
lǒnɡ duàn jìnɡ zhēnɡ
  • monopolistic competition
  1. 新增长理论与新贸易理论的发展实际上是同源的,都是沿袭DS模型将报酬递增与垄断竞争市场结构相结合。

    New growth theories and new trade theories actually share the same origin , both of which combine increasing return and the market structure of monopolistic competition into the model .

  2. 沿袭Dixit&Stiglitz(1977)的垄断竞争一般均衡框架,Krugman(1991a)阐释了在规模经济和运输成本作用下,制造业的空间集聚过程。

    Following the general equilibrium model with monopolistic competition , which was developed by Dixit and Stiglitz ( 1977 ), Krugman ( 1991a ) elucidated the geographical agglomeration of industries subject to scale of economics and transportation cost .

  3. 在SCP范式基础上,通过一个理论模型说明即使放弃SCP假说垄断竞争假定,银行业市场集中度变化也会对银行绩效产生影响。

    Although abandon the SCP hypothesis assuming monopoly competition based on a theoretical model of SCP paradigm , changes of the banking market concentration will also have an impact on the banks performance . 3 .

  4. 寡头垄断竞争中车险价格行为的实证研究

    Experimental Study on Motor Insurance Pricing in an Oligopoly Competition Market

  5. 垄断竞争视角下的技术标准

    On Standard Strategy in the Perspective of Monopolistic Competition Theory

  6. 寡头垄断竞争管制的博弈模型

    The Game Model of Oligopoly Competition Regulation Regulation and Control

  7. 第二,垄断竞争是确保银行业活力的市场条件,适度垄断构成了对银行业的盈利激励,适度竞争构成了对银行业的创新激励;

    Second , monopolistic competition ensures the vigor of banks .

  8. 本文运用新凯恩斯主义垄断竞争模型来研究中国经济波动问题。

    This paper studies China 's economic fluctuation in a New Keynesian model .

  9. 国内银行业集中度较高,具有垄断竞争的市场特征。

    Bank industry has great centrality and demonstrates the characteristics of imperfect competition .

  10. 垄断竞争理论的比较研究

    Comparative Studies in the Theory of Monopoly Competition

  11. 构建我国农产品垄断竞争市场结构

    Building a New Structure of Monopolistic Competition in the Agricultural Products Market in China

  12. 旅游系统的空间结构:一个具有不对称特点的垄断竞争的空间模型

    Spatial Structure of Tourism System : A Spatial Model for Monopolistic Competition with Asymmetry

  13. 垄断竞争和最优的产品多样化

    Monopolistic Competition and Optimum of Product Diversity

  14. 有效的银行业市场结构应是垄断竞争的市场结构。

    The effective market structure of banking should be the coexistence of monopoly and competition .

  15. 寡头垄断竞争格局依然明显,缺乏适度竞争;

    The oligopolistic competition framework remains unchanged and there is a lack of due competition ;

  16. 中国经济波动&基于新凯恩斯主义垄断竞争模型的分析

    China 's Economic Fluctuation : An Analysis Based on the New Keynesian Monopolistic Competition Model

  17. 基于寡头垄断竞争行业,研究了企业横向兼并的获利性和社会福利问题。

    The profitability and social welfare of horizontal mergers is studied based on the oligopoly market .

  18. 因此,我国林地产权市场模式只能是垄断竞争型的。

    Therefore , the mode of timberland property right in China can only be monopoly-competition mode .

  19. 厂商数目有限交易费用不同的垄断竞争的空间模型

    Space Models for Monopoly Competition : Under Limited Number of Companies and Different Cost of Trade

  20. 关税升级与垄断竞争产业发展:基于空间经济学的分析

    Tariff Escalation and the Development of Monopolistic Competition Industry : A Study Based upon Spatial Economics

  21. 双头垄断竞争有助于扩展市场、提高产品质量、降低产品价格;

    The duopoly competition can expand the market , and prove the quality and lower the price ;

  22. 使用图形来说明为什么一个追求利润最大化的垄断竞争企业必须在产能过剩。

    Use a graph to demonstrate why a profit-maximizing monopolistically competitive firm must operate at excess capacity .

  23. 产品的什么特性让我们能区分是垄断竞争还是垄断市场?

    What feature of the product being sold distinguishes a monopolistically competitive firm from a monopolistic firm ?

  24. 垄断竞争模型产品有差异,但不能完全替代。模型不一定在于现实性,而在于其简单性。

    The main appeal of the monopolistic competition model is not its realism , but its simplicity .

  25. 从高度分散的自由竞争市场结构向集中的垄断竞争市场结构发展是市场经济发展的必由之路。

    The direction of market economy development is from a highly decentralized free competition structure toward monopoly competition .

  26. 最后指出随着我国汽车保有量的增加,将逐步建成有近百家保险公司组成的垄断竞争模式的汽车保险市场,并提出了相应的对策建议。

    Finally , some suggestions for forming a monopolistic competition market with 100 insurance companies are put forward .

  27. 揭示了垄断竞争型市场中的兼并行为与寡头垄断型市场的基本差异。

    The conclusions in this paper reveal the basic difference of merging behavior between monopolistic competition and oligopoly .

  28. 完全竞争、垄断竞争、寡头垄断、完全垄断并举的市场结构。

    And in the market structure , perfect competition , monopolistic competition , oligopoly monopoly and perfect monopoly develop simultaneously .

  29. 第一,组织体系变迁路径,即由单一银行制度到垄断竞争制度再到竞争性银行制度;

    Firstly , organizing system transitions path , from single bank system to monopoly competition system then to competitive bank system ;

  30. 央视新闻频道由于其独特的地位和新闻资源优势,将会加剧中国电视新闻垄断竞争和有限合作的局面。

    CCTV-news will worsen the monoply competition and limited cooperation owning to its unique position and the advantage of news resources .