
ɡuó jì huà zhàn lüè
  • internationalization strategy
  1. CEO特征与国际化战略&来自中国制造业上市公司的证据

    CEO Characteristics and Internationalization Strategy : Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Listed Companies

  2. 联想集团并购IBM个人电脑事业部是其国际化战略的一个重要举措。

    It is an important internationalization strategy that Lenovo Group merged with the personal computer department of IBM .

  3. 外包、FDI和本国生产是服务业国际化战略中最重要的三种生产模式。

    Outsourcing , FDI and domestic production are the most important models of service international strategy .

  4. 而导致跨国公司RD国际化战略的动因在于巨大的市场需求、产品的本土化、国际化市场和供应链管理全球、RD战略导向、政府推动以及信息技术的发展。

    The motives of R & D globalization of MNCs are great market demand , products localization , market internationalization and globalizing supply chain management , etc.

  5. 本文在探讨我国加入WTO后服务贸易发展与服务市场进一步开放的基础上,就中国服务贸易拓展的战略思路及服务型企业国际化战略进行了深入研究,并提出相应的对策建议。

    The paper gives a deep study on China 's strategic chooses in service trade development and puts forward related countermeasures under the framework of WTO .

  6. 加入WTO后,中国的汽车企业已越来越多地融入全球的汽车市场,各个企业纷纷根据自己的情况,开始实行自己的国际化战略。

    After China joined WTO , Chinese automobile companies started to involve into global automobile market . Based on the real condition , each enterprise implements its own internationalization strategy .

  7. 国际化战略则是基于汽车企业生产的特点、全球经济一体化、加入WTO所带来的全球市场放开等提出的战略。

    The last strategy is the internationalize process , which is managed by the virtue of the trait of the auto enterprises , the globe economy and the open policy of entering the WTO .

  8. 新世纪,企业如何抓住我国加入WTO的历史机遇,组织实施品牌国际化战略,积极参与国际竞争,关系到我国综合竞争力的提高和民族经济的发展。

    In the new century , to catch the valuable opportunities , enterprises should organize and implement strategies for brand internationalization , which will affect the improvement of Chinese comprehensive competence and the development of Chinese economy .

  9. 本文以所研究的理论为依据,运用SWOT方法具体分析联想集团的品牌国际化战略,并对其未来发展提出了建议。

    This article studied the theory is based on a concrete analysis of the use of SWOT method Lenovo brand internationalization strategy , and its future development were proposed .

  10. 论全球GAAP合流趋势下我国会计准则国际化战略问题

    On the Internationalization Strategy of China Accounting Standards under the Tide of Increasingly Accelerated GAAPs ' Confluence Globally

  11. 在新形势下,澳门爱达利电讯公司面临着经济全球化带来的文化挑战、东西方管理文化的进一步融合引发的挑战以及我国加入WTO带来的经营危机,其国际化战略遇到了前所未有的困难;

    Under the new situation , Macau Vodatel systems faces the challenges of global economics integration , the rapid Syncretization of eastern and western culture , the Chinese entry of WTO , Macau Vodatel systems internationalization strategy have encountered great difficults .

  12. 本文利用SWOT分析法结合前面的分析得到新竞争环境下太保的竞争优势(核心竞争力),并对公司的业务层战略、公司层战略、国际化战略、并购与重组和合作战略进行了深入分析。

    Using SWOT model , we will analyze profoundly the core competition of CPIC and the strategy of operation layer , the strategy of company , the internationalization strategy , merging and recombining , cooperation strategy .

  13. 本文结合KLT集团公司这一案例,对基于创新的国际化战略问题进行了探讨和研究,并在理论分析的基础上,针对公司国际化战略规划中存在的具体问题提出了优化方案。

    Referring to the case of KLT Group , the article makes an intensive research about the international strategy based on innovation .

  14. 因此,在制定国际化战略时,应该考虑在SWOT分析的基础上,建立与国际化战略相匹配的创新能力和持续性竞争优势。

    So that , when the international strategy was worked out , enterprises should consider about how to set up the innovation capacity and sustainable competitive advantage matching with the international strategy on the basis of the SWOT analysis .

  15. 文章通过对世界汽车产业环境以及JAC(合肥江淮汽车股份有限公司)的SWOT分析,提出JAC的国际化战略,并力求通过提高学习来实施国际化战略。

    Through analysis of environment for world automotive industry and SWOT analysis of JAC , it puts forward the internationalization strategy . Efforts will be made to execute internationalization strategy through study .

  16. 当中国工商银行(icbc)成为首家在中东设立子行的中资银行时,此举被鼓吹为海外扩张和推行“国际化战略”的一个重要步骤。

    When the industrial and Commercial Bank of China became the first Chinese bank to open a subsidiary in the Middle East , it was touted as a significant step towards expanding overseas and promoting an " internationalisation strategy " .

  17. 本文将采用案例研究和比较分析的方法来对ASB公司的国际化战略进行分析研究,归纳出一些适合其特点的自身特点的国际化发展战略,以期能为此类企业的国际化发展提供借鉴。

    The thesis takes the approaches of case study and comparison to analyze and study the internationalization strategy of ASB , to conclude or find out some appropriate globalization strategy , to provide reference for those domestic enterprises who intend to go abroad .

  18. 当前形势下招商银行的国际化战略分析

    A Study on the Current Internationalization Strategy of China Merchants Bank

  19. 日本是世界上最先提出大学国际化战略的国家。

    Japan is the first to propose internationalized strategy for universities .

  20. 中国零售企业的国际化战略研究

    A Research on the Strategy of Internationalization of Chinese Retail Enterprises

  21. 全世界各国的大学纷纷制定国际化战略。

    Universities around the world have the formulation of international strategy .

  22. 我国饭店企业集团品牌国际化战略研究

    Study of Brand Internationalization Strategy in Hotel Groups of Our Country

  23. 泉州民营企业品牌国际化战略的思路与对策

    Thoughts and Countermeasures of Brand Internationalization Strategy of Quanzhou 's Private Enterprises

  24. 中小企业国际化战略探析

    A Discussion on the International Strategy for the Medium-and-small-sized Enterprises

  25. 从投资发展周期角度探究大连企业国际化战略

    Internationalization Strategies for Dalian Enterprises Based on Investment Development Path

  26. 我国软件企业国际化战略研究

    Research on Software Enterprise 's Internationalization Strategies of Our Country

  27. 我国高技术企业国际化战略探析

    The Analysis of Chinese High-Tech Enterprise ′ s Internationalization Strategy

  28. 山东农业国际化战略与科技创新对策研究

    Stratagem and Countermeasure of Technology Innovation of Shandong Agriculture Internationalization

  29. 第四章:纺织出口企业的国际化战略。

    Chapter 4 : The internationalization strategy of Chinese textile exporting enterprises .

  30. 国际化战略实施与高层管理团队构成实证研究

    Empirical Study on Internationalization Strategy Implementation and Top Management Composition