
  • 网络basic current
  1. 该滤波器由两个基本电流镜和两个无耗积分器构成,改变其输入信号的输入位置,可以实现不同类型的滤波响应特性。

    The filter uses two basic current mirrors and two loss-free integrators , and can realize different kinds of filtering responses by changing input signal forms .

  2. 本文方法被用于计算基本电流元的远区辐射场。

    This method demonstrates its accuracy by calculating the radiation fields of a current element .

  3. 一种双极型基本电流镜的改进电路

    A New Bipolar Transistor Current Circuit

  4. 由集成功放和运放组成基本电流源,并用基本电流源的并联来获得大电流输出。

    Fundamental current source consisted of integrated amplifiers of power and operation , and by means of parallel fundamental current sources obtained high-current output .

  5. 本文分析了电流传送器的基本镜像电流源和电压跟随器模块电路。

    The paper analyzes the fundamental part circuit of current conveyor , the current mirror and the voltage follower .

  6. 此外,等离子体射流的长度是随着外加电压以及电源频率的增加而增加的,并基本与电流的增长保持一致,但等离子体射流在丝状放电模式下的功率密度却基本保持不变。

    Furthermore , the length of discharge column is in direct proportion to the operating frequency and applied voltage of power supply , which almost has the same rising tendency as discharge current . But the absorbed power density of the plasma discharge in filament mode is almost unchanged .

  7. 针对传统微机母线保护中CT断线基本依靠差电流加延时来判别,而此种方法不够精确的问题。

    This paper proposes the problem that the conventional busbar protection diagnoses CT line breaking by differential current and time delay basically , that can 't distinguish rapidly .

  8. 基本WILSON镜像电流源的电流I与I′有良好的匹配性,但存在着小量电流失配的不足之处。

    The current of basic WILSON image current source between I and I ' matches well , but the defect of less current loss effects to a certain degree performance of measuring instrument when the circuit source is applied .

  9. 本文简述了该实验的原理、实验方法及测量结果,得出了太阳能电池基本参数短路电流Isc、开路电压Uoc与太阳能电池接收到的相对光强度J/J0的近似函数关系。

    The theory , method of experiment and result of measurement are described . And the approximate function of short circuit current I_ ( s 、 c ), open voltage U_ ( o 、 e ) and relative light intensity J / J_ ( 0 ) received .

  10. 该方法基本不对并网电流质量产生影响,检测盲区小,能有效并迅速的检测孤岛现象的发生。

    This method has no impact on the quality of the grid-connected current , the non-detection zone is small and it can detect the Islanding phenomenon effectively .

  11. 对基本时谐电流在磁化等离子体半空间的辐射进行了严格分析。

    The radiation emitted by a time-harmonic elementary current in the magnetized electron plasma half-space , bounded by an ideal electric plane , is investigated using an exact formulation .

  12. 理论和仿真结果表明:非线性电感模型和分段线性电感模型反映的电流特性基本一致,电流闭环控制时两种模型反映的平均转矩相同。

    The theoretical study and the simulation indicate that the linear and nonlinear modeling methods are essentially coincident in current characteristics , and show that the average torque characteristics have the same performances under the closed-loop control condition .

  13. 本文依据基本的开关电流单元电路中时钟馈通误差的产生机理和数学模型,提出了一种时钟馈通的主体误差抵消方案,该方案在实现时结构简单,无需复杂时钟系统的参与。

    According to the mechanism and the math model of the clock feed through of the basic SI cell , this paper presents a new clock-feed through compensation scheme that needs a simple circuit architecture and simple clock system .

  14. 对整流器电流的控制是研究的重点也是难点,本文基于该思想分析了电流控制的两种基本方式即间接电流控制和直接电流控制。

    This paper analyzes the two basic control methods of current control that indirect current control and direct current control .

  15. 介绍了城市轨道交通杂散电流的基本概念、杂散电流腐蚀的机理,以及杂散电流的危害。

    This paper introduces the basic concept of stray current of rail transit and elaborates the corrosion mechanism of stray current .

  16. 该智能断路器控制器不仅具备基本的三段电流保护功能,还具有液晶显示、热记忆、自诊断等功能;

    Besides three kinds of basic safeguard functions , the intelligent circuit breaker controller has the characteristics of LCD display , heat-memory and self-diagnosis .

  17. 总结了感应电机矢量控制基本规律,对于电流模块,在其连续时间表达式的基础上,经时间域离散得到其相应的数字表达式。

    The basic rule of vector control of induction machine is summarized , and for current model , a corresponding numerical expression is gained by the discretization of time domain on the basis of continuous time expression ;

  18. 提出了误差校正控制方法,在传统电网电压前馈的基础上通过误差校正实现了负载电流前馈,基本消除了负载电流的影响。

    A novel error-correcting control method is proposed then , by which not only the utility voltage feed forward is used but the load current feed forward is also realized . With this method , the influence of the load current is eliminated .

  19. 介绍了电流跟踪控制的基本原理以及采用电流跟踪控制时电流误差的计算,设计出一种带有电流跟踪控制器的直流调速系统,分析了该系统的工作原理并计算出调节器的参数。

    This paper presents the basic principle of tracking current control and the calculation of current error when tracking current control is taken . A DC variable speed system with tracking current controller is designed , the system ′ s working principle is analyzed and the adjuster parameter is calculated .

  20. 直接由标量基本微元(点源)和矢量基本微元(电流元等)的对称性和两个基本假设讨论基本微元产生的场矢量的性质。

    The characteristics of the fields vectors , produced by the elementary sources of classical fields , are discussed directly from the symmetry of the elementary sources and two basic hypotheses .

  21. 器件的效率在70Ω左右时也达到最高。本论文主要以太阳电池基本制造工艺技术为基础,对太阳电池的基本特性(短路电流、开路电压)、输出特性、转换效率等进行说明。

    The efficiency of solar cells can reach a maximum by70 Ω . In this thesis , based on the basic solar cell manufacturing process technology , we explain the basic characteristics of the solar cell ( short-circuit current , open-circuit voltage ), output-characteristic , conversion efficiency and so on .