
  1. 那家伙就像圣伯纳犬一样忠心。

    The guy 's as loyal as a saint bernard .

  2. 她的小组估计,每年中国要吃掉500万只狗,很多是来自北方养狗场,那里正繁殖着进口的马斯蒂夫犬,圣伯纳犬、多伯曼斯犬以及本地狗。

    Her group estimates five million dogs a year are eaten in China , many from farms in the north that are now breeding imported mastiffs , St Bernards and Dobermans with local dogs .

  3. 如果中国不明白为何瑞士人民对他们吃圣伯纳犬感到十分不爽的话,我不禁要问他们同样的问题:如果瑞士人吃中国的熊猫,中国人又作何感想呢?

    If a Chinese cannot understand why Swiss people get so upset that they are eating St Bernards , I would ask that same question : If Swiss people eat China 's panda , how would Chinese feel ?

  4. 改编自杰克·伦敦的同名野外冒险小说,《野性的呼唤》讲述了一条毛发杂乱的家养圣伯纳犬和苏格兰牧羊犬混种狗,巴克的故事,它在克朗代克淘金热期间被带到了寒冷的北方。

    Adapted from Jack London 's wilderness-adventure novel , The Call of the Wild tells the shaggy dog story of a domestic St Bernard / Scotch Collie cross called Buck who is taken to the frozen north during the Klondike Gold Rush .