
  • Ground observation;【天】ground based observa tion
  1. 一种用于UV-A、UV-B波段地基观测的光谱辐射计

    A Spectral Radiometer for Ground-Based Measurements of UV-A , UV-B Ultraviolet Radiation

  2. 作为算法的验证,地基观测数据和另一种基于TMI观测结果的反演产品被用于与本算法各环境参数反演结果的比较。

    For the validation , the retrievals are compared to the ground-based measurements and the other TMI-based retrieval product , respectively .

  3. 从模式计算和试验的初步结果可以看出:对于低云和中云,地基观测的Tb对CBH的变化有相当的敏感性,因此可以用于CBH的反演。

    The results of simulation and preliminary experiments show that for low and middle clouds , the sky Tb observed on the ground is very sensitive to the variation of CBH , therefore it can be used to estimate CBH .

  4. 因此,单点的地基观测数据应用范围相对较小。

    In the end , the station observation is limited .

  5. 成都地区地基GPS观测网遥感大气可降水量的初步试验

    Experiment on Driving Precipitable Water Vapor from Ground-Based GPS Network in Chengdu Plain

  6. 利用地基GPS观测火箭人工催化后大气中水汽的变化

    Discussion on Ground-based GPS Observation of the Variation of Air Precipitable Water Vapor Seeded by Rain-reinforcing Rocket

  7. 论文结合哈尔滨绕城高速公路软土地基沉降观测资料,采用基于MATLAB的人工神经网络预测方法(ANN),并构造了预测地基沉降的BP神经网络模型。

    The dissertation constructs the forecast foundation settlement BP neural network model by the Harbin freeway soft soil foundation settlement observation data and base the MATLAB artificial neural network ( ANN ) predicting method .

  8. 桥头段刚性桩复合地基现场观测结果分析

    Field survey of composite foundation with rigid piles under embankment

  9. 高速公路软土地基沉降观测的程序和方法

    Precess and Methods of Soft Soil Subsidence Observation for Expressway

  10. 某标段公路软土地基沉降观测及处置

    Observation and Disposal of Soft Ground Settlement in a Bid-section of Highway

  11. 多层砖混住宅水泥搅拌桩复合地基沉降观测与分析

    Settlement Observation and Analysis of Buildings of More-layer-brick and Mixing Cement-soil pile Composite Foundation

  12. 充水预压的油罐锥面沉降和地基变形观测

    Measurement of cone ′ s settlement of oil tank and foundation deformation due to preloading by water filling method

  13. 进一步开展从地面站、探空火箭和气球探测取得更多的地基现场观测数据的工作。

    Ground-based in situ observations will be enhanced from ground stations as well as from sounding rockets and balloons .

  14. 威勒说,哈勃望远镜比地基望远镜观测到的空间影像清晰10倍。

    Weiler said that Hubble has taken images of the universe that are ten times clearer than any ever produced by telescopes on the ground .

  15. 一个新一代的地基日蚀观测相对空间观测存在些许不足,因此需要卫星辅助观测。

    A new generation of ground-based eclipse observations reaches spatial , temporal and spectral-resolution domains that are inaccessible from space and therefore complement satellite studies .

  16. 对于大于10的空间碎片,可以基于地基设备观测建立数据库,采取规避的办法进行主动防护;

    Regarding the space debris bigger than 10 , may based on the ground equipment observation establishment database , adopt the means which dodges to carry on the initiative protection ;

  17. 在现场软土地基沉降观测资料的基础上,建立了软土地基逐级加荷,条件下考虑瞬时变形的修正双曲线固结计算模型。

    Based on the on the spot data coming from settlement on the soft soil foundation , a modified hyperbola consolidation model including instantaneous deformation under successive load is built , which fits either the once loading or the successive loading .

  18. 结合三处试验段,进行了路基分层压实度检测、地基沉降观测、路基顶面沉降观测、路基顶面弯沉及回弹模量检测等试验,分析了各种不良地基处理方法的合理性及其适用条件。

    Combine three places to test section , carry on degree of compaction measuring of roadbed , settlement observe of subgrade and superface of roadbed , modulus of resilience of roadbed superface , analysed the rationality of various kinds of treatment methods of unfavorable geology and suitable condition .

  19. 文章系统地论述了利用地基GPS方法观测大气中水汽含量的原理。

    Paper systemic dissertate the ground-based GPS technology .

  20. 本文在建立地基SFCWSAR观测模型和差分干涉测量信号处理流程的基础上,围绕如何提高地基SFCWSAR系统的测量精度,研究了地基SFCWSAR差分干涉测量中若干关键技术。

    In this thesis , based on ground-based SFCW SAR system observation model and differential interferometry data processing , some critical techniques about the ground-based SFCW SAR differential interferometry are studied focusing on how to improve the system measurement accuracy .

  21. 低强度桩复合地基深层位移观测结果分析

    Analysis of displacement in different depth of low-strength pile composite foundation

  22. 高速铁路软土地基沉降的观测与发展趋势预测

    Observation and Prediction of Soft Foundation Settlement on High-speed Railway

  23. 地基云自动化观测是当前气象业务发展的迫切需求。

    The automatic ground-based observation of cloud is an exigent requirement for the current meteorology operation .

  24. 分析表明,地基和卫星观测的臭氧总量有一定误差。

    Analyses show that there are errors on total ozone amount between ground based and satellite ozone measurements .

  25. 反演结果的比较表明,联合地基GPS与掩星观测数据进行重建,电子密度整体图像的重建质量特别是其垂直结构的重建质量得到了明显改善。

    A comparison of reconstruction results shows that the whole quality of reconstructed electron density image , specially the vertical resolution of electron density structure , is obviously improved by the combination of ground-based GPS beacon measurements with GPS occultation observations .

  26. YH-1地基火星大气掩星观测前期处理某标段公路软土地基沉降观测及处置

    The Time and Coordinate System of Earth-based Mars Atmosphere Occultation Observation and Disposal of Soft Ground Settlement in a Bid-section of Highway

  27. 谈公路软土地基处治方法及观测

    Treatment and observation of soft soil foundation and road bed

  28. 高层建筑地基检测与沉降观测

    Foundation test and settlement observation of high-rise building

  29. 同时,利用与卫星观测同步的地基太阳光度计观测资料估计的气溶胶光学厚度数据验证卫星反演结果。

    The aerosols optical thickness estimated from the ground-based sun photometer at the same time as the pass of the satellite were used to validate the retrieval from satellite data .

  30. 对地基与基础沉降观测及地基与基础水平位移观测过程中,控制点的布设及观测点的观测方法做了简要介绍。

    This paper briefly introduces the arrangement of controlling points and observing points and the method of observing in the course of observing the settlement and horizontal displacement of the foundation .