
  • 网络international financial services
  1. 美国众议院金融服务委员会(housefinancialservicescommittee)主席巴尼弗兰克(barneyfrank)表示,如果一家国际金融服务集团将总部设在规避监管的国家,就应该被排除在美国市场之外。

    International financial services groups should be excluded from the US market if they are based in countries that are havens from regulation , according to the head of a US congressional committee .

  2. 据推广英国金融行业的私营部门组织伦敦国际金融服务公司(InternationalFinancialServices,London)统计,伦敦占据了全球外汇交易成交量的36%,而排名第二的纽约所占比重为14%。

    London accounts for 36 % of global foreign-exchange trading : the next-biggest player , New York , is responsible for 14 % of turnover , according to International Financial Services London , a private-sector group that promotes the U.K. financial industry .

  3. 来自某国际金融服务公司的PE系统是一个典型的遗留系统。

    PE system in a international finance service corporation is a classical legacy system .

  4. 伦敦国际金融服务公司(internationalfinancialserviceslondon)最新研究认为,主权财富基金近年来的出色增长将会继续下去。

    The stellar growth of sovereign wealth funds in recent years is set to continue , according to the latest research from a city of London thinktank .

  5. 论国际金融服务外包及中国的应对策略

    Discuss the International Financial Service Outsourcing and China 's Corresponding Strategies

  6. 国际金融服务贸易壁垒比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Trade Barrier of International Financial Service

  7. 对运行机制的归纳,可以提高对国际金融服务外包的整体认识。

    Induction of running mechanism can improve the international financial services outsourcing .

  8. 国际金融服务贸易法律的多边化与中国金融服务贸易法制

    The Multilateralization of Laws on International Trade in Financial Serveces

  9. 国际金融服务公司很快就发现了这点。

    That is what the world 's financial services companies are quickly finding .

  10. 第二章是对法律法规形式的国际金融服务贸易壁垒的比较研究,特别对金融服务贸易市场准入壁垒和有违国民待遇的壁垒进行了比较与分析;

    Chapter two has a comparative study on the trade barrier of international financial service .

  11. 乌拉圭回合之后的国际金融服务:全球视点

    International Financial Services After Uruguay Round

  12. 其中许多地区培养了国际金融服务领域的真正世界级专业技能,例如百慕大、卢森堡和根西岛。

    Many have developed genuine world-class expertise in international financial services such as Bermuda , Luxembourg and Guernsey .

  13. 所以,各国在金融服务业领域不同程度地设置了许多贸易壁垒,阻碍着国际金融服务贸易的自由化。

    Every country set up in varying degrees some barriers that hinder the liberalization of international trade in financial services .

  14. 乌拉圭回合贸易谈判为金融服务的国际化扫除了规则障碍,国际金融服务在国际范围内得到了迅速的发展。

    Uruguay Round of trade negotiations cleared institutional barriers for international financial services , and in the world area , they developed quickly .

  15. 本文主要研究国际金融服务离岸外包的法律规制问题。

    In this thesis , the author mainly discusses the issues relating to the legal regulation on the offshore outsourcing of international financial services .

  16. 中国迫切希望与按照严格公司治理机制(而非国内现有机制)运行的国际金融服务集团建立联系。

    China is keen to forge links with international financial services groups that operate under strict governance regimes than those that currently exist in China .

  17. 在新的发展阶段,对于国际金融服务的领域和含义也有了深层次的改变,学者们对于国际金融服务的理论认知也有了相当的发展。

    In the new era of development , the significance of international financial services has changed a lot , and the understanding of them has also developed .

  18. 在国际金融服务外包市场中,中国和印度是两个具有竞争关系的承接大国。

    India is the largest country in the global market of financial services outsourcing which has competitive advantages in terms of personnel , infrastructure , policies and corporate management .

  19. 根据我国入世承诺,须逐步开放金融服务贸易市场,这就要求我国相关金融立法与国际金融服务贸易规范相衔接。

    According to our promise after entering WTO , we must open the financial service market gradually . This promise requires our establishing relevant financial legislation to coordinate with international financial service .

  20. 尽管亚洲许多市场增长强劲,但科尔伯恩警告,对过于依赖国际金融服务机构需求的城市,2012年其写字楼需求可能会放缓。

    In spite of the strong growth in many Asian markets during 2011 , Mr Colbourne warned that cities that were too dependent on uptake from international financial services could experience a slowdown in demand in 2012 .

  21. 其主要内容包括:国际金融服务贸易自由化的规则和纪律,影响国际金融服务贸易的国内法规的协调、承认和实施,国际金融服务贸易争议的解决。

    Its main contents include rules and disciplines of liberalization of international trade in financial services , harmonization , recognition and implementation of domestic regulation affecting trade in financial sevices , resolution of dispute on international trade in financial services .

  22. 为促进金融服务贸易的开放,建立一个全球性、规范性的国际金融服务贸易发展秩序,世界贸易组织体制界定了金融服务、金融服务贸易提供方式及有关影响金融服务贸易措施的概念。

    In order to promoting the opening finance service trade , establishing a global , normative and international financial service trade development order , WTO system definited finance service , financial service trade provide the way and relevant concept of influencing finance service trade measure .

  23. 在国际金融服务贸易中,各国出于保护本国金融业及国家整体经济安全等方面的考虑,都或多或少对外国金融业在本国的发展设置了非自然障碍,构成了国际金融服务贸易壁垒。

    In the service trade of the international finance , most countries have set up various non - natural obstacles to foreign financial service and service providers in order to protect national finance industry , and this forms the trade barriers of international financial service promptly .

  24. 介绍了金融服务贸易的构成要素,涵盖可贸易金融服务的范围,国际金融服务的提供(包括跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动四个方面),国际金融服务贸易的统计。

    This part introduces the elements of financial service trade , the scope of tradable financial service , the offer of international financial service ( including Cross-border Delivery , Consumption Abroad , Commercial Presence and Movement of Natural Persons ), and the statistics of intentional financial service trading .

  25. 你还要解决中国知识产权的问题,中国市场向国际金融服务开放的问题,其中最重要的是根据新的估计,人民币相对美元贬值的问题。

    You 've got the issue of Chinese respect of intellectual property , you got the issue of China 's opening up its market to international financial services , and above all you 've got the fact that the Chinese , said in newer estimation , keep their currency the RMB yuan artificially low against the dollar .

  26. 上海国际金融人才服务中心的宗旨是:汇聚天下英才,筑就国际金融人才高地。

    The mission of Shanghai International Finance Human Resources Service Center is to accumulate elate of the world and , to construct international highland of financial talent .

  27. 开发新产品,以及新市场的出现,使保诚在国际金融零售服务领域成为一位举足轻重的成员。

    The development of new products and the emergence of new markets have established Prudential as a significant player in the world of international retail financial services .

  28. 改革开放后,上海的经济实力日益壮大,发展成为一个国际金融文化服务中心的趋势越来越明显。

    Since the Reform and Open-up , Shanghai 's economy has grown rapidly and strongly . There is a trend of its becoming an international center of finance , culture and service .

  29. 大型国际性金融服务企业和自然资源公司都为董事会设立了专门针对新兴市场的咨询部门,为的就是利用他们的专长。

    We have also seen large , international financial services and natural resource companies build advisory councils to their boards that have a deliberate skew towards emerging markets , in order to capture that expertise .

  30. 这些宣传活动旨在进一步加强香港与其贸易伙伴的联系,并宣传香港是亚太区主要国际金融及服务中心,而且是进入中国的重要通道。

    The promotions aim to further strengthen the economic ties between Hong Kong and its major trading partners , and to promote Hong Kong as a leading international financial and services centre of the Asia Pacific region and the pre-eminent gateway to china .