
  • 网络Pay As You Throw;PAYT
  1. 本文从理论上分析了城市垃圾按量收费制度下的单位定价问题和其对居民行为的影响。

    This paper studies the unit pricing of municipal solid waste disposal and the impacts on the individuals behavior .

  2. 据说,国外不少地方还实行垃圾按量收费政策,家里产生的不可回收的垃圾都要按照重量和数量支付垃圾处理费的。这样的环保政策,您会支持吗?

    The system usually operates with free collection of recycled waste , with the principle therefore being that'the more you recycle , the less you pay ' .

  3. 垃圾按量收费制度在美国一些地方已经开始实施,被认为是一个既能处理垃圾又鼓励循环再利用的有效方法。

    Pay-as-you-throw schemes are already operational in many parts of the United States , where they are largely considered a cost-effective way to manage waste and encourage recycling .