
  • 网络regional culture;local culture;areal culture
  1. 地域文化的差异也使生态建筑具备不同的民族文化特征;

    Different regional culture also leads to different racial cultural features .

  2. 地域文化的划分。

    The second one is how to classify the regional culture .

  3. 略谈汉语音译词的地域文化差异

    On the Regional and Cultural Differences of Transliteration of Loan Words

  4. 金华地域文化特色及其旅游开发研究

    Research on regional cultural features and tourism development of Jinhua City

  5. 《山匪》具有鲜明的地域文化特色。

    Mountain Bandits has the bright region culture character is tic .

  6. 地域文化与旅游互动机理探析

    A study of the interaction mechanism between regional cultural and tourism

  7. 衡阳地域文化资源的开发与利用

    On the Development and Use of Regional Culture Resource in Hengyang

  8. 论地域文化与城市建筑设计风格

    On the Regional Culture and the Style of City Architectural Design

  9. 旅游纪念品地域文化特色的形成之研究

    Research on Formation of Regional Culture Character on the Tourist Souvenir

  10. 地域文化下的陕西方言电视栏目剧研究

    The Study of Shanxi Dialect TV Column Plays Based on Regional Culture

  11. 建筑风格缺乏地域文化特色。

    Short of distinguished regional cultural characteristics in terms of architectural styles .

  12. 把精神分析引入中国地域文化研究&论精神分析学派的隐型文化理论在中国地域文化研究中的改造性应用

    Introducing psychoanalysis into the research of the Chinese local culture

  13. 地域文化偏见中的企业诚信论纲

    On the Enterprises ' Honesty in the Bias of the Regional Culture

  14. 地域文化的传承&德阳步行街设计探索

    Succession to the Regionally Culture : Design of Walking Street in Deyang

  15. 柳宗元与柳州民族地域文化关系

    On the Relationship of Liu Zongyuan and Liuzhou Regional Culture

  16. 用地域文化纺织小城镇的建设特色

    Integrating Local Culture into the Characteristics of Small Town Construction

  17. 地域文化研究与弘扬民族精神

    Research on the Regional Culture and the Development of the National Spirit

  18. 地域文化背景下建筑师的环境观念和时代意识&兼评近期大连的建筑创作

    Architects ' Environment Idea and Times Idea in the Local Culture Background

  19. 中国是一个地域文化非常发达的国家。

    China is a region culture extremely developed country .

  20. 青龙镇龙井湖公园地域文化景观设计

    Qinglong Town Longjing Lake Park Regional Culture Landscape Design

  21. 当代高层建筑地域文化建构探索

    Research on Local Culture Construction of Contemporary High-rise Building

  22. 地域文化与城市美的创造&兼论当代中国城市美学问题

    Regional Culture and Creation of City Beauty & Contemporary Urban Aesthetics of China

  23. 并对唐代地域文化与文学的研究作了综述。

    And it has complained the region culture of Tang Dynasty and literature .

  24. 地理阻隔在地域文化形成中的作用探析

    The Role of Geographical Obstructs in Forming Regional Culture

  25. 西北地域文化下的高速公路服务区景观规划设计与研究

    Landscape Research and Design Theory of Expressway Service Area under Northwestern China Culture

  26. 建筑与民族地域文化(提要)

    Architecture and National Regional Culture ( Abstract )

  27. 塑造绿色空间,挖掘地域文化;

    Building green space and developing regional culture ;

  28. 青海地域文化既包含人文历史文化,也包含自然生态文化。

    Qinghai regional culture either includes humanistic historic culture or contains the natural eco-culture .

  29. 地域文化视角下的饮食消费研究

    The Research of the Dietetic Consumption from the Point of View of Regionally Culture

  30. “民歌”是民族地域文化的重要组成部分,具有地方色彩。

    Folk songs are an important part of the local culture with local characteristics .