
bǔ cí
  • oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty on tortoiseshells or animal bones;oracle inscription shown on tortoiseshells or animal bones of Shan Dynasty
卜辞 [bǔ cí]
  • [oracle inscription shown on tortoiseshells or animal bones of Shan Dynasty] 中国商代在甲骨上铭刻的占卜之辞。凡祭祀、征伐、田猎、出入、年成、风雨、疾病等常用龟甲兽骨占卜吉凶,间有少数记事文字。亦称甲骨文

卜辞[bǔ cí]
  1. 其中战争卜辞所占比重较大,可谓甲骨文的重要内容之一。

    The war accounts for a large proportion of the Oracle-bone inscription .

  2. 试论祭祀卜辞中的数字观

    On Ideas of Number in the Oracle Inscriptions during Sacrifices

  3. 卜辞中的唐与唐尧故地

    Tang and Tang Yao Native place in Oracle Inscriptions

  4. 甲骨卜辞是商朝的国家档案。

    Oracle-bone inscriptions are the important state archives .

  5. 宾组卜辞五次月食的先后次序

    On the Order of the Five Lunar Eclipses in the Oracle Inscriptions of Bin Group

  6. 甲骨卜辞中还有奇数、偶数和倍数的概念。

    The notions of odd , even , and multiple also appeared on the oracle inscriptions .

  7. 何组卜辞材料比较零散,前人对它几乎没有过系统的综论。

    Ho Group Oracle consists of fragmented material , its predecessors have almost no systematic review .

  8. 因多为记录占卜之事,亦称卜辞。

    Since mainly used to record the facts of divination , it is also called oracle inscription .

  9. 甲骨卜辞中的晚商体育文化

    Sports Culture of Late Shang Dynasty Reflected by the Oracle Inscriptions on the Tortoise Shells and Animal Bones

  10. 贞旬卜辞在甲骨卜辞中是比较常见的一类卜辞,数量众多。

    There exit comparatively a large number of " Zhen Xun " in the bone shell oracle inscriptions .

  11. 殷墟卜辞曾多次记载殷人祭祀滳水、洹水。

    The Oracle inscriptions discovered in Yin Remains have records of Yin people worshiping Shang and Huan Rivers .

  12. 从甲骨卜辞说到中国古代的“?”晕“观念”

    From the bones or tortoise shells BOCI to the ancient concept of " jin " and " yun "

  13. 卜辞一篇约四五十字,最长的有百字左右。

    A piece of it is about forty or fifty words , the longest a hundred words or also .

  14. 宾组卜辞中曰字有用如介词于之例。

    In Bin ? diviner group inscriptions , " YUE " was sometimes used as preposition " YU " .

  15. 这些刻有卜辞的甲骨被妥善藏于窖穴之中,所以才能流传到现在。

    These shells and bones would be well preserved in cellars or caves and come down to modern times .

  16. 铜器铭文的叙事较之甲骨卜辞有了明显的变化,有些铭文已经可以看做为规范的记叙文。

    Compared with inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells , some bronze vessel inscriptions can be seen as standard narratives .

  17. 殷人是祭上帝的,卜辞中的方帝就是商人祭祀帝神的记录,而非祭祀方神。

    The people of Shang Dynasty offer sacrifice to God , as is reflected in oracle inscriptions about sacrifices for Fang Di .

  18. 商朝具有高度发展的青铜器时期城市文化,并且是中国已知第一个留下有文字记载一一甲骨卜辞的朝代。

    The Shang achieved a high level of bronze-age urban culture and is the first known state in China to leave written records-the oracle bones .

  19. 20年来发现了一些先于殷商卜辞的文字。这些文字的释义将进一步照亮中华文明的曙光。

    Writing systems earlier than Shang Dynasty oracles have been found . The interpretation of these will shed more light on the dawn of China .

  20. 在出土的商代甲骨卜辞中,被认定的日食纪事有5次。这是发生在公元前14世纪至12世纪之间的日食纪事。

    Excavated bone and tortoise shell inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty recorded five solar eclipses that took place beiween the 14th and 12th centuries BC .

  21. 甲骨文虽属于卜辞性质,但所记内容丰富多彩,涉及了当时社会生活的方方面面。

    Although the Oracle-bone inscription belongs to the divination in nature , the content is rich , including all aspects of social life at that time .

  22. 摘要里耶秦简是21世纪最重大的考古发现,其学术价值,足以与敦煌文献、甲骨卜辞媲美。

    Liye strips of Qin are the greatest archaeological discovery in the21st century , whose academic value is enough to match Dunhuang documents and Jiagu documents .

  23. 笔者利用直接认知、语法文例推证、综合比较三种方法对子组卜辞的子家族内部成员及子家族以外人物关系进行了梳理。

    Adopt three approaches of directly recognition , deduction from grammar and comprehensive comparison to identify the relationship of the characters in subfamily and outside the subfamily .

  24. 其中收录在第三、四册中的一部分周祭卜辞,存在着多方面的问题,如在相重、分期、按语以及释文等方面,尤其是释文方面存在的问题多而且琐碎。

    Yet there some errors in Volume 3 and Volume 4 of the book , for example the pictures , stages , comments and especially the annotations .

  25. 殷卜辞反映出举族与商王室同姓,常受商王之命从事农稼、田猎、征伐活动。

    The oracle inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty on tortoise shells or animal bones reflected that the Ju clan and Shang royal family used the same family name .

  26. 甲骨卜辞所见之巫者的建筑巫术活动本厂技术力量雄厚,生产经验丰富。

    The Shaman 's Work on Architecture , as Seen on the Shang Dynasty Oracle Bones Our factory has strong technical power and is rich in production experience .

  27. 若卜辞辞意难以推知,可以暂从语法学等角度对卜辞中的某些疑难字作词性上的定位。

    If some inscriptions are still difficult to be explained , we can temporarily deduce the lexical category of difficult characters from the point of view from the grammar .

  28. 本文对历组一类卜辞的特点,历组卜辞中的祭祀、诸妇、军事活动等内容作了论述。

    Based on the ancient literature , the article discussed the character , the sacrifice , the women and the militaristic activities in the oracle inscriptions of Li group .

  29. 本文举出敦煌汉简占书,性质与阜阳汉简《周易》相近,亦在卦名之后接抄卜辞。

    This paper introduces the Han bamboo slips manuscript divinatory book discovered at Dunhuang in which there are also similar divinatory records affiliated to the hexagram and line statements .

  30. 第一章以甲骨卜辞中“西母”为研究重点,对西王母原生态神格中的太阳文化进行分析;

    The first chapter makes an analysis of the solar culture about the original godhood of Hsi Wang Mu , which put special emphasis on " Hsi Wu " .