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  1. 紧紧地团在一起,没有一条凤尾鱼落单。

    Packed close together , no one anchovy stands out .

  2. 应该把这项工作纳入外出务工团员和青少年工作地团组织的职责范围。

    This work should be incorporated into the proper range of responsibility of the league organizations in the local places , where migrant league members and adolescents work .

  3. 并且错误地认为团形是故意的。

    And wrongly assume that groupings are deliberate .

  4. 在当前高校共青团工作处于高位徘徊的特殊时期,该如何担负起团组织的历史使命,积极有效地开展团工作?

    How should we shoulder the historical mission of Youth League construction and carry out the League activities effectively in the special period of " high position hesitation "?

  5. 她把这段话准确地向代表团作了翻译。

    She give the delegation a strict Interpretation of the speech .

  6. 剧团的舞蹈表演很好地为交响乐团的音乐节目锦上添花。

    The troupe 's dance performance nicely complemented the symphony 's musical program .

  7. 以上结论希望为更好地开展校园团体操活动提供参考。

    Above conclusions hope for better in campus mass activities to provide the reference .

  8. 一些专家认为,专利案件的审理越来越多地使用陪审团是其(天价罚金)原因。。

    Some experts blame these on the increased use of juries in patent cases .

  9. 把面包紧紧地卷成一团。

    Roll the bread into a tight ball .

  10. 模拟给出了脱硫塔内流场的变化,模拟的各种结构中三角形机构能够有效地打破颗粒团。

    The result shows that the triangular mechanism can have an effective function to break the cluster .

  11. 结果显示:在暗物质和暗能量相关的情况下,模拟结果能够更为准确地预测星系团的性质。

    Their results showed that when dark energy and dark matter were linked , the model more closely predicted the clusters'behaviour .

  12. 同时,他还是一名钢琴演奏家,以独奏者的身份出现在海湾地区等地的交响乐团。

    He leads a parallel life as a concert pianist , appearing as soloist with symphony orchestras in the Bay Area and beyond .

  13. 纳米团簇结构的微小的变化将大大改变其性质,而目前实验技术尚无法精确地测量纳米团簇的结构,因而理论预测是十分重要的。

    Minor changes of nanocluster structures will significantly change their properties , and current experimental techniques could not accurately measure the structures of nanoclusters .

  14. 共青团组织要根据非公经济组织的类型、规模、性质,灵活地采用建团模式;

    Flexible models of setting up League organizations should be adopted according to the type , scale and feature of non - public - owned units .

  15. 如果你能有效地应用智囊团,则无论你自己的教育程度或才智如何,几乎都能克服所有的障碍。

    You can overcome almost any obstacle you face , no matter what your own education or talents , if you use the mastermind principle effectively .

  16. (我还略带失望地与代表团中唯一的女性见上图开玩笑说,他们的男/女企业家比例与马萨诸塞州差不多。)

    ( I joked with some chagrin with the one female in the delegation – pictured above – that their male / female entrepreneurial ratio matched our own ) .

  17. 详细地分析了团簇的结构特征,平均结合能,垂直电离势,垂直电子亲和能,电荷转移以及成键特征。

    Structural features , binding energies , vertical ionization potentials , vertical electron affinity , charge transfers , and binding characters were evaluated for each Au & Ni binary cluster .

  18. 曾经在帆船酒店做服务员的江苏籍姑娘露露告诉记者,以往帆船酒店对于入住酒店的人有很严格的筛选,旅游团客人概不接待。迪拜危机后,酒店开始有选择地接待旅行团。

    The extravagant hotel used to deny tour group before , a waitress from Chinese Jiangsu , who 've in the hotel , told reporter , adding it began to receive some groups after the debt crisis .

  19. 超声波处理污泥,破坏其中胞外多聚物,释放微生物颗粒,以利于絮凝剂更好地絮凝成团,再通过板框压滤的方式,达到降低污泥含水率的目的。

    Treating wastewater by ultrasound can destroy extracellular polymeric substances ( EPS ) in sludge and release microorganism particles . It can help flocculation better then get the goal of decreasing sludge water content by dewatering in plate-frame pressure filtration .

  20. 先生们,请想一想,当着你们辛辛苦苦地派出代表团和我们讨论惩办战犯问题的时候,战犯们已经跑了,那末,还谈什么呢?

    Just imagine , gentlemen , after you have taken all the trouble to send a delegation to discuss with us the question of punishing these war criminals , what would we talk about if it should turn out that they have escaped ?

  21. 他们几乎脚尖踩着脚跟地挤作一团。

    They were bunching up , almost treading upon each other 's heels

  22. 我们横七竖八地挤作一团躺在那里,大口喘着气。

    We lay there : a huddle of bodies , gasping for air

  23. 然后详细地阐述了Au团簇及其化合物研究的重要性和挑战性,并系统地介绍了目前实验研究现状和已有的一些理论研究工作。

    Then , we expatiate the significance and the challenge in the research of ligand-stabilized gold clusters and introduce the main works of gold clusters in experimental and theoretical studies in detail .

  24. 当他们在光秃秃的山上毫无防备地挤做一团的时候,有人对他们发起了进攻。

    They were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill .

  25. 群集,聚集密密地挤成一团或一群,如人或动物

    A densely packed group or crowd , as of people or animals

  26. 女人们聚集在一个角落里,密密匝匝地挤作一团。

    Women congregate in a corner , forming a densely packed crowd .

  27. 在刑事案件中,正规地讲,陪审团不涉及到量刑。

    In criminal cases the jury is not normally concerned with sentence .

  28. 安迪和萨拉在教室后面咯咯地笑成一团。

    Andy and Sarah were giggling helplessly at the back of the class .

  29. 那女人摇摇晃晃地蜷作一团倒了下去。

    The woman staggered and collapsed in a heap .

  30. 于是三位女郎的笑语声杂乱地混做一团。

    The three girls now began talking and laughing all at the same time .