
duò tāi
  • induced abortion;feticide;foeticide;aborticide
堕胎 [duò tāi]
  • [aborticide;induced aborlion] 打胎

堕胎[duò tāi]
  1. 中国见于史书记载的堕胎行为从汉代就开始了,并且形成三种堕胎技术。

    In the historical records induced abortion in China had come into light since Han Dynasty and three kinds of abortion techniques appeared simultaneously .

  2. 她支持反堕胎院外活动集团。

    Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby .

  3. 他们完全反对堕胎。

    They are totally opposed to abortion .

  4. 我一直反对堕胎。

    I 've always been anti-abortion .

  5. 堕胎从道德上讲合乎情理吗?

    Is abortion morally defensible ?

  6. 堕胎再次成为一个有争议的政治和道德议题。

    Abortion is once again a controversial political and moral issue .

  7. 反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。

    An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated .

  8. 这一投票结果被看作是反堕胎游说团体的一次失败。

    The vote is seen as a defeat for the anti-abortion lobby

  9. 对堕胎这个问题很少有理智的看法。

    Abortion is an issue which produces little reasoned argument .

  10. 我们想知道你对堕胎是怎么看的。

    We 'd like to know what you feel about abortion

  11. 他和妻子都强烈支持堕胎权。

    He and his wife both strongly support abortion rights .

  12. 最近的民意调查显示,60%的人赞成在某些情况下可以堕胎。

    Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances

  13. 反堕胎人士公开大声抗议。

    There was public outcry from those opposed to abortion .

  14. 他们说将会往法院中安排一些反对堕胎的法官。

    They said they were going to stack the court with anti-abortion judges

  15. 后半部分的辩论集中在堕胎问题上。

    The latter part of the debate concentrated on abortion .

  16. 她知道向谁去打听找一个为人堕胎的。

    She knew who to ask about finding an abortionist .

  17. 国王的立场必然会再次引发关于堕胎的令人头痛的辩论。

    The King 's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion

  18. 罗马教廷对堕胎的教义非常清楚:这是罪过。

    The Vatican 's teaching on abortion is clear : it is a sin

  19. 她对堕胎和女权主义的反对态度表明她是个不折不扣的传统主义者。

    Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist .

  20. 堕胎仍是美国人日常生活中的一个敏感议题。

    Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of US life .

  21. 仍有很多人对堕胎行为表示厌恶。

    There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent .

  22. 他在堕胎和同性恋权利问题上立场模糊。

    He 's waffled on abortion and gay rights

  23. 他出于信仰,拒绝签署使堕胎合法化的新法。

    He refused for reasons of conscience to sign a new law legalising abortion .

  24. 法庭的判决让反堕胎主义者非常得意。

    Anti-abortionists are gloating over the court 's decision

  25. 笃信天主教让她完全无法接受堕胎。

    Her strong Catholic beliefs made abortion unthinkable .

  26. 他们谈论了堕胎和其他敏感问题。

    They have talked about abortion and other emotional issues .

  27. 那名妇女决定堕胎。

    The woman decided to terminate the pregnancy .

  28. 多种考虑使她执意堕胎。

    A number of considerations have led her to have a wilful abortion .

  29. 堕胎合法化的问题在西方世界颇具争议。

    There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion in the western world .

  30. 正如她在描述孔雀花时所写的,“那些没有得到荷兰主人善待的印第安人,用种子来堕胎,这样孩子们就不会像他们一样成为奴隶。

    As she wrote in her description of the peacock flower , " The Indians , who are not treated well by their Dutch masters , use the seeds to abort their children , so that they will not become slaves like themselves . "