
  • 网络Soil mechanics
  1. G.贝克的土壤力学理论为依据,推导橡胶履带车辆接地比压的分布。

    This article is based on the theory of soil mechanics by American scientist M.G Beck and derives the ground bearing distribution of vehicles on rubber tracks .

  2. 国际土壤力学和地基工程学会

    International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

  3. 大庆沼泽土壤力学特性的试验研究

    Study on the Mechanical Properties of Muskeg Soil in Daqing

  4. 塔里木地区典型地表土壤力学特性的现场测量与评价

    Evaluation and In situ Measurement of Soil Mechanical Properties

  5. 有机碳投入量是影响土壤力学性质重要因素之一。

    Soil organic carbon input was one of the most important factors on the soil mechanical property .

  6. 应用土的抗剪强度理论等经典土壤力学理论从宏观上进行拱泥机器人直行和转向时的受力分析。

    Using classical soil mechanics theory the force analysis of bionic move-in-mud robot is processed during linear and turning movement from macroscopic view .

  7. 这种由插图描述的破坏类型,在许多权威的土壤力学教科书中已经极其详尽地讨论过了。

    This type of failure , illustrated in the margin sketch , has been treated in exhaustive detail in many standard soil mechanics textbooks .

  8. 根据湖南省一般淹水水田和旱态水田的圆锥指数承压特性及土壤力学参数剪切特性来设计湖南独轮耕整机的驱动轮。

    Based on the Cone Index bearing capacity and shearing strength of paddy in Hunan Province , we designed the lug wheel for powered tiller in this province .

  9. 研究结果可以应用在若干不同的领域,例如材料科学,石油产业,化学工程,土壤力学,以及生物力学等等。

    Results of the study may be applied to many branches of engineering and sciences such as material science , the petroleum industry , chemical engineering , soil mechanics , and biomechanics .

  10. 将土壤力学与生态学相结合,还探讨了在粘湿环境中蜣螂非光滑体表与不同触土方式的关系及其对防粘特性的作用机理。

    Combining soil mechanics and ecology , we discuss the relationship between nonsmooth cuticles of dung beetle , its different ways of touching soils , and its mechanism of reducing adhesion in the adhesive and wet environment .

  11. 坡面土壤侵蚀力学模型

    Mechanical model of erosion in hillslope soil

  12. 本论文用流变学的方法研究水田土壤纵向力学性质。

    This paper studies the mechanical properties of paddy field soil in longitudinal direction by rheological method .

  13. 含水量的大小直接改变着饱和水田土壤的力学特性。

    The mechanical characteristics of saturated paddy-field soil vary directly with the water content of the soil .

  14. 研究结果对定量评价草被减流减沙作用和深化土壤侵蚀力学过程有一定的参考意义。

    The experiment results are meaningful for quantifying runoff and sediment reduction and deepening soil erosion mechanical process also .

  15. 黄土丘陵林区开垦地人为加速侵蚀与土壤物理力学性质的时间变化

    Temporal Change about Man-made accelerated Erosion and soil Physical and Force Properties of Reclaimed Forest Lands in Loess Hilly Region

  16. 在土壤侵蚀力学方面,土壤抗侵蚀能力与抗剪强度关系研究需待进一步深入。

    As for the latter , the relations between the anti-erosion ability and the shear strength need to study in a deeper going way .

  17. 月球车车轮与土壤作用的力学特性分析与测试系统设计

    Mechanical Analysis of Wheel-Soil Interaction for Lunar Rover and Design a Test-Bed

  18. 分析了爆炸对周围土壤物理、力学性质的影响。

    The influences of explosion on the physical and mechanical properties of the surrounding soil are analyzed .

  19. 从分子力学角度出发,用微观统计学的方法分析处于平衡状态时无结构土壤中水的力学特征。

    Soil water distribution in balance state is studied by using statistical methods , based on the theory of molecular mechanics .

  20. 利用相似理论,对火炮弹道、结构强度、主要功能部件及炮位土壤建立了力学相似关系;

    In this paper , based on the dynamic similitude theory , similitude relationships of the artillery ballistics , artillery intensity , major artillery components , and the emplacement soil are established .

  21. 根据对简化的滚轮土壤振动系统力学模型进行的分析,提出了有利于压路机设计与合理使用的振动滚轮压实参数的控制方法

    On the basis of studying the simple dynamic model of roller-soil vibration system , the control means of the compaction parameters of vibration roller to benefit for roller design and use in reason are put forward

  22. 同时还介绍了中国节能型日光温室理论研究成果,如建立了日光温室光、热、空气湿度、土壤温度和力学数学模型,并指出这些成果是日光温室结构优化设计的基础。

    At the same time , the advances of theoretical research were introduced too , such as the mathematical model of solar radiation , heat , air moisture , soil temperature and mechanics . All of these advances of theoretical research provided basis for the optimal structural design of greenhouse .

  23. 基于GIS的土壤水蚀预报能量力学模型研究

    Soil Erosion Prediction and Energy Exchange Modeling Using GIS

  24. 土壤弹塑性力学模型、摩擦单元和模糊单元作为三个完整的程序模块并入大型非线性有限元程序(NFAP)中,所进行的计算与实验结果具有良好的可比性。

    Elastoplastic mechanical model of soil friction element ane fuzzy element could be arranged as a part of large-scale nonlinear finite element analysis program ( NFAP ), The result shows that it gives a satisfactory consistency with the testing data .

  25. 土壤水力侵蚀能量力学机理的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis for the dynamic and energy mechanism in soil water-erosion

  26. 同步获取土壤介电与力学参数的实验系统

    Experimental system for simultaneous collection of soil dielectric and mechanic parameters

  27. 从土壤&机器系统力学的角度探讨振动压路机的参数设计

    Discussion on Design of Parameters of the Vibration Roller from the Perspective of " Solid-machine " System Mechanics

  28. 土壤-车辆系统力学的一个重要内容是研究车辆的牵引性能,并计算出其牵引力。

    One of the main substances of soil-vehicle system mechanics is concerning the tractive performance of vehicles and the calculating of traction of them .

  29. 设计了一套车轮性能参数测试系统,对所设计的一种刚性车轮在松软土壤上运动的力学特性进行了初步的实验测试,并与所建立的力学模型进行了验证分析。

    A novel test-bed is set up to test wheel 's performance parameters , and experimental results of a rigid wheel on the soil validate the effectiveness of presented models .

  30. 莫尔库仑模型适用于普通土壤和岩石的力学行为,故本文选用莫尔库仑模型。(2)使用科学合理的方法确定岩体力学参数。

    Mohr Coulomb model is applicable to ordinary soil and rock mechanical behavior , therefore I choose it . ( 2 ) we should use scientific and reasonable method to determine the parameters of rock mechanics .