
  • Image enlargement;【石油】zooming
  1. 这种型号的迪格斯望远镜可将图像放大11倍。

    This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times

  2. 基于FPGA动态可重构的高速、高质量的图像放大

    Fast , High quality Enlargement of Image Based on Dynamic Reconfigurable FPGA

  3. 图像放大中的两种FIR内插滤波器实现结构及其抗混叠效果比较

    Comparison of the structures and anti-aliasing of two interpolation filters used in image magnification

  4. 应用CCD摄像和数字电子技术,研制了新型光电等厚干涉实验仪,不仅能将等厚干涉图像放大显示在监视器屏幕上,而且还可对图像进行数字化读数测量。

    Applied CCD camera and digital electronic technologies , a new photoelectric experimental instrument for equal thickness interference is developed .

  5. 本文提出了一种结合BP神经网络、小波变换、线性插值的图像放大算法,提高图像分辨率。

    In this paper , BP neural network , wavelet transform , linear interpolation are applied to image interpolation in order to improving image resolution .

  6. 本设计研究并完成了CRT背投电视视频图像放大电路的设计。

    The circuit video amplified of the CRT rear projection TV has been researched and completed .

  7. 本文介绍了跟踪转台的工作原理以及系统组成,并确定了CCD成像系统和图像放大系统参数,设计了CCD成像物镜和双远心光学系统,设计结果满足使用要求。

    This article describes the working principle and system components of the photoelectric tracking platform , and to determine the CCD imaging system and image amplification system parameters , design CCD imaging lens and double-telemetric optical system , results meet the requirements .

  8. frameWindow参数表示每帧裁剪的图像放大至多少像素。

    The frameWindow parameter is how many pixels to expand the cropped image per frame to .

  9. 提出了基于小波变换的ENO插值图像放大方法,对插值后的图像做小波变换,对于高频系数进行修正,经过重构保持放大图像的清晰度。

    A method of image magnification with ENO interpolation which based on wavelet transform is presented , to enhance the coefficient of the high frequency subband .

  10. 提出将非线性扩散P-M方程与中值滤波相结合,实现图像放大的非线性偏微分方法,克服线性偏微分方法放大图像存在边缘模糊,不清晰的弊病。

    Nonlinear partial differential method which is combined nonlinear diffusion equation ( P-M equation ) with the median filtering was proposed and can be applied to image zooming .

  11. 用这个曲线曲面演化方程进行图像放大,其几何意义是在空间Wv,s中选择使图像的Snake内部能量最小的放大方法。

    In this paper , we apply the curve and surface evolution equation to image zoom . The geometry meaning of this zoom method is to choose among Wv , s the image that has the smallest internal energy of the Snake .

  12. 并用电脑图像放大辨认;

    For better view , the images were amplified with computer .

  13. 压缩相干态通过参量图像放大系统的光学像

    Optical image of squeezed coherent states in the parametric image amplifier

  14. 一种基于有理二次样条曲线的图像放大方法

    Method of image enlargement based on curves of rational quadratic spline

  15. 图像放大技术是医学图像处理中的重要领域。

    Image magnification is an important technology in medical image processing .

  16. 用迭代法消除数字图像放大后的模糊

    Deblurring the Enlarged Digital Image by Using the Iteration Method

  17. 提出了两种适用于电视墙显示的高质量的图像放大方法。

    Put forward two new enlargement ways for video wall display system .

  18. 一种利用采样率转换方法的灰度图像放大算法

    An grayscale image magnification algorithm with sampling rate changed filter

  19. 基于形态学和自适应模糊内插的红外图像放大

    Forward Looking Infra-Red Image Enlargement Based on Morphology and Adaptive Fuzzy Interpolation

  20. 基于边缘曲线光顺连续性恢复的灰度图像放大算法

    Gray Image Magnification Based on Fairing and Continuous Restoration of Edge Curves

  21. 基于区域填充的二值数字图像放大算法

    Algorithm for binary digital image magnifying based on area filling

  22. 一种基于小波分量相似性的图像放大方法

    An Image Zooming Method Based on Similarity of Wavelet Component

  23. 一种基于双曲正切函数的自适应图像放大算法

    An Adaptive Image Magnification Based on the Hyperbolic Tangent Function

  24. 基于双线性插值改进算法的图像放大技术实现

    An Improved Algorithm Based on Bilinear Interpolation in Image Magnification and Its Realization

  25. 小波分解在图像放大缩小中的应用

    The Application of the Wavelet Decomposition in Image Zooming

  26. 保持轮廓清晰光滑的灰度图像放大算法

    Gray Image Magnification with Reserved Sharp and Smooth Contour

  27. 一种基于分形码和模型约束的图像放大算法

    Image Magnification Based on Fractal Codes and Model Constraint

  28. 图像放大技术的研究也日益重要。

    So the research for image enlargement technology becomes more and more important .

  29. 二维不可分插值滤波器在图像放大中的应用

    Application of 2D Nonseparable Interpolating Filter in Image Magnification

  30. 基于色度-亮度全变分模型的彩色图像放大

    Color Image Magnification Based on Chromaticity-Brightness Total Variation Model