
  • 网络Charles de Gaulle;General De Gaulle;General Charles de Gaulle;de gaulle
  1. 战后,蓓克获戴高乐将军颁赠抗德运动奖牌。

    After the war , Baker was awarded the Medal of Resistance by General Charles de Gaulle .

  2. 在1960年代,法国有三位世界知名人物,分别是总统戴高乐将军、女影星「性感小猫」碧姬巴铎,和哲学家沙特。

    In the1960s , there were three worldly-known persons from France , namely president Charles de Gaulle , the sex symbol Brigitte Bardot , and the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre .

  3. FrancehonoursdeGaulle法国对戴高乐将军表示敬意希拉克:不对二战胜利自鸣得意

    President Chirac : Not complacent about World War ll

  4. 欧元区危机强化了欧洲朝着“祖国的欧罗巴(europedespatries)”方向演进的趋势,这一直是戴高乐将军(generaldegaulle)的希望。

    The euro crisis has already strengthened the trend towards a Europe des patries the Europe of Fatherlands that General de Gaulle always wanted .

  5. 安德鲁•马隆(AndreMalraux)是一个法国作家和政治家,他声称戴高乐将军称丁丁为自己的唯一国际对手,因为他们俩人都是以在恶霸面前挺身而出而着名的。

    Andre Malraux , a French writer and politician , claimed that General de Gaulle called Tintin his " only international rival ", because both were famous for standing up to bullies .

  6. 戴高乐将军是一代伟人。

    General do Gaulle was a great man of the time .

  7. 谋杀戴高乐将军的另一个阴谋被揭露了。

    Another plot to assassinate General de Gaulle was uncovered .

  8. 但是,戴高乐将军必须说服他那群勇敢的法国人和他一起干。

    But General de Gaulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him .

  9. 戴高乐将军(我事前没有征求过他的意见)表现的态度是光明磊落的。

    General de Gaulle , whom I did not consult beforehand , was magnificent in his demeanour .

  10. 至少在法兰西降下旗帜之前,戴高乐将军还曾试图和一个反叛军的领袖谈判过。

    He at least was able to negotiate with a single rebel authority before hauling down the flag .

  11. 戴高乐将军英勇不屈,百折不回。我们首要的任务就是要始终不渝地支持他。

    It was our first duty to give loyal support to General de Gaulle in his valiant constancy .

  12. 他不会象戴高乐将军那样,只带着一颗不可征服的心和少数几个类似的人来。

    He would not have come like General de Gaulle with only an unconquerable heart and a few kindred spirits .

  13. 当查尔斯。戴高乐将军和他率领的自由法国军队进入巴黎市中心的时候,法国人民热烈欢呼。

    People cheered wildly as General Charles de Gaulle and Free French troops marched into the center of the city .

  14. 已被公认为法国人民领袖的戴高乐将军凯旋而归,来到了巴黎圣母院接受市民的感恩赞美诗。

    General de Gaulle , now universally recognized as the leader of the French people , drove in triumph to Notre Dame for the Te Deum of thanksgiving .

  15. 诺罗顿最年长的女儿,布法•提毗则专门从事一种现被称为robamboran的古典舞蹈,她还为法国戴高乐将军和马歇尔•提托表演过。

    Norodom 's eldest daughter , Buppha Devi , specialised in a classical dance style known as robam boran , and performed for General de Gaulle and Marshall Tito .

  16. 法国对戴高乐将军表示敬意为纪念戴高乐将军对法国人民发表战时宣言60周年,法国总统希拉克宣布开放了一座有关二战的博物馆。

    President Chirac has opened a new museum dedicated to World War II to mark the 60th anniversary of General de Gaulle 's wartime appeal to the French nation .

  17. 年戴高乐将军决定与中华人民共和国建交至今,中法两国保持着紧密的关系,这自然会引起一些思考。

    It is quite disturbing to note that two countries with such a close relationship since the time when General De Gaulle decided to open diplomatic ties with the People 's Republic in1964 .

  18. 50年前,戴高乐将军说:中法两大民族都对对方怀有深厚的仰慕和尊敬,两国间存在的明显默契总有一天会发展成一种越来越深厚的合作。

    Fifty years ago , General Charles de Gaulle said that given the profound admiration and respect between the Chinese and French nations , the affinity they share will one day lead to ever-deepening cooperation .

  19. 通过代表会议征求意见,商量研究,可以避免主观地决定问题。戴高乐将军(我事前没有征求过他的意见)表现的态度是光明磊落的。

    Through conferences of representatives we could solicit opinions and discuss and study problems , so as to avoid making decisions subjectively . General de Gaulle , whom I did not consult beforehand , was magnificent in his demeanour .

  20. 1944年盟军诺曼底登陆,法国获得了解放,以戴高乐将军为首的法国临时政府也及时建立起来,接管解放后的法国。

    Not long after the D-Day Normandy Landings , France saw her liberation . Then the French provisional government , which was headed by de Gaulles , was established , and took over the management of the liberated France .