
  • 网络international container
  1. 基于AHP的国际集装箱中转港综合竞争力比较

    Comparative study on comprehensive competitiveness based on AHP appraisal of international container transit ports

  2. EDI报文运作安全系统及在国际集装箱运输EDI中的实现方法

    Security System for EDI Message Delivery and Implementation in EDI of International Container Transportation

  3. C公司与韩进海运国际集装箱班轮经营战略联盟的研究

    A Study on Alliance between Company C and Hanjin Shipping

  4. 自中国加入WTO以来,越来越多的集装箱码头公司进入国际集装箱码头管理行业。

    Since China joined the WTO , more and more container-port companies has entered into the international management profession of container ports .

  5. EDI与国际集装箱检验检疫监管

    EDI in inspection and quarantine of container transportation

  6. EDI在港口国际集装箱运输中的应用

    The Application of EDI in International Port-container Transportation

  7. 因港口吞吐能力有限,同时劳工关系紧张,希腊国有运营商比雷埃夫斯港务局(piraeusportauthority)一直难以吸引到国际集装箱公司。

    Piraeus port authority , the state-controlled operator , has struggled to attract international container companies because of Limited handling facilities and poor labour relations .

  8. 大西洋集装箱航运公司中国运洋运输总公司,即COSCO,已开通50条国内国际集装箱运输线路。

    The China Ocean Shipping Company , COSCO , has opened more than 50 domestic and international container shipping routes .

  9. 本文介绍了一个EDI报文运作安全系统,以及它在国际集装箱运输EDI系统中的实现方法。

    This paper describes a security system for EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) message delivery and how to build the example to be used in EDI of international container transportation .

  10. CMICT码头(招商国际集装箱码头)土石方工程开挖量约590万m3,爆区周边有玻璃厂和300多幢年代不同、结构不等的村民房屋。

    About 5.9 millions m ~ 3 of rock were blasted in the excavation of CMICT ( China Merchants International Container Terminal ) Dock . Near the blast area there are a glass factory and about 300 village houses with different structures and ages .

  11. 青岛港建设国际集装箱枢纽港的思考

    Consideration about Constructing Qingdao Port into An International Container Hub Port

  12. 我国国际集装箱枢纽港建设研究

    Research on the Construction of International Container Hub Port in China

  13. 国际集装箱运输市场特点及我国的对策

    Feature of International Container Shipping Market and Poliny of our Country

  14. 国际集装箱运输是一种先进的现代化运输方式。

    The international containerized traffic is one advanced modernization transport mode .

  15. 国际集装箱船配载系统设计

    A Software Design for Load Plan of International Containerized Ship

  16. 国际集装箱中转站系统的模拟模型研究

    A Simulation Model of Transfer Station System in International Container Freight Transportation

  17. 加快港口发展适应国际集装箱运输需求

    Quicken Port Development to Gear to the Needs of International Container Transport

  18. 国际集装箱运输市场的现状、趋势及对策

    International Container Transportation Market : Status , Trends and Solutions

  19. 加快铁路国际集装箱运输市场的开发

    Speed up in Foreign Trade and International Container Transport Market

  20. 基于时间价值的国际集装箱运输路径的优化研究

    Optimized the Transport Routes of International Containers Based on the Time Value

  21. 国际集装箱运输市场的中国因素研究

    Research on China Factor of the International Container Transportation Market

  22. 介绍了系统用计算机实现国际集装箱追踪系统的功能和维护等。

    The function and maintenance of international container fleeting system were introduced .

  23. 国际集装箱多式联运法律制度研究

    Research on the Legal System of International Container Multi - modal Transport

  24. 探究式教法在国际集装箱运输交接方式讲解中的应用

    Exploration-oriented Approach Applying in Explanation in Transfer Modes of International Container Transportation

  25. 中国国际集装箱运输网络的布局与优化

    Distribution and Optimization of Container Transportation Network in China

  26. 长江国际集装箱运输与船型探讨

    Analysis of Container Ship Types and Transportation from the Yangtze River to Abroad

  27. 建设国际集装箱港口成为经济发展的必然趋势。

    Constructing international container ports has become the inevitable trend of economy development .

  28. 进一步地研究了国际集装箱运输市场的未来趋势。

    Furthermore , the trend characteristics of international container transportation market are explained .

  29. 中国国际集装箱班轮运输市场运价趋势分析

    Trend analysis of shipping price in China 's international container liner transport market

  30. 国际集装箱船舶大型化对世界集装箱港口发展的影响

    The Influence of Large International Container Ships on the World 's Container Port Development