
  • 网络Soil alkalization;soil alkalinization
  1. 黄淮海平原土壤碱化分级的初步研究

    A primary study on subdivision of degree of soil alkalinization in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain

  2. 灌溉总量375mm、三天一次的灌溉方式在降低土体盐分浓度、抑制土壤碱化方面优于两天一次的灌溉方式。

    When the total quantity of irrigation was maintained at 375 mm , the treatment of irrigation once every three days was superior to the treatment of irrigation once every two days in reducing salt concentration and restraining soil alkalinization .

  3. 用pNa度量土壤碱化程度的初探

    Study on Measuring the Degree of Alkalized Soils with pNa

  4. pNa值可以用来度量土壤碱化程度,作为碱化土壤分类指标之一,也可使碱化土壤研究的测定方法简化。

    PNa can indirect the degree of alkalized soils and take as the indexes of alkalized soils classification .

  5. 探地雷达在吉林西部地区探测土壤碱化层

    The application of GPR to detecting the saline-alkali layer in West Jilin

  6. 碱性低矿化地下水灌溉对土壤碱化的影响

    The effect of alkaline ground water with low salinity on soil alkalization

  7. 定陶县井灌区土壤碱化及防治对策

    Soil alkalization in the well-irrigation arears of county Dingtao and its control measures

  8. 土壤碱化和化学改良对土壤团粒结构的影响

    Influence of Sodication and Chemical Improvement On Soil Aggregate

  9. 不同灌溉水质对土壤碱化影响及其改良效果的研究

    Effects of Different Irrigation Water Quality on the Soil Alkalization and Studies on Alkaline Soil Improvement

  10. 进一步研究证明盐土脱盐过程中的脱盐碱化、苏打型地下水引起的土壤碱化,以及碱性水灌溉造成的土壤次生碱化是天津地区土壤碱化的主要原因。

    The further research has demonstrated that soil alkalization in Tianjin result from soil desalting , underground soda water and irrigation with lower mineralized alkali water .

  11. 向日葵是土壤碱化后唯一可种植的油料作物,但是至今对其抗盐碱性,尤其是抗碱机制未见有系统的报道。

    Sunflower is the only oil crop under alkaline condition , but the tolerance , especially , the mechanisms of alkali-tolerant have not been reported systematically .

  12. 氧化铝赤泥因碱性强很难被大宗利用,排放量大、长期堆存占用耕地、造成土壤碱化和地下水污染。

    Alumina red mud has not been utilized effectively due to its strong alkaline . High emission and Long-term stockpiling occupied cultivated land , caused soil alkalization and groundwater pollution .

  13. 结果表明,土壤的碱化层和高含盐层出现在土壤中同一层次,因此该土壤盐化与碱化过程有密切联系。

    Results show that the natric horizon and salic horizon locates at the same soil layer , which indicates that the relation of salinization to alkalization is close .

  14. 施用7%草甘膦水剂对土壤盐化和碱化的影响

    Effect of 7 % Glyphosate Aqueous Solution on Soil Salinize and Alkalize

  15. 这部分碱化土壤一般表层碱化度较高,而巨碱化、盐化特点同时存在。

    The soil surface are commonly found with a high degree of alkalization .

  16. 通过室内盆栽模拟实验,研究了5种浓度的7%草甘膦水剂对土壤盐化和碱化的影响。

    Potted plant experiment was used in studying the effect of 7 % glyphosate aqueous solution at five concentrations on soil salinize and alkalize .

  17. 测试了吉林省大安市苏打碱土区67、2030和6070m3种深度地下水的基本化学特征,对利用地下水灌溉可能引起的土壤盐化、碱化和盐碱化问题及其灌溉适宜性进行了评价。

    Chemical properties of groundwaters ( 6-7,20-30,60-70 m in depths ) at sodic soil areas in Da ′ an City , Jilin Province were measured and soil salinization risk of using the groundwaters for irrigation was analyzed .

  18. 再生水浇灌的土壤已接近轻度碱化土,且有加深的趋势;IBL对碱敏感。

    The soil irrigated with mixed water was inclined to light alkali .

  19. 经过连续几年的灌溉试验可知,应用2.5g稬-1以下的低矿化水灌溉是安全的,超过此值土壤积盐和碱化明显。

    The tests of several years irrigation showed that the safe degree of alkaline mineralized water was under 2.5 gL-1 , or else , the salt accumulation and alkalization in soil were obvious .

  20. 研究了土壤粘土特性与土壤碱化的关系和淋洗水的矿化度对土壤渗透性的影响,提出了微咸水改良苏打盐渍土的技术思路。

    According to " effect of added electrolyte " and chemical exchange theory , the techniques using gentle salty water leaching for sodium bicarbonate saline soil improvement is proposed .

  21. 地下水和地表水中的钠离子,受各种因素影响在土体中富集并进入土壤吸收性复合体而使土壤碱化。

    Sodium ions contained in ground and surface water were concentrated by absorbing complexs in the soils under the influences of various factors .

  22. 大西山土壤和草坪区土壤表现为轻度碱化到中度碱化。

    The soil in Da xishan and lawn show slightly basify to moderate basify .

  23. 选择了76份苏打碱化土壤样品,对其各盐化与碱化指标进行了测定,分析了苏打碱化土壤盐化和碱化的关系。

    Salinization and alkalization parameters of sodic soil were measured . Relationship between salinization and alkalization was analyzed .

  24. 模拟了1997年羊草及角碱蓬群落土壤盐分、碱化度、pH值动态,并与实验资料进行了比较,模拟结果可以反映土壤盐分和碱化的季节变化规律。

    Comparing with the experimental data , the simulation results can express the dynamics of saline and alkaline in different seasons .