
  • 网络urban waterlogging
  1. 哈尔滨市城市内涝监测预警系统建设

    Construction of the Urban Waterlogging Monitoring and Forecasting System of Harbin City

  2. 利用空间分析建立简化的城市内涝模型

    Establishment of simplified urban waterlogging model using spatial analysis

  3. 基于GIS的城市内涝灾害分析模型研究

    Study on the disaster analysis modal of water-logging in city based on CIS

  4. GIS模型在城市内涝灾害分析、评估和对策中的应用

    The Application of GIS Model in the Analysis , Evaluation and Countermeasure of Urban Waterlog Disaster

  5. 本文重点讨论了如何利用GIS模型技术构建城市内涝灾害分析模型、评估模型和对策模型。

    The thesis focuses on how to use GIS to build urban waterlog analysis model , evaluation model and countermeasure model .

  6. GIS作为一种空间信息处理的强大工具,在城市内涝灾害的分析和预防中起了重要的作用。

    As a powerful tool for handling spatial information , GIS plays an important role in the analysis and the prevention of urban waterlog disaster .

  7. 公共卫生与城市内涝

    The public health in wastewater of waterlogging in City

  8. 三存在严重雨季积水和城市内涝现象,城市防汛安全受到威胁。

    Three rainy city water and serious flood , water-logging phenomenon city threats .

  9. 城市内涝在中国较为普遍。

    Urban waterlogging is relatively common in China .

  10. 根据城市内涝的情况,应因地制宜地采取防治措施。

    In accordance with urban waterlogging situation , controlment measures should be taken according to local conditions .

  11. 近年来,南宁市城市内涝频繁发生,造成严重的经济损失和社会影响,成为各界普遍关注的城市问题。

    In recent years , water-logging occurs frequently in Nanning , which brings huge economic loss and bad effect .

  12. 城市内涝防治需要社会各界的极度关注,作为城市规划师,城市规划建设如何最大程度地避免城市内涝的发生并减少灾害损失是义不容辞的责任和义务。

    How to prevent and cure the urban waterlogging problems needs extreme attention from all walks of life , as a city planner .

  13. 目前,有大量的学者都对防治城市内涝进行了很多研究。

    Currently , a large number of scholars have conducted a number of studies in regards to the prevention and treatment of urban waterlogging .

  14. 为了解决韶关市城市内涝问题,韶关水文分局开始研究建立城市内涝预警预报系统。

    In order to solve a waterlogging problem inside urban area of Shaoguan , Shaogugan hydrological branch is planning to establish a waterlogging forecast and alert system .

  15. 然而城市内涝成因复杂,现有解决方案也多为水文水利工程、市政工程等学科角度,具有一定的局限性。

    Urban waterlogging has complex causes , however , the existing solutions are more for hydrology and water conservancy engineering , municipal engineering and other disciplines perspective , has certain limitations .

  16. 城市内涝所造成的城市积水问题,影响了人民的正常生活,并给国家和人民的财产造成了严重的损失。

    Questions such as the urban water accumulation that caused by the urban water-logging , have influenced the people 's normal life , and has seriously caused to loss property of country and people .

  17. 城市内涝问题不仅威胁城市的健康和安全,也造成巨大的生命和财产损失,防涝成为城市安全的新命题。

    Urban waterlogging problems are not only the threat of the city health and safety , but also caused huge losses of life and property . which makes the prevent waterlogging become the new mission of the city security .

  18. 用市区2011年8月25日的几个代表站点的雨量实况值,模拟出西安市区积水区域,与实况比较后,效果较好,能够满足西安城市内涝灾害预报预警需求。

    Using observational rainfall data of August 25th , 2011 from several representative stations to simulate urban waterlogging area of Xi ' an , the results were good and could meet the need of waterlogging disaster early-warning of Xi ' an .

  19. 由于城市内涝灾害多年来持续威胁城市安全,给城市的正常运转带来风险,因此本文将风险的概念引入城市内涝问题研究,结合先进的计算机模拟手段模拟雨水系统不同工况并进行城市内涝风险评价。

    Since the urban security is constantly threatened by waterlogging disaster and there are some risks in the normal operation , in this paper risk assessment is applied to the study of city waterlogging and computerized simulation method is used to model different situations .

  20. 近年来,陕西省西安、咸阳、宝鸡等市因强降水造成的城市内涝灾害日益突出,对城市运行和市民生活造成很大影响。

    In recent years , due to heavy rainfall , waterlogging disasters have became increasingly prominent in urban areas of Xi ' an , Xianyang , Baoji of Shaanxi province and cause great impact on running of the city and daily living of people .

  21. 城市内涝是指在城市区域范围内,由于短时间雨量强度较大,同时城市地表不透水区域的渗透能力、蓄水能力较弱,因而在短时强降雨情况下形成地表径流的一种区域性洪涝灾害。

    Urban waterlogging refers to the urban area within , due to the short-time rainfall intensity is large , while urban surface impervious area of infiltration capacity , moisture-holding capacity is weak , so in short intense rainfall when surface runoff formation under a regional flood disaster .

  22. 城市暴雨内涝数学模型的研究与应用

    Research and application of the mathematical model for urban rainstorm water logging

  23. 对上海城市暴雨内涝灾害历史灾情进行了分析。

    Historical waterlogging disasters were analyzed in Shanghai .

  24. 介绍了西安城市暴雨内涝灾害气象预警系统的技术路线及原理。

    The technical route and principles of city meteorological early warning system of rainstorm and water logging in Xi an are introduced .

  25. 基于GIS的城市社区暴雨内涝灾害风险评估

    GIS-Based Disaster Risk Assessment of the Urban Community Rainstorm Waterlogging

  26. 分析了城市化对暴雨内涝灾害风险分布的影响,介绍了天津市暴雨内涝灾害仿真模型的基本原理及实际暴雨过程的验证情况。

    The urbanization 's effect on risk distribution caused by water logging disaster is analyzed in this paper , the basic theory and verification of the water logging simulated model are also introduced .

  27. 近些年来,随着城市化进程的加快,城市内涝灾害日趋严重。

    In recent years , with the acceleration of urbanization process in Nanjing , the city waterlogging disasters become more and more serious .

  28. 随着全球气候变暖和城市化进程的加快,城市暴雨内涝已引起各国政府和学者的高度关注。

    With global warming and the acceleration of urbanization , urban storm waterlogging has aroused great concerns of governments and experts .

  29. 通过实地勘测,历史资料调查,并根据城市产流机制及地表径流形成过程,介绍了城市内涝预警系统的建设思路。

    This paper introduces some constructive thinks based on data from field surveying , history investigation , analysis on drainage system inside city , and study of formation cause for surface-water runoff .

  30. 由于城市化的快速发展,目前我国许多城市都承受着城市内涝灾害的严重困扰,严重危害了城市居民的生命和财产安全,很大程度上制约了城市的经济和社会发展。

    With the fast development of urbanization in our country , waterlogging problem is more and more serious in many cities .