exist in soil moisture content .

  13. 基于GA-BP算法的土壤墒情预测

    Forecast Soil Moisture Constent Based on GA-BP

  14. 墒情分析系统对获得的数据进行了一系列的处理,采用B/S结构的方式,在墒情数据和地图服务的基础上实现墒情信息在线查询等功能,为用户提供Web服务。

    The obtained data is processed by a series of steps by the soil moisture analysising system , B / S structure way is used to achieve inquiring soil moisture online based on soil moisture and map service and provide Web service for users .

  15. 利用多年极轨气象卫星遥感资料,在计算出植被条件指数和温度条件指数的基础上,计算了遥感监测土壤墒情的植被温度条件指数(TV)。

    Based on the calculation results of Vegetation Condition Index ( VCI ), Temperature Condition Index ( TCI ), and the multi-year remote sensing data , the Vegetation Temperature Condition Index ( VT ) for remote sensing of soil moisture are calculated .

  16. 对地表下10cm深度土壤含水率的采样试验结果表明,2组测量数据在小范围内空间变异系数<10%,说明仪器性能稳定可靠。该测试仪能为变量灌溉和墒情监测提供科学依据。

    The experimental results indicated that the instrument provided a scientific basis for soil moisture monitor and variable irrigation .

  17. 论述了根据热惯量理论,利用气象卫星AVHRR资料,对华北平原的土壤墒情进行动态监测的方法。

    A dynamic monitoring method of soil moisture in North China was described , according to heat inertia theory , and by using polar orbit satellite AVHRR data .

  18. 以简化Penman-Monteith作物蒸散量计算模型为基础,构建基于WEB平台的农田墒情监测与水分管理系统。

    Which indicated a strong accordance between simulated and observed value . ( 5 ) On the basis of the predigested Penman-Monteith model , we build the field soil moisture monitoring and water management system base on WEB .

  19. 本文通过对墒情数据的相关分析、方差分析等,认为土壤水分传感器的合适埋设位置是地表下10cm、30cm、60cm、100cm处。

    In this paper , the moisture sensor laying place at 10 、 30 、 60 、 100cm under the earth is suggested through the related analysis of the data of soil moisture content .

  20. 第2年种植冬小麦收获期,2种处理休闲区的土壤含水量均显著高于CK1(传统隔年轮种),为后茬作物生长提供了较好的土壤墒情。

    When planted in the second year of winter wheat harvesting stage , the soil moisture of two fallow areas treatments were all higer than CK1 ( conventional rotation planting every other year ), so it provided better soil water for succeeding crop growth .

  21. 辽宁省墒情监测及旱情分析管理

    Study on Soil-moisture Monitoring and Drought Information Management of Liaoning Provincial

  22. 墒情是影响农作物生长的重要条件,对作物的生长和产量起着决定性的作用。

    It plays an important part in crop growth and yield .

  23. 特征空间法与墒情监测应用分析

    Application analysis of the characteristic space method in soil moisture monitoring

  24. 基于气象因子的金华市土壤墒情预测模型

    Soil Moisture Forecast Model Based on Meteorological Factors in Jinhua City

  25. 河南省不同土壤类型墒情变化规律

    Variation Regularities of Soil Water in Vari-Type Soils in Henan Province

  26. 区域农田土壤墒情监测与精量灌溉技术研究

    Research on regional farmland soil moisture monitoring and precision irrigation technology

  27. 反距离加权法适合田间墒情预测。

    IDW is suitable for drought distribution prediction in the field .

  28. 土层水量平衡模型在土壤墒情预报中的应用

    Equilibrium model of water quantity in soil applying to soil moisture forecast

  29. 非充分灌溉稻田墒情预报的人工神经网络模型

    Neural network model for soil moisture forecast in inadequate irrigation rice field

  30. 内蒙古地区玉米农田土壤墒情动态预测模式

    A dynamic forecasting model for maize soil moisture content in Inner Mongolia
