
ɡuó jì mào yì liànɡ
  • International trade volume;quantum of international trade
  1. 近年来,中国双孢蘑菇国际贸易量稳居世界之首。

    China is now steadily ranking the first in international trade in Agaricus bisporus in recent years .

  2. 在所有国家,蛋及其制品是人们的主要食物来源,其国际贸易量很大。

    They are a major source of food for people in all countries and there is significant international trade in these products .

  3. 随着国际贸易量的不断增长、集装箱货运量的突飞猛进,集装箱码头之间的竞争日趋激烈。

    With the growing increase of international trade quality and the container freight volume , the competition among container terminals is becoming increasingly fierce .

  4. 金融危机导致市场经济萎靡不振,国际贸易量显著下降,使交通运输企业面临前所未有的困难。

    The market is dispirited and international trade is reduced under the circumstances of financial crisis which cause the communication enterprise confronted unprecedented difficulties .

  5. 据统计,目前国际贸易量的80%左右由海运完成,因此,作为海运航线的起点和终点的港口,其重要性日益突显。浅析气象定线在远洋运输中的应用

    According to statistic , 80 % of the present international trade is carried by ocean transportation . The Application of Weather Routeing in Ocean Transportation

  6. 近年来,随着我国国内贸易和国际贸易量的不断增加,物流产业在我国日渐繁荣。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the domestic and international trade volume in our country , logistics industry becomes prosperous day after day .

  7. 自从我国加入世贸组织,国际贸易量日益增大,熟悉和掌握与之相关的标准,参与市场竞争更显得非常重要。

    After entering WTO , international trades have been increased greatly , and it is important to familiarize and grasp relevant criteria to win the market competition .

  8. 在经济全球化发展的浪潮中,国际贸易量剧增,集装箱这种运输方式依靠其自身优势也得到了快速发展和完善。

    In the wave of economic globalization , the international trade has increased sharply . Container transportation with its own advantages has also obtained fast development and improvement .

  9. 具体表现在五高四低,即煤炭产量高、煤炭需求量高、煤炭国际贸易量高、煤炭价格高、煤炭销售收入高。

    These mainly are reflected in the aspects of high production and great demand in coal market , great international trade amount and high coal price & sales income .

  10. 他们认为,浮动汇率制度下名义汇率和实际汇率的频繁波动将不可避免地导致国际贸易量的减少。

    They believe that the frequent fluctuation of nominal and real exchange rates under the floating exchange rate regime will inevitably lead to the reduction in the volume of international trade .

  11. 随着经济全球化及动物和动物产品国际贸易量迅猛增长,由贸易引起动物疫病传播的风险越来越引起各国重视。

    As economic globalization and swiftly and violently increasing of international trade volume of animal and animal products , countries attach importance to the risk of transmission of animal disease by trade .

  12. 随着经济贸易自由化进程的不断加快,国际贸易量的显著飞速增长,国际集装箱运输也得到快速发展,成为国际贸易主要的运输方式之一。

    With the economic commerce freedom going , capacity of international trade is rising , and the transport of international container is developing quickly , and become the main transports of manner of international trade .

  13. 中国就是一个很好的例子,自从中国加入世界贸易组织后,中国国际贸易量已有所提高,与此同时也增强了中国国际运输业。

    China is a good example , since the China entry into the WTO , the volume of China international trade has been improving , which has been enhencing China international shipping business in the meantime .

  14. 资料统计,国际贸易量的95%以上通过海运业来承担,而集装箱货运量在整个海运中的比重已经超过70%以上,而且呈不断上升趋势。

    According to the related statistics , the sea transportation takes 95 % of the goods of the international trades , while the container cargo transportation takes more than 70 % of the sea transportation and this momentum is increasing .

  15. 在世界经济发展全球化和国际贸易量迅猛增长的背景下,集装箱船舶出现大型化、高速化、干线化和联盟化的发展趋势,港口成为新经济时代的物流中心。

    Under the globalization of world economy , international trade capacity increases swiftly , the container ships are becoming larger and speeder with trunk and alliance lines , and the ports turns to be the logistic center in the new economy .

  16. 然后,将基于灰色理论的贸易引力模型应用到中国双边贸易量的预测与因素分析上,通过实证检验发现新模型能够很好的预测国际贸易量。

    Thirdly , the thesis figures out the new model can forecasts the quantities of international trade very well by using the Trade Gravity model based on Gray System in the field of forecasts and factors analyzing of Chinese bilateral trades .

  17. 随着全球经济一体化的兴起和国际贸易量的逐年攀升,沿海港口间的竞争日趋激烈,如何争取更广阔的经济腹地和货源成为港口企业目前最关心的事情。

    With the rise of global economic integration and international trade volume increasing year by year , the competition among seaports is increasing . What a port enterprises most concerns about is how to fight for broader economic hinterland and supply .

  18. 然而,每年国际贸易量超过20Mt的这种高纯度原料,在到达终端用途目的地之前,几乎都要经过库存、大批量处置和转运,或常常通过铁路和船只长途运输。

    But how much of the more than twenty million tones of this high purity raw material that is traded internationally each year sits in storage , is extensively handled and transported and is often shipped long distances by rail and ship before it reaches its end use destination ?

  19. 国际大米贸易量预计将减少,这主要是由于重要出口国的限制。

    International rice trade is expected to decrease , mainly due to restrictions in main exporting countries .

  20. 近年来,随着国际贸易海运量的攀升,航运、货物装卸及腹地运输的发展,这一趋势变得更加显著。

    This trend is fuelled by the recent growth in international waterborne trade and developments in shipping , cargo handling and hinterland transportation .

  21. 全球LNG市场仅约占国际天然气贸易量的四分之一,但增长速度很快,未来10年供应量将增加1.3倍。

    Global LNG market is very active and the supply will augment 1.3 times within the further ten years .

  22. 林化产品是重要的非木质林产品,近年来其国际需求及贸易量增长迅猛。

    Forest chemical product is an import NWFP , with a fast increase of international demand and trade volume in recent years .

  23. 炭化钙由于其在烟气脱硫、污水处理中的优越性能,近年来在国际市场中的贸易量大增。

    Calcium carbide because of its flue gas desulfurization , wastewater treatment superior performance in recent years , the volume of trade in the international market greatly increased .

  24. 然而,油轮投资往往伴随着巨额的资本流动,并且油轮投资受到国际经济形势和国际贸易量等因素影响很大,具有投资风险大、投资回收期长等特点。

    However , the tanker investment often accompanied by huge capital flows , and the oil-tanker investment is influenced by the international economic situation and international trade volume , it also has some characters such as huge investment risks and long investment recovery period .

  25. 当前国际贸易的主要变化是:一、国际贸易量增长速度放慢;

    Major changes in current international trade are : ( 1 ) Slowing down of growth of the world trade turnover ;

  26. 国际集装箱航运市场自2002年以来随着中国对外经济建设的大力发展和中国在国际贸易中的贸易量的大幅增加而步入一个繁荣发展的轨道。

    With the development of Chinese foreign economic construction and the big increase of trade volume in the international trade , the international container shipping market has been experiencing its flourish period since 2002 .