
  • 网络thule;tulle;Toul
  1. 这个团体正在拆除的包括图勒社团,纳粹骷髅党企业集团,头头则是老布什。

    The group being taken down is the Thule Society , Skull & Bones Nazi conglomerate headed by George Bush Senior .

  2. 最初,飞机打算在图勒空军基地紧急着陆,但因为火势严重,飞机无法飞抵预定地点。

    Originally , the plan was to make an emergency landing at Thule Air Base , but the fire was too severe , and the plane didn 't make it there .

  3. 他企图勒死一名边防警察并偷走他的枪。

    He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun

  4. 这后来被戏称为“图勒门”,从中可以看出丹麦政府暗中允许和平时期在其领土上储存核武器。

    In what would eventually get dubbed " Thulegate , " it came out that the Danish government was secretly allowing the stockpiling of nuclear weapons on its soil during peacetime .

  5. 格陵兰岛事件,一般称为图勒事故,发生在帕洛马雷斯事故之后两年,它们有很多相似之处。

    This Greenland incident , commonly referred to as the Thule accident , took place just two years after Palomares and has a lot of similarities with the previous broken arrow .