- 网络Ductile material;plastic material;Plastics

With the development of ultra-precision cutting technology , it is straight and valid to turn ductile materials with diamond tools .
Development of ELID Grinding Fluid for Plastic Material
Application of Elastic Viscoplastic Thermal Material Model in the Simulation of H-beam Hot Rolling Process
Polyethylene ( PP ) and Polypropylene ( PP ) are widely used thermoplastic materials .
Brief introduction of experimental study on the dynamic J-Resistance Curve of crack growth of elastic-plastic material
PLA is polymerized from lactic acid which is fermented by corn stalks or other crops .
Two kinds of finite element models were set up to compute J integral for cracked pipeline made of the elastic-plastic material .
The wing was made from a thermoplastic material using a STRATASYS 3D printer .
Analysis of ideal Drucker-Prager elastic-plastic material with spatial eight-joint element
Sub-incremental method for perfect elasto - plastic material based on D-P yield criteria
A rate-independent elastic-plastic material with Bauschinger effect may undergo spontaneous plastic flow in a workless way if some additive condition meets .
In accordance with the loads-bearing characteristic of underground reinforced concrete bifurcation , the analysis model and simulate method of the elasto-plastic materials such as surrounding rock and lining have been presented by using the FEM analysis software ANSYS .
The potential market of advantageous PTT as fiber and thermoplastic material is expected to be prosperous contributing to recent great breakthrough in the key raw material - 1,3 - PDO .
A thin Cu coating was deposited on both sides of AZ31 magnesium alloy to be joined to study the material flow in friction stir welding .
A modified hardening Dugdale strip yield model is proposed . The stress filed around ductile crack tip is determined by hybrid experimental-numerical analysis method .
This thesis study the simulation of electromagnetic field of MB chip and two key fabrication processes & fabrication of planar electromagnetic devices based on UV-LIGA and polymeric microfabrication .
In this paper , in view of a phenomenological plasticity theory for orthotropic material proposed by Hill , the history-dependent constitutive relation for plane strain case is obtained . The asymptotic solution of the plane strain mixed mode stationary crack problem in an elastoplastic material with plas (?)
A good understanding of the material flow can be helpful in predicting the formation of the joint , establishing the relationship between the welding tool and base metal and explaining the friction stir welding joining mechanism .
ELID grinding fluid ( BJUTY-SX1 ) for plastic material is got by optimizing from two types of ELID grinding fluid by increasing surface active agent and adjusting inorganic salt .
The cause of the invalidity of the HRR theory when it is applied to elastic-plastic materials in the plane strain case is analyzed and discussed , a dual-parameter fracture criterion is suggested for this case .
The asymptotic near-tip fields of dynamic steadily propagating Mode-I crack under plane strain condition in elastic-perfectly plastic materials and power-law hardening materials are studied . All the materials are assumed to obey the Von Mises yield criterion and the associated flow rule of plasticity .
Reviewed is the asymptotic analysis of the near tip field for a steady state mode I growing crack in Huber-Mises type of clastic-perfectly plastic materials under plane stress conditions .
Dynamical cavitation for an incompressible hyperelastic-plastic material sphere is studied . For the elastic deformation , neo-Hookean material is applied and for the plastic deformation , perfect plastic is applied which satisfied the incompressible condition and Tresca condition .
Micro-droplet injection molding ( MJM ) technology is a more advanced rapid prototyping technology . This technology has the function of molding parts with drop-on-command method , works close to the old-fashioned ink-jet printers .
Experimental Study for Measuring Dynamic Fracture-Initiation Toughness under Different Stress State
A new method to build constitutive relation of thermal viscoplastic material
A new model of tensile curve fitting for elastic plastic materials
An injection mould for measuring room of gas meter was developed .
Crack tip field of mode ⅱ growing crack in perfectly plastic material
Elastic-plastic stress field of growing crack in elastic-perfectly plastic solids