
  • 网络local dish;local cuisine
  1. 这是一道地方菜,请品尝。

    This is a local dish , please have a taste .

  2. 对于游客来说,来三亚旅游一定要尝地方菜。

    Tasting the local dishes of Sanya is a must to a visitor .

  3. 所有这些地方菜各有千秋。

    All these local cuisine have their own characteristics .

  4. (对他们来说)高层的朋友和美味的地方菜将是完美的组合。

    Friends in high places and gourmet local cooking can be a potent combination .

  5. 老挝经济发展繁荣,促使大量中国商人到来,从而极大地推动了对中国地方菜的需求。

    Chinese businessmen takingadvantage of Laos'development boom are fueling demand for great , authenticregional cuisine

  6. 在烘箱的地方菜。

    Place the dish in the oven .

  7. 以下是我进入美国南方地方菜食品的兴趣点。

    Here is what I get after entering Cajun Food into the point of interest .

  8. 这里的地方菜是什么?

    What is the local dishes here ?

  9. 还有二十几种其他著名地方菜如北京菜和上海菜。

    There are also more than twenty other outstanding local dishes like Beijing dishes and Shanghai dishes .

  10. 与其他地方菜相比,杭帮菜在创新、价格、规模上有相当优势。

    Compared to other local style dishes , Hangbang cuisine enjoys superiority in dish innovation , dish price and production scale .

  11. 服务员:我的意思是游客可以吃到家乡菜以及其他的许多地方菜。

    Waitress : That means visitors can enjoy their home cuisine as well as other ways of cooking from many other places .

  12. 淮阳菜以江苏省境内的扬州、南京、苏州等地的地方菜为基础。

    Huai-Yang cuisine bases itself largely on the three local cooking styles of Yangzhou , Nanjing and Suzhou , all within Jiangsu Province .

  13. 我们有许多著名的地方菜,如四川菜、广东菜、北京菜、上海菜等等。

    We have quite a few famous local cuisines , such as Sichuan cuisine , Cantonese cuisine , Beijing cuisine , Shanghai cuisine and so on .

  14. 但是近几年越来越多正宗的中国地方菜餐馆开业,不仅限于中国城,遍及城市。

    But more and more authentic Chinese regional restaurants have opened in the past few years , not just in Chinatown but all over the city .

  15. 炖煮豆子也是卡拉布里亚的地方菜,豆子汤又浓又稠很适合沾面包一起吃。

    The stewed beans , it 's also very typical calabria dish , it 's creamy and thick , very suitable to eat together with the bread .

  16. 作为有着鲜明地域特色的地方菜&舟山海鲜菜肴,美学内涵十分丰富,其中味之美、淡之美、和之美是舟山海鲜菜肴美学思想中的最主要因素。

    Zhoushan seafood , with the unique local features , has rich aesthetic connotation , which is mainly displayed as being tasty , fresh and peaceful in the cooked dishes .

  17. 安德鲁斯说:我们觉得上海的餐厅在一段时间里享有很高的声誉,因为它们拥有实力强劲的地方菜,而且西方名厨进入上海的时间也较早

    Our feeling is that Shanghai has had a good reputation as a restaurant city for some time , due both to a strong regional cuisine and the early incursions of Western celebrity chefs

  18. 作为美食家,到香港至少要吃一回潮州菜,否则就不圆满。潮州菜是广东省汕头一带的地方菜。

    No foodie visit to Hong Kong would be complete without eating at least one Chiu Chow meal , a regional style of cooking from around the Swatow district of eastern Guangdong province .

  19. 王凯(音译)和她的朋友们乐于发觉最新的中国地方菜餐馆:一家位于伦敦东部专营中国西北菜的小餐馆,或是一家位于伦敦桥旁的餐馆提供「麻辣小龙虾」。

    Kai Wang and her friends like to sniff out the latest regional Chinese restaurants : a tiny cafe in east London specialising in food from China 's north-east , or one near London Bridge serving numbing and hot crayfish .

  20. 你们这里有什么地方特色菜吗?6。今天的特色菜是炸鱼。

    Do you have any local dishes ? 6.The special today is fried fish .

  21. 和中国其他地方作菜方法不一样,这道菜不依赖于油炸,或者大火炒,而是利用蒸和炖。

    Compared to the rest of China , cooking styles in Anhui rely less on fried or stir-fried dishes . Locals will most often use braising or stewing techniques .

  22. 在北川城外的公路上堆了一大堆包菜,很明显此人找不到别的地方放置这些菜。

    On the road just outside Beichuan , someone had dumped a mound of cabbage , evidently unable to find another place to put it .

  23. 你曾经在中国以外的地方吃过中国菜吗?

    Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China ?

  24. 一般来说,农贸市场往往是馆子富集的地方,普遍价廉物美菜新鲜。

    Generally , farmer 's markets have lot of restaurants with fresh and cheap vegetables and meat .

  25. 美国人对于从这些书页中找到的意大利地方烹饪法熟悉已久,因此巴塔利希望他的电视剧集能够帮助提升对西班牙地方特色菜的鉴赏能力。

    While Americans have long been familiar with the kind of Italian regional cooking found on those pages , he hopes that his show will help to increase the appreciation for the regional specialities of Spain .