
  • 网络leniency program;leniency policy
  1. 一般而言,宽恕制度适用的行为对象是卡特尔违法行为。

    In general , leniency program is applicable to cartel conduct .

  2. 当然,在实践中宽恕制度也受到一些批评和质疑。

    However , the leniency program is questioned and criticized in practice .

  3. 宽恕制度的生命:实施经验比较研究

    The Life of Leniency Policy : Comparative Research on Implement Experience

  4. 但从产生起,宽恕制度始终因其存在的正当性问题而受到部分学者的质疑。

    However , Leniency Program is always questioned about its legitimacy after production .

  5. 一方面,我国应该完善宽恕制度规则。

    On the one hand , the rules of leniency program should be improved .

  6. 为解决我国反垄断法宽恕制度立法和实施中存在问题,我国应该采取一些措施。

    Some measures should be taken to solve these problems on legislation and implementation of leniency program .

  7. 因此,有必要对我国反垄断法宽恕制度进行系统的制定及研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to antimonopoly law system in the formulation of forgiveness system and research .

  8. 本文正文分为四个部分,第一部分是反垄断宽恕制度的概述。

    This thesis is divided into four parts . The first part introduces the outline of the Leniency Policy .

  9. 晚近诞生并广泛传播的反垄断法中的宽恕制度充分体现了反垄断法的基本价值追求。

    Leniency program , which is recent birth and widespread , fully reflects the basic value of anti-monopoly law .

  10. 宽恕制度适用的主体对象是实施卡特尔违法行为的从事生产经营活动的市场主体。

    The main objects of leniency program are market players engaged in production and business operations who participate in cartel .

  11. 文章的框架为:第一部分,简述反垄断法的宽恕制度。

    The article is divided into four parts : The first part , an overview of anti-monopoly law of forgiveness system .

  12. 结合我国实情和研究需要,采取宽恕制度这一术语比较妥当。

    Considering the actual situation and the research needs in China , it is proper to adopt the expression of leniency program .

  13. 论核心卡特尔中的宽恕制度及我国《反垄断法》对其规制和完善

    An analysis on leniency program of hard core cartel and the regulation and perfection of this rule by China 's anti-monopoly law

  14. 一个国家要确保宽恕制度取得成功必须存在一些恰当的先决条件,而这些条件是宽恕制度有效实施的基石。

    There are some prerequisites which are essential cornerstones that must be in place before a jurisdiction can successfully implement a leniency program .

  15. 反垄断法中的宽恕制度作为反垄断法的一项微观制度,就一国的宽恕制度来讲,其能否有效运行要受制于许多因素。

    Leniency program is a micro system of anti-monopoly law , which can be influenced by related systems and factors in a jurisdiction .

  16. 自美国1978年首次实行宽恕制度以来,多数国家都在本国竞争法律制度中借鉴美国立法,设立了宽恕制度。

    Since the United States carried out the Leniency program in 1978 , most of the countries introduced this program in their competition law .

  17. 第一,对世界各国的成功经验进行分析总结,找出适合我国立法与实践的宽恕制度的移植路径。

    Summarize the successful experiences of countries in the world and learn , find out the way to transplantation that appropriate legislation and practice .

  18. 此外,为了保证宽恕制度的有效实施,对反垄断执法机构的建设也是必要的。

    Last but not least , in order to ensure the effective implementation of the leniency policy , it is also necessary to construct the enforcement agency .

  19. 同时,反垄断法中的宽恕制度作为一项较为独特的卡特尔查处工具,其还应与相关的法律制度尤其是反垄断民事损害赔偿制度相协调。

    Meanwhile , leniency program is a unique tool for cartel investigation , which should be coordinated with the related legal system , particularly the antitrust civil damage .

  20. 本部分内容通过对宽恕制度概念和特征的阐述,论证了宽恕制度存在的意义和重要性,以及研究反垄断宽恕制度的现实意义;第二部分是宽恕制度的适用对象问题。

    By introducing its concept and feature to reflect its importance and significance ; the second part discusses some questions about someone who is suitable for the Leniency Policy .

  21. 反垄断法宽恕制度在打击垄断协议方面具有十分出色的表现,其成为了近年来各国竞争法竞相采取的重要举措。

    The Leniency Program of Anti-monopoly Law is very effective in combating agreement monopoly . In recent year , It becomes the important action in the competition law countries .

  22. 宽恕制度是卡特尔执法的有效政策工具,有利于破坏卡特尔的稳定性,提高查处卡特尔的执法效率。

    Leniency policy in anti-monopoly is an effective tool in cartel regulation which can play an important role in cracking cartel activity and promoting the efficiency of cartel detection .

  23. 迄今为止,美国、欧盟、加拿大、法国、日本、韩国以及中国等国家和地区都纷纷制定了针对卡特尔行为的宽恕制度。

    So far the United States , the European Union , Canada , France , Japan , South Korea and China etc. introduced the leniency policy in anti-monopoly against the cartel .

  24. 目前,世界大多数市场经济国家实施了宽恕制度,所以宽恕制度的形态多种多样,对此可以依据不同标准将其分类。

    Currently , most of the market economy countries have implemented leniency program , so there are diverse manifestations of leniency program , which can be classified according to different criteria .

  25. 为有力查处卡特尔(我国反垄断法称之协议垄断),我国反垄断法也引进了宽恕制度。

    In order to effectively investigate and deal with cartels ( the cartel is called agreement monopoly in China ), the leniency program has been also introduced in the anti-monopoly law in China .

  26. 为避免宽恕制度因实施期限过长而挫伤申请者的积极性,许多国家的实施机构通常采取两步走方式来实施宽恕待遇。

    Implementing agencies in many countries usually take the two-step approach to implement the leniency program to avoid hurt the enthusiasm of the applicants as a result of long term of leniency program .

  27. 受美国成功实施宽恕制度的影响,其他一些发达国家也引入了该制度。宽恕制度在引入国经历从不成熟到逐步完善的过程。

    Under the influence of successful implementation of leniency program in the United States , some other developed countries introduced the system , on which there is a process from immature to mature .

  28. 同时,各国反垄断执法经验表明,宽恕制度对于及时发现核心卡特尔、提高反垄断执法效率、节约执法成本等具有重要价值。

    Meanwhile , the national anti-monopoly law enforcement experience shows that leniency for the timely detection of hard-core cartels , antitrust enforcement to improve the efficiency , cost savings of great value to law enforcement .

  29. 此外,一国的非正式制度、腐败以及法制水平也都影响宽恕制度实施。

    Moreover , there are a number of factors such as the informal system , corruption or not , and legal level , which also can affect implementation of the leniency program in a country .

  30. 一是扩大宽恕制度的适用对象,即修改招标投标法增加宽恕制度内容,同时允许个人和行业协会提出宽恕申请。

    Firstly , applicants of leniency should be expanded , which means that the bidding law should be modified to introduce the content of leniency program and individuals and trade associations should be eligible for leniency .