
This paper analyzes the causation and character of the two larger flood in Qingan County in20 century and summaries the experiences and lessons .
The comparatively large floods occurred in the middle reach of the Yangtze River in 1996 , with the flood levels at Dongting Lake and Chenglingji district on the main stem of the Yangtze River exceeding their historical highest flood levels .
Beibei is one of nine main urban areas of Chongqing , and is important industrial base in Chongqing . If the flood of beibei suffer larger , which produces loss will be enormous .
In the wet season of summer , the pilot wetland system could bear a short-period flood hydraulic loading , and ammonia nitrogen and COD removal rates were 52 % and 36 % respectively at the hydraulic loading of 100cm / d.
Acting as an extreme flow regimeing , flood disturbance has positive effects on eco-environment , except for a certain degree of eco-environment destroying and social economy disasters .
Groups of medium and small-sized reservoirs have greater influence to the peak discharge and runoff volume of an individual flood and smaller influence to an individual flood of continuous floods .