
  • 网络Garbage work;junk job
  1. 但那是个垃圾工作。

    It was a shit job anyway .

  2. 天津市中心城区生活垃圾处理工作的思考

    Consideration of Domestic Waste Treatment in Tianjin Central Urban Area

  3. 也许是那些在垃圾场工作的流氓来了。

    Maybe it 's one of those goons from the Easttown dump site .

  4. 拉臂式垃圾车工作装置优化设计

    Optimum Design for Work Attachment of Roll-off Garbage Truck

  5. 并对加强船舶垃圾管理工作提出了几点建议。

    And some proposals about strengthening the control of garage from ships are offered .

  6. 城市垃圾管理工作中的季节性因素的影响

    Seasonal Influence on Municipal Solid Waste Management

  7. 他们不得不为那些用信用卡刷出来的垃圾而工作。

    They have to work to pay for all the junk that they put on their credit cards .

  8. 很快到期的项会导致缓存中不必要的周转,并且会导致额外的代码清除和垃圾回收工作。

    Items that expire quickly cause unnecessary turnover in the cache and can cause extra work for cleanup code and for the garbage collector .

  9. 一名前波莫纳的学生从事着夏天在长岛为一对夫妇收集垃圾的工作,而不是追求更有声望的实习或旅行。

    One former Pomona student worked as a garbage collector on Long Island for a couple of summers rather than pursuing more-prestigious internships or travel .

  10. 在其他因素等同的条件下,应用程序的堆空间越大,垃圾回收工作的必要性就越低,留给处理器执行应用程序的时间也就越多。

    If all other factors remain equal , the larger the heap size , then the fewer GCs required , leaving more processor time for applications .

  11. 在这个夏季,对在城市垃圾场工作的不适应是不足以阻止这个年轻人去实现他的目标&为自己能受教育而挣钱。

    The discomfort of working at the city garbage dump in the summer is not enough to prevent this young man from his goal & making money for his education .

  12. 田村先生负责监督他辖下地区的垃圾回收工作,但他“过度热情”地对待工作,已有好几次被拘留的记录,都是因为用“过激行为”强制实施垃圾回收条例。

    The newspaper said Tamura oversaw the town 's garbage collection and had been arrested several times in the past for trying to enforce the rules in an over-enthusiastic way .

  13. 传统的垃圾收集工作非常肮脏,难闻,耗费劳动力,可能在放到垃圾箱里之前垃圾已经在地下室堆积如山。这种新的系统将所有的问题一扫而光,也不再需要昂贵的大卡车出手。

    Traditional rubbish collection is dirty , smelly , labor-intensive , and rubbish can pile up in basement though way to bins.This new system does away with all that and with lots of expensive big lorries .

  14. 美元的工资,为海地人民提供清除碎石和垃圾等工作机会,帮助海地重建。

    Nandy also spoke to the benefits of UNDP 's " Cash-for-Work " programme which , for less than US $ 5 per person per day , employs people in activities such as rubble and waste removal .

  15. 我们希望本文和前一篇文章能够帮助您更好地理解IBMSDK中垃圾收集的工作原理。

    We hope this article and the one previous to it have helped you better understand how garbage collection works in the IBM SDK .

  16. 关于垃圾收集如何工作,包括您可以指示JVM用于其垃圾收集器的不同算法,有很多有趣的读物。

    There are many interesting reads on how garbage collection works , including the different algorithms you can instruct the JVM to use for its garbage collector .

  17. 并行复制收集器用JVM选项-XX:+UseParNewGC启用,是一个年轻代复制收集器,它将垃圾收集的工作分为与CPU数量一样多的线程。

    The parallel copying collector , enabled by the-XX : + UseParNewGC JVM option , is a young-generation copying collector that divides the work of garbage collection among as many threads as there are CPUs .

  18. 浅析农村地区垃圾管理处理工作及其未来发展

    Present Status and Future Development of Waste Management and Treatment in Rural Areas

  19. 也许住在曼哈顿的市政分析师太多,以至于没人知道垃圾车的工作时间表。

    Perhaps too many municipal analysts live in Manhattan to even know about garbage truck schedules .

  20. 在深入讨论之前,我们先回顾一下垃圾收集的工作方式。

    Before we get too deep into our discussion , let 's begin by reviewing how garbage collection actually works .

  21. 他在零地带逗留了一周,随后在处理废墟的Freshkils垃圾填埋场工作。

    He stayed at Ground Zero for a week and then worked at the Freshkils Landfill where debris was taken .

  22. 中国电信科技委主任韦乐平在接受《中国日报》采访时称,即便在春节期间,打击垃圾短信的工作也会继续。

    Wei Leping , chief-engineer from China Telecom told China Daily that even during Spring Festival , the crackdown on spam messages will continue .

  23. 现行法律确立的管理体制不利于走出城市生活垃圾污染防治工作困境。

    Thirdly , the current established administrative system is disadvantageous for the prevention and solution to the urban wastes to get out of the predicament ;

  24. 省、自治区建设主管部门负责本行政区域内城市建筑垃圾的管理工作。

    The administrative department of construction of provinces and autonomous regions shall take charge of the administration of urban construction garbage within the administrative divisions thereof .

  25. 然后垃圾回收器工作,试图穿过该托管堆,此时进程就会崩溃了。

    Later on when the garbage collector is doing its work , it tries to go through the heap and things go bad so the process crashes .

  26. 随着青岛市城市垃圾分类试点工作的开展,餐厨等有机生活垃圾将从生活垃圾中分离出来。

    As the trial operation work of classification of urban waste in Qingdao is being carried out , kitchen and other organic waste will be separate from garbage .

  27. 战胜小诱惑能有所帮助:停止往食品柜里囤积垃圾食品,工作时避开留有点心的休息室。

    Eliminating little temptations will help : stop stocking your pantry with junk food , and avoid the break room at work when you know there will be leftover treats .

  28. 我记得我当时为钱而发愁,然后做了一些很无聊很垃圾的酒吧工作来赚钱。有一天我突发奇想,自己做一个变形金刚汽车人来娱乐所有的旅游者。

    I remember I was struggling for money , working a few rubbish bar jobs and then it hit me-make a Transformer costume and go and entertain all the tourists .

  29. 垃圾收集器的工作是发现应用程序不再需要的对象,并在这些对象不再被访问或引用时将它们删除。

    The job of the garbage collector is to find objects that are no longer needed by an application and to remove them when they can no longer be accessed or referenced .

  30. 目前我国的城市在发展经济的同时也开始着手加强城市生活垃圾的治理工作,实现了生活垃圾治理公共物品的有效供给,使得城市生活环境得到了改善。

    At present , with the development of our cities , we begin to govern the living rubbish in cities , achieving the effective supply of public goods , making the urban environment improved .