
  1. 利玛窦的《西国记法》是最早一部以汉文撰写的记忆术论著,也是20世纪以前惟一用汉文撰写的记忆术论著。

    A Treatise on Mnemonics written by Matteo Ricci is not only the first work on mnemonics written in the Chinese language , but also the only work on mnemonics written in the Chinese language before the 20th century .

  2. 《OZ国历险记》是我在医院里读的第一本书。

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was the first book I read in the hospital .

  3. 我读的第一本书是《OZ国奇遇记》,那是一个慵懒的夏天,我在新泽西兰道尔夫街家中的门廊上读了这本书。

    The first book I read was " The Wizard of Oz , " one lazy summer on my front porch on Randolph Street in New Jersey .

  4. 此外,我们也第一次看到了英雄们将面对的敌人。这些家伙看上去像是《复仇者联盟》中的奇塔瑞人和《奥兹国历险记》中西方邪恶女巫座下飞猴的结合体。

    In addition , we get our first look at some of the adversaries our heroes will go up against , who look to be somewhere between the Chitauri of ' Avengers Assemble ' and the Wicked Witch of the West 's flying monkeys .

  5. 找到合适的嘉宾与恰当的主题是候印国制作《老友记》的重中之重。

    Finding suitable guests and topics is Hou 's top priority when it comes to Friends .

  6. 这对石油消费国和产油国都是一记警钟。

    This is a wake-up call to the oil consuming countries and to the oil producers .