- lease of land

We 'll lease out that land down there to hunting clubs .
And the rental markets may be divided into three classes to guide the reasonable use of land .
Landlords in old China farmed out their land to their tenants and lived in luxury off the rents .
Financed by the government , most of the farms recruited tenant peasants for cultivation , while some specific one adopted employment .
Suffolk strongly suggested two years later that , after leasing , the Secretary was empowered to take measures necessary to protect the environment .
In many cases indigenous people , who 've lived on these lands for generations , have not been consulted about the land leases .
About 666,660 square meters of land was leased by farmers to Alibaba on a yearly-basis and then sold on as plots to subscribers .
In most cases , the Greek government may not actually sell the property outright but is more likely to lease the underlying land for development .
Most of the rich peasants in China are semi-feudal in character , since they let a part of their land , practise usury and ruthlessly exploit the farm labourers .
The farmers near cities are working part of their land themselves and are letting the rest .
I would add two points here : first , seek to reduce the extremes of the property cycle by taxing the rental value of land ; second , remove incentives for leverage from the tax code .
About the Leasing of the Right to Use the State-Owned Urban Land to Be Implemented in China
Most of Australia has been leased out to someone as long as the Govt get 's the lease payments they don 't care .
A lease contract shall be signed for leasing the right to the use of the land by and between the lessor and the lessee .
After leasing the right to the use of the land the lessee must continue to perform the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land .
Land may not be sold , leased , mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means .
The second stage is the equal distribution of land , including the land rented out by the rich peasants and their surplus land .
In the preceding paragraph , if the land owned by the government , the administration of land management shall lend or agree to use and collect for rental or usage fees .
On this public domain the government , as proprietor , can lease grazing , lands .
How to Change the Free Use of Land into the Paid Use of Land-Considering the Establishment of Our Country ~ 1 s Land Rental Markets
While the rich German and Russian peasant leased in land for large-scale farming , the rich chinese leased out land merely to suck profits from the sweat of his tenants .