
  • 网络urban population density
  1. 基于GoogleEarth的城市人口密度研究&以广东清远为例

    Urban Population Density Based on Google Earth : A Case of Qingyuan City , Guangdong Province

  2. 城市人口密度衰减的分形模型及其异化形式&对Clark模型和Sherratt模型的综合与发展

    The Fractal Model of Urban Population Density & Decay and Its Related Forms : Derivation and Synthesis of Clark Model and Sherratt Model

  3. 那个城市人口密度很高。

    The density of population in that city was very high .

  4. 各国的城市人口密度数据是难以进行比较的。

    Urban density data are difficult to compare among countries .

  5. 城市人口密度、国内市场规模与就业增长

    City Population Density , Home Market Scale and Increasing Employment

  6. 基于遥感影像的城市人口密度模型

    Modeling Urban Population Density with Remote Sensing Imagery

  7. 随着城市人口密度的增加,高层建筑越来越成为流行趋势。

    With the increase of the population density , High-rise buildings become more and more popular .

  8. 随着我国工业化程度的不断提高和城市人口密度的不断增加,污水处理工艺越来越复杂,对污水处理控制系统的要求也越来越高。

    Along with industrialization degree advancing and city population density increasing in our country , wastewater treatment technics becomes more and more complex .

  9. 房地产开发投资额、国内生产总值、在岗职工平均工资、人均居住面积和城市人口密度这5个变量是城市间住宅用地价格水平差异的主要影响因素。

    They are the investment of real estate development , gross domestic product , the density of population , average wages bill of full-employed staff and workers , average residential area .

  10. 除房地产开发投资额以外,人均可支配收入和城市人口密度对中西部地区城市之间住宅用地价格水平差异影响较大;

    Except the investment of real estate development , per capita annual disposable income of urban households & the density of population are the influence factors of interurban residential site differences for the west area .

  11. 我国是一个城市人口密度较大的国家,客车是城市公共交通的主力,客车低地板化是适应城市现代化公共交通发展的需求。

    In our country , buses are the most important traffic tools in the cities because of the large density of people . Low flow city bus is developed to meet the need of modern public traffic .

  12. 轨道交通也特别适合我国大城市人口密度高,高峰期对交通需求量大的特点。

    It is also fit for the features of high population density and high demand for traffic peak . In the mean time , people come up with higher requirements and aims on the running and administration of urban track traffic .

  13. 作为人为可控预测指标,减少人口密度特别是城市人口密度,提高建(构)筑物抗震能力及预测预报水平,对于减少地震灾害人员伤亡起更重要的作用。

    In these factors , reducing population density ( especially city population density ), improving earthquake-proof capability of buildings and enhancing forecasting accuracy , which could be affected by human activities , are more important for reducing the casualties in earthquakes .

  14. 然而其中的逻辑十分清晰,布鲁金斯学会研究报告的作者伊丽莎白尼伯恩(ElizabethKneebone)这样写道:在较为贫穷、少数族裔较多、最初犯罪率较高的大城市和人口密度高的近郊,犯罪率下降得最快。

    But the logic is clear , as Elizabeth Kneebone , an author of the Brookings study , notes : Crime fell fastest in big cities and high-density suburbs that were poorer , more minority , and had higher crime rates to begin with .

  15. 城市居住人口密度估算模型的研究

    Model of Estimating Population Density in the Residential Quarter of Urban

  16. 城市空间人口密度模型研究综述

    An Econometric Study on the Urban Population Density Functions : A Survey

  17. 它们的共同点是:都是富裕国家中的中型城市,人口密度相对较低。

    The common denominators : They 're all medium-size cities in prosperous countries , with relatively low population densities .

  18. 一个城市的人口密度,从事具辐射功能行业的人口比例等均能反映其中心性的大小,而行业结构则是影响中心性的关键因素。

    Key city 's centricity is reflected by both population density and proportion of people whose occupations have motive function , while industry structure is the key factor to influence centricity .

  19. 在利用遥感技术研究城市人口分布密度和热岛强度之间密切关系的数学模型的数值表达上,做了初步的研究和探索。

    Worked out the preliminary probing or studying therewith the expressible mathematical model , used the remote sensing technology to study the relation between the density of population and the intensity of urban hot-island effect .

  20. 兰州市作为甘肃省省会城市,人口密度较大,老年人口抚养比较大,人口老龄化程度超过全国总水平。

    As the capital of Gansu Province , Lanzhou has a relatively high population density . This city needs to support excessive aged population considering its population ageing that is higher than the nationwide average level .

  21. 城市范围内人口密度588人/平方公里。

    The population density in urban areas is 588 people / km2 .

  22. 城市人口空间分布密度衰减模型的一个理论证明

    A theoretical proof of Clark 's model on spatial distribution density of urban population

  23. 中国东部大城市中心城区人口密度过高,人口疏解工作势在必行。

    The population density is so high in metropolises in the eastern region of China that it is imperative to redistribute urban residents .

  24. 然而,默多克大学科学与技术研究所的研究小组的研究证实了城市人口和工作密度在几十年的下降之后从二十世纪八十年代以来反而增长或保持不变。

    However , the ISTP team 's research demonstrates that the population and job density of cities rose or remained constant in the1980s after decades of decline .

  25. 随着全球经济的发展,城市里的人口密度逐渐加大,交通运输的压力也随之日益增长,为了缓解城市交通压力,我国大力规划发展轨道交通事业。

    With the development of global economy , the urban population is increasingly intensive , so that the pressure of traffic is increasingly higher . In order to alleviate the traffic situation , China has been devoting major efforts to the development of urban rail transit .

  26. 基坑工程一般集中在城市人口密集、建筑密度大的狭小场地。

    Foundation pits generally gather at the field with large population and construction density and small spatial scale .

  27. 今天,中国许多城市中心地区的人口密度依然很大,并受到争夺空间的自行车和汽车的约束。

    Today , the centres of the many Chinese cities are still densely populated and cramped by bicycles and cars vying for space .

  28. 从市中心到城市边缘,随着人口密度和建筑密度的下降,绿化的数量逐渐增加。

    From the downtown to the urban fringe , the greening coverage is increased along with the decrease of the population density and building density .

  29. 回归结果表明社会经济因素对湖北省人口分布有较大影响,特别是地区城市化水平与人口密度呈显著的正相关。

    Regression results show that the social and economic factors that has a great influence on the population distribution in Hubei province , especially the regional urbanization level and population density has significantly positive correlation .

  30. 而我国在城市化的进程中,城市人口密度加大,用地逐年紧张。

    And our country in the course of urbanization , the urban population density increase , land year after year nervous .