
  1. 最终,我是不是比伏地魔好?

    Was I better , ultimately , than Voldemort ?

  2. 由此,可在MAS-NMR实验中准确、迅速地确定魔角。

    Thus , a accurate and quick setting of the Magic Angle in MAS-NMR experiments can he easily obtained by this phenomenon .

  3. 魔巴是佤族社会中从事原始宗教祭祀的巫师,是佤族传统社会中的知识分子,对传承佤文化并推动佤族社会发展起过重大作用。应历史地辩证地看待魔巴的文化功能。

    " MOBA " is a wizard in religious activities of the Wa Society and also the intellectual person . " MOBA " plays an important role in the heritage and the development of the Wa society .