
sù jiāo
  • plastic cement;synthetic resin
塑胶[sù jiāo]
  1. 综述了我国塑胶阀门的生产、产品质量、原材料、应用等发展状况。

    This paper states the development state of production , quality , raw material and application of plastic cement valve .

  2. 适用于吸塑包装、工模、鞋模等蜡烛工艺、石膏工艺制品、玩具、塑胶工艺等行业模具制作。

    This product be used for suction mould package , working mould , shoes mould and other candle craftwork , gypsum craftwork product , toy , plastic cement craftwork mould making .

  3. 将罐子装在透明的塑胶袋中。

    Enclose the pot in a clear polythene bag

  4. 虽然体积变得极为微小,塑胶还是能撑超级久。

    On the microscale , though , it 's still super durable .

  5. 本机适于粘扣带,松紧带,塑胶拉练,纸带,塑胶带,排线,套管

    Suitable for cutting hook & Loop fastener , elastics , plastic zipper paper , plastics .

  6. 我们正是因为塑胶便宜、耐用但又可抛弃才大量制造。

    We make tons of plastic precisely because it 's cheap , durable and yet expendable .

  7. 因为我们是在最近才开始注意到海洋里这所有微塑胶。

    because we 've only recently started paying attention to all these microplastics in the oceans .

  8. 所以尽管塑胶碎屑被分解成更小块了,它还是不会消失。

    So while the plastic confetti gets broken into smaller pieces , it doesn 't go away .

  9. 将木头和海草碎屑分解成更简单的有机化合物的微生物无法轻易消化塑胶。

    The microorganisms that decompose ripped-up bits of wood and seaweed down into simpler organic compounds can 't easily digest plastic .

  10. 但直到我们那样做之前,问题是,海洋有跟塑胶一样顽强到能对付我们最爱的材料吗?

    But until we do , the question is , Will the oceans be plastic enough to deal with our favorite material ?

  11. 然而,尽管人们关切大面积的海洋垃圾带,大多数的海洋塑胶并不庞大。

    Yet , despite the publicity about huge garbage patches in the sea , most of the ocean 's plastic isn 't big .

  12. 和大型塑胶垃圾很容易就能观察到的影响不同,微塑胶的影响就和那些碎屑本身一般微妙且难以追踪。

    nlike the easy-to-observe impacts of large plastic trash , the effects of microplastics are as subtle and difficult to trace as the fragments themselves .

  13. 我们丢弃的购物袋和汽水瓶会因阳光变脆弱,接着在风及海浪中被分裂成微小的塑胶碎屑。

    Our castaway shopping bags and soda bottles get weakened by sunlight and torn apart in the wind and the waves into little bits of plastic confetti .

  14. 和其它材料不一样,塑胶不会生锈或腐坏。它可以存在好几世纪,即使当我们只需要它存在几秒钟时。

    And unlike other materials , plastic doesn 't rust or rot. It can last for centuries , even when we only need it to last a few seconds .

  15. 不过我们带给海洋生态系统多少塑胶垃圾是无可否认的事实,而塑胶极佳的耐用度也保证了它在未来几年会是一项议题。

    But it 's undeniable how much plastic trash we 've introduced into marine ecosystems , and the wonderful durability of plastic guarantees it 'll be an issue for years to come .

  16. 声明表示,所有在建的塑胶跑道都将暂停,有关部门要对招标过程及相关修建合同进行审查,确保质量的情况下才可继续施工。

    Construction of all synthetic racetracks are to be suspended until the bidding process and the contracts for the construction had been reviewed by authorities to ensure their quality , it said .

  17. 我们有可能可以藉着改用可生物分解塑胶、丢较少塑胶到海洋里来减低更长远的冲击,或清理散布最多塑胶的海洋区。

    It 's possible we can decrease further impacts by switching to biodegradable plastics , dumping less plastic in the oceans , or cleaning up the patches of sea most strewn with plastic .

  18. 大型塑胶对像鲸鱼、信天翁和海龟这些海洋动物来说无疑是坏消息,它们会有困在垃圾残骸或吞下大块塑胶的风险。

    Big pieces of plastic are definitely bad news for marine animals like whales , albatross , and sea turtles , which risk getting tangled in the debris or ingesting large pieces of it .

  19. 它只会随着时间扩散,这也就是为什么我们几乎在海洋的每个角落都发现微塑胶,从北极到南极,从海底到海面。

    It just spreads out over time , which is why we 've found microplastics pretty much everywhere in the oceans , from the Arctic to the Antarctic , and from the seafloor to the surface .

  20. 不过这些让塑胶对人类而言如此有益的特性也改变了海洋中的生命,我们抛弃的塑胶有差不多百分之十,也就是每年数百万吨,最后沉入海洋。

    But the features of plastic that make it so useful to us have also transformed life in the oceans , where as much as 10 percent of our discarded plastic , millions of tons per year , ends up .

  21. 教育部在媒体声明中表示,已经邀请环保和质检部门利用暑假对各地学校新建的塑胶跑道进行检查,发现不达标的立即拆除。

    In a statement released to the press , Ministry1 of Education said it had invited environmental protection and quality inspection2 authorities to check all newly-built synthetic3 racetracks at schools nationwide during the upcoming summer school break , and immediately remove substandard ones .

  22. 就许多方面来说,塑胶是完美材料--我们可以让它强韧坚固到足以建造宇宙飞船和替代骨骼,或让它够轻薄且有弹力,可以做出和五分钱硬币重量相同但却能耐重到八公斤的购物袋。

    In many ways , plastic is the perfect material — we can make it strong and rigid enough to build spaceships and replace bones , or thin and flexible enough to make shopping bags that weigh as much as a nickel but carry up to eight kilograms .

  23. 预防“家庭主妇手”,就要勤擦护手霜,在寒冷的天气带上棉手套或皮手套,别忘记在洗碗洗衣服时戴上塑胶手套,并尽量选用不伤手的洗洁精和洗衣液。

    To prevent against " housewife 's hand " , you should using hand cream frequently , wear cotton gloves or leather gloves in cold days , and don ’ t forget to put on your rubber gloves while doing dishes and laundry , buy the kind of dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent that is gentle to your hand .

  24. PVC塑胶地面在中高档建筑装饰中的应用

    Application of PVC Plastic ground on top-grade building decoration

  25. 本实用新型公开了一种3D变焦效果的塑胶型材及其制作专用模具。

    The utility model discloses a plastic profile with3D zooming effect and a special mould for manufacturing the plastic profile .

  26. 提供手板工程设计,产品结构开发,塑胶注塑成型及产品3D抄数输出,CNC加工。

    We supply designing of hand-board , planning of product structure , plastic forming , 3D output and CNC processing .

  27. 外壳采用进口ABS全原料塑胶,喷涂进口原装耐磨防酒精油漆,使外壳耐磨擦。

    Adopting imported ABS plastics for shell , spaying imported abrasive resistance alcohol-proof paint , makes shell friction-resistance .

  28. 公司介绍本公司是一家专业生产PBT改性工程塑胶的厂家。

    This company is a specialized production PBT modified project revertex factory .

  29. 同时,采用产品模流分析等CAE技术对塑胶产品模具开发过程进行后期质量评估。

    CAE techniques ( such as plastic products mold flow analysis ) are used for the post quality evaluation .

  30. ESL塑胶瓶保鲜奶灌装设备及特点

    Filling machine for ESL PE bottle dairy