
  • 网络Sustainable land use;land sustainable use;land sustainable utilization
  1. 基于RS和GIS的泸定县土地可持续利用研究

    Research on Sustainable Land Use of Luding Country Based on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System

  2. 城市开发区土地可持续利用评价研究

    Study on the Sustainable Land Use Assessment in Urban Development Zone

  3. 基于GIS的城市土地可持续利用评价系统的建立

    The Establishment of the Urban Land Sustainable Utilization Evaluation System Based on GIS

  4. LUCC研究包括现状、驱动机制、效应、模型模拟与土地可持续利用研究。

    The LUCC research includes mainly LUCC situation , driving mechanism , effects , simulation of model and sustainability .

  5. 当前SOTER方法已被国际上认可,成为土壤与土地可持续利用研究中的一个前沿和热点。

    Currently SOTER has been authorized and become one of hotspots in the studies of soil and sustainable use of land .

  6. 土地可持续利用的规划学含义及实现途径分析

    Sustainable Utilization of Land & Meaning in Plan ning and Approaches

  7. 山东省土地可持续利用对策研究

    Study on the strategy of land sustainable utilization of Shandong Province

  8. 土地可持续利用的生态安全与生态建设研究

    The Ecological Security and Reconstruction of Land Use for Sustainable Development

  9. 绿洲农区土地可持续利用初步研究&以河西走廊临泽样区为例

    Sustainable use of land resources of Linze zone in the Hexi Corridor

  10. 城市土地可持续利用中的环境工程地质研究

    Study on the Environmental Engineering Geology in Sustainable Utilization of Urban Land

  11. 这些都与城市土地可持续利用研究差距甚远。

    They are far from the urban land sustainable use .

  12. 而可持续发展是当今世界的主题,土壤钾素地理平衡点是研究土地可持续利用的基础。

    The sustainable development is the subject of the world .

  13. 芗城区土地可持续利用研究

    The Study on the Sustainable Land Utilization in Xiangcheng District

  14. 为增强区域土地可持续利用,相关环境政策的制定应遵循可持续发展原则;

    The enacting of environmental policy should embody the principle of sustainable development .

  15. 计算机模拟模型在黄土丘陵区土地可持续利用中的实证研究

    Case study of using computerized simulation model in land-use research on Loess Plateau

  16. 鲁甸县土地可持续利用的生态安全对策建议分析。

    Ludian County , sustainable land use recommendations of the ecological safety measures .

  17. 基于时间动态模型的上海城市土地可持续利用

    Sustainable Utilization of Urban Land in Shanghai Based on the Time Dynamic Model

  18. 城市土地可持续利用与土地利用模式关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Urban Land Sustainable Utilization and Land Use Model

  19. 基于三角模型的枣阳市土地可持续利用的评价

    Evaluation of Land Sustainable Utilization Based on the Triangle Model in Zaoyang City

  20. 区域土地可持续利用与环境政策一体化

    Continuous Utilization of District Land and Environmental policy Merge as an organic Whole

  21. 灌区农业节水与土地可持续利用研究

    Water - Saving irrigation and sustainable land use

  22. 全球环境变化与中国土地可持续利用

    Global change and land sustainable utilization in China

  23. 城市土地可持续利用的空间布局建模

    A Spatial Model of Urban Land Sustainable Use

  24. 土地可持续利用的系统特征与评价

    Systematic Analysis and Assessment on Sustainable Land Use

  25. 开封市城市化进程中土地可持续利用研究

    Study on the Sustainable Land Use in the Process of Urbanization in Kaifeng City

  26. 论文的后半部分,重点对兰州市土地可持续利用问题展开讨论。

    The latter parts of the paper focus on sustainable land use in Lanzhou .

  27. 科学发展观指导下的土地可持续利用问题

    Sustainable Use of Land Under Scientific Development Policy

  28. 小流域土地可持续利用评价

    Evaluation of Sustainable Land Use in Small Drainage

  29. 城市土地可持续利用评价研究以南京市为例

    Research on Evaluation of Urban Sustainable Land-use & A Case Study of Nanjing City

  30. 土地可持续利用的动态度量

    Dynamic Measurement of Land - use Sustainability