
  • 网络pattern distortion
  1. 本文指出,在影响P型(100)硅处延埋层图形畸变的诸因素中,衬底晶向偏离度是决定性的。

    For p-type ( 100 ) silicon substrate , the orientation deviation is the main factor influencing pattern distortion in epitaxial buried layer .

  2. 研究对象是应用电视中使用的偏转线圈。主要讨论M-M型聚焦偏转线圈中有关的设计和工艺问题,如隅角分辨率、图形畸变、校正磁铁、屏蔽等。

    With deflection coils as its study subject , this paper mainly discusses some aspects of design and techn-ology used in focusing deflection coils Type M-M , such as resolution in corners , pattern distortion , correc-tion magnet , shielding etc.

  3. P<100>Si衬底晶向偏离度对外延埋层图形畸变的影响

    Effect of Orientation Deviation on Pattern Distortion in Epitaxial Buried Layer on P 100 Si Substrate

  4. 微型CRT管“图形畸变”参量计算机测试需要解决系统分辨率难以满足精度要求的问题。

    In the computer testing of distortion of micro-CRTs , it is necessary to solve the problem that the resolution of the system usually can not meet the requirements of the precision .

  5. 提出和介绍了运用Photoshop软件一些特殊的图像处理功能设计制作动感像素全息图的方法,并结合多种防伪技术,使产生的图案具有不可仿制的图形畸变特点,并列举了设计实例。

    It also provides and discusses several methods for designing Dot-Matrix hologram by using Photoshop 's special effective function tools and combined multiple anti-counterfeit techniques which produce pattern 's distortion to enhanced anti-counterfeit feature , Samples designed are provided .

  6. 振镜二维扫描的图形畸变校正和曝光量补偿

    Calibration of graphic distortion and compensation of exposure for dual galvanometer scanning

  7. 本文从外延生长微观机制和生长动力学对产生外延埋层图形畸变的原因和实验结果进行了讨论。

    In this paper , the results and the reason of forming pattern distortion have been discussed based on its micromechanism and growing dynamics .

  8. 针对激光振镜扫描系统的图形畸变,根据由成像系统引起的几何畸变的后验校正法提出一种二次曲线校正模型。

    According to the graphic distortion of the laser galvanom , a kind of conic calibration model was put forward based on post-validation of geometry distortion caused by the imaging system .

  9. 正交图形簇畸变的校正研究及计算机仿真处理

    Research and Computer Simulation for Distortion Correction of Orthogonal Pattern Group

  10. 硅(111)晶片外延时图形微畸变的研究

    Investigation of Micro-distortion in the Figure During the Epitaxial Growth of ( 111 ) Silicon Wafers

  11. 屏幕图形的无畸变打印

    Printing screen graph without distortion

  12. 双振镜激光加工中,物镜平场扫描系统中,输出平面笛卡儿坐标系与扫描器球面坐标系之间存在着非线性映射关系,使扫描加工图形产生图形加工畸变。

    In the dual-galvanometric laser scanning , there was non-linearity mapping relation between the output Cartesian coordinates of object lens scanning plane system and the coordinate of laser scanner . It made the laser scanning geometry to be distorted .