
fǎn ɡuī bì
  • anti-circumvention
  1. 反规避条款有其存在的合法性和合理性

    The anti-circumvention clause has its " validity and rationality . "

  2. WTO反规避立法的前景及其对我国的启示

    Foreground and Enlightenment of WTO anti-circumvention legislation

  3. 自我国加入WTO以来,遭遇反规避调查的案件呈增多趋势,对我国国际贸易造成了不良影响。

    Since China entered WTO , the number of anti-evading investigation cases which cause bad influence on our international trade has been increased .

  4. 从乌拉圭回合最后文本中《关于反规避问题的决定》来看,国际社会必将共同努力制定出统一的反规避法律规则并将其纳入WTO反倾销法律体系中去。

    I believe that united international anti-circumvention legal regulations shall be drawn up and brought into the WTO antidumping law system in the future .

  5. (只想想看,当您问您的同事,是否认为应该废除数码千禧年版权法(DigitalMillenniumCopyrightAct)的反规避规定时,他们有多大的触动。

    Just think how impressed your colleagues will be when you ask whether they think the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 's anti-circumvention provisions should be repealed .

  6. 然而,鉴于反规避问题对国际贸易的重要影响,将反规避措施纳入WTO规则之中,是必须而且可能的。

    However , for the important effect of anti-circumvention on international trade , it is a must and a possibility that anti-circumvention measures have been brought into WTO rules .

  7. 论CEPA框架下的反规避法律问题

    The Research of Anti-Circumvention Legal Problems under CEPA

  8. 在介绍了GATT(WTO)的反规避立法的历史后,本文还介绍了邓克尔草案中有关反规避的内容并进行了评析。

    After introducing the history of anti-circumvention laws of GATT ( WTO ), this article then introduces and analyses the related anti-circumvention contents in Dunkel Crafts .

  9. 笔者认为我们应遵循公正合理、借鉴欧美先进立法理念以及与WTO接轨原则,建议在反规避立法中明确“规避”概念;

    In my opinion , we should follow the principle of fair and reasonable ; draw on the experience of EU and USA 's theories about legislation , and relate to principle of WTO ;

  10. 一方面,它是维护国际贸易正常秩序与遵守WTO诸原则,保证反规避措施合法性的平衡点;

    On the one hand , they have the function of ensuring the balance between safeguarding fair order of international trade and observing WTO rules , especially ensuring the legitimacy of anti-circumventing measures under the framework of WTO ;

  11. GATT乌拉圭回合谈判也曾将反规避问题纳入了议程,并在邓克尔草案中提出了完整的反规避内容,但由于美国的反对而最终被删除。

    Anti-circumvention has ever been brought to the negotiation agenda in the Uruguay Round of GATT , but it was erased because the opposition of USA.

  12. 而反规避(Anti-circumvention),则是指进口国针对国外出口商的规避行为而采取的法律救济。

    However , anti - circumvention is the remedies that the importing country takes against the circumvention behavior by foreign exporter .

  13. 此外,为了防止规避技术措施的行为造成DRM的保护目的不能实现,版权人还在全球范围内推进反规避立法(技术措施立法和权利管理信息立法)的通过。

    In addition , in order to prevent circumvention of technological measures which can defeat the protection function of DRMs , copyright owners seeked to worldwide anti-circumvention rules ( include rights management information rules and technical measures rules ) .

  14. 欧美反规避贸易救济模式及启示

    On the Euramerican Pattern of Anti-circumvention Trade Remedy and its Enlightenment

  15. 中国俨然已成为反规避调查的最大受害国之一。

    China has become one of the biggest victims of Anti-Circumvention investigation .

  16. 反规避措施法律问题研究

    A Study of the Legal Issues in Anti - circumvention

  17. 反规避法律是反倾销法发展到一定阶段的必然产物。

    Anti-circumventing law is the development of the anti-dumping law .

  18. 中国反规避立法之探索

    To explore the legislation of anti - circumvention in China

  19. 很明显,目前我国已成为国际反规避调查最大的受害国。

    Obviously , China has become the biggest victim of anti-circumvention investigation .

  20. 即邓克尔草案中的反规避条款最终被删除。

    The anti-circumvention provision in the draft eventually was deleted .

  21. 中国自行车反规避案作为一个比较典型的案例也将加以评介。

    Chinese bicycles is a typical case in the respect .

  22. 国内学者普遍对反规避措施的合法性持否定观点。

    Domestic scholars have generally denied legality of anti circumvention .

  23. 因此,反规避法律一产生就引起了国际社会的广泛关注。

    So anti - circumventing law has aroused extensive attention .

  24. 反规避条款有其存在的合法性和合理性。

    The anti-circumvention clause has its ' validity and rationality .

  25. 第二部分论述美国的反规避立法和实践。

    Part ⅱ discusses US anti-circumvention legislation and practice .

  26. 反规避立法有其存在的合理性和必要性。

    In the meantime , anti-circumvention law has its own rationality and necessity .

  27. 欧美反规避措施比较

    Comparison the Measures of Anti-elusion between America and Europe

  28. 反规避是反倾销立法强化的产物,是反倾销的延伸适用。

    The anti-circumvention is the product of the anti-dumping .

  29. 在此基础上,文章对目前我国反规避的理论和实践可能存在的问题提出了一些看法和建议。

    Based on this , some perspectives and suggestions for China are offered .

  30. 反规避&国际反倾销的新趋势

    Anti-tergiversation & the New Tendency of International Anti-dumping