
  • 网络Urban Fundamental Geographic Information;Urban FundamentaI Geographic lnformation
  1. GIS界在不久的将来面临的真正挑战是地理信息的更新与共享,对城市基础地理信息数据库更新技术方法与更新工程的研究与探讨,已成为摆在我们面前迫在眉睫的任务。

    The real challenge in the GIS domain in the future is updating and sharing of geography information data . The data revision technique and project tenor of urban basic geography information database have become the urgency task now .

  2. 城市基础地理信息系统地形要素代码设计与符号化

    Design and Symbolization of Relief Feature Codes of Urban Basic GIS

  3. 城市基础地理信息更新与应用体系探讨

    Discussion on Revision and Application of Urban Basic Geographical Information System

  4. 城市基础地理信息平台框架及关键技术研究

    Urban Fundamental Geographical Information Platform Framework and Key Technology Study

  5. 基于关系数据库的城市基础地理信息系统研究

    Research of Urban Basic Geographic Information System Based on Full Relation Database

  6. 城市基础地理信息系统中大比例尺地形图分幅与编号

    Research on Mapping Division of Urban Foundational Geographic Information System

  7. 城市基础地理信息系统数据更新方法的研究

    Research on Data - updating Methods of Urban Foundational GIS

  8. 城市基础地理信息系统建立的几个问题

    On the Establishment of Urban Fundamental Geographical Information Systems

  9. 广州市城市基础地理信息系统的建设与发展

    The Construction and Development of Guangzhou Urban Basic GIS

  10. 重庆城市基础地理信息系统建设及应用

    The Construction and Applications of Chongqing Urban Fundamental GIS

  11. 城市基础地理信息服务的变革应对

    The Countermeasures to Reform City Basic Geomatics Information Service

  12. 城市基础地理信息数据库建设若干问题的研究

    Research on Establishing Urban Foundational Geographic Database

  13. 城市基础地理信息中心安全保密系统的设计

    Provincial Geomatics Center Security System Design

  14. 中小城市基础地理信息建设中的问题与建议

    The problems and advice of establishment of basic spatial geographic information in middle and small cities

  15. 城市基础地理信息系统(UBGIS)是为城市空间数据基础设施建设服务的大型软件系统。

    Urban Basic Geographic Information System is a large software system serving for the construction of " Urban Spatial Data Infrastructure " .

  16. 城市基础地理信息平台关键技术研究城市基础地理信息平台以海量数据集成的方式来对城市情况进行数字化存储和描述,为城市信息应用提供统一的基础数据框架,是数字城市建设的核心。

    Urban Fundamental Geographical Information Framework The Urban Fundamental Geographical Information Platform ( UFGIP ) is a key goal of the digital city .

  17. 城市基础地理信息一般包括基础地图、基础地质、控制测量成果、综合管线、影像信息等内容。

    Base topographic map , geological information , control surveying results , pipeline data and image data are the data components in an Urban Fundamental GIS generally .

  18. 本文探讨了城市基础地理信息系统的主要内容,软件平台的选用以及基础地理信息的空间数据的获取方法。

    This paper discusses the main contents of foundational geographic information system in city , selection of software and the method of taking data of spatial place .

  19. 介绍了城市基础地理信息政务平台、专题勘测信息公众服务平台和导航位置服务三种服务模式。

    It introduces particularly three models : city basic geographical information government affair platform , theme exploration and survey information service platform , and navigation location service .

  20. 当城市基础地理信息发生变化后,系统很难根据基础地理信息的变化,对城市防震减灾专业信息作出相应的更新,这严重地削弱了系统在城市防震减灾中的功效。

    Information in the systems is usually difficult to be updated with the varieties of urban foundation geography information , which severely weakens the effect of the system .

  21. 从城市基础地理信息的数据内容、地图比例尺、位置精度、空间数据的拓扑关系及数据更新等方面,讨论城市基础地理信息系统的建立。

    This paper discusses the establishment of urban fundamental GIS through introducing the data connotation of urban base geographic information , map scale , positioning precision , spatial topology relation , data revision and so on .

  22. 本文介绍了在建立城市基础地理信息系统的过程中,产生的误差类型,并对空间数据的数字化采集、属性数据的编辑、两者之间的相互关系提出了一些质量控制的方法和措施。

    The error type is introduced in building city basal geographic information system , some methods and measures of quality control are proposed of spatial data collection , the editing of attribute data and their correlation .

  23. 应用航测数字成图技术获取城市GIS基础地理信息的实践与认识

    Urban Geo-information Acquisition with Photogrammetric Digital Mapping Technology

  24. 以获取威海市190km21∶500数字地图的数图编辑为例(已获2000年国家金奖),详细介绍了应用航测法获取城市GIS基础地理信息的数图编辑技术及特点。

    This paper introduces in digital map compiling technique and characteristics using aerophotogrammetry to obtain urban GIS basic geographic information in my institute , as the result of obtaining urban basic infomation of Weihai city about 190 km 2 1 ∶ 500 digital map .

  25. 城市空间基础地理信息系统框架和内容的探讨

    A Discussion on Frame and Content of Urban Spatial Base GIS

  26. 本文可为以后各省份和城市的基础地理信息数据库建设提供参考。

    This paper can support a reference for province and city fundamental geographic database construction .

  27. 文章介绍了在城市基础空间地理信息系统(is)动态管理过程中,建筑物规划定位的实施方法,及该方法对基础地理信息系统数据库的更新作用。

    The paper introduced the implementation method of urban buildings planing in the course of dynamic management of the basic geographical information system , and introduced the mothod 's renewal function to foundation GIS database .

  28. 关于城市基础空间数据地理信息分类编码的探讨

    Discussion on the Classification and Coding of Urban Fundamental Geo-Spatial Data

  29. 城市道路信息是城市基础地理信息的重要组成部分,对城市规划、汽车导航、地理信息数据库更新、地图制图等具有重要意义。

    City Road is an important part of the urban basic geographic information , it is very important for urban planning , vehicle navigation , geographic information database update , and cartography .

  30. 在“数字城市”建设如火如荼的今天,城市基础地理信息分类编码的制定成为激烈探讨的话题。

    Classification and code establishment for urban fundamental geo-spatial data is becoming a hot topic since Digital City construction is inevitable .