
dì jiǎo luó sī
  • foundation bolt
  1. 柴油机地脚螺丝安装孔灌上干河沙。

    Fill the dried river fine sand into the foundation screw mounting holes of the diesel engine .

  2. 液压站在安装前应首先作地基平整处理,并打好地脚螺丝的预埋坑。

    Prior to installation of the hydraulic station , firstly level the foundation , and dig the embedded pits for the foundation bolts .

  3. 将烘干后的细河沙放在柴油机旁,以便放入地脚螺丝安装孔内。

    Put the dried river fine sand beside the diesel engine , so as to be conveniently filled into the foundation screw mounting holes .