
  • 网络National economic benefits;national economy benefit
  1. 高速铁路国民经济效益综合评价方法探讨

    An Approach of Synthetical Evaluating Methods of National Economy Benefit for High-Speed Railways

  2. SISC研究所发展战略的研究,对保证SISC研究所军民品持续、稳定、健康的发展,促进国防及国民经济效益均有重要的现实意义。

    Study on SISC development strategy is of important operation significance to ensuring the continuing , healthy and stable development of SISC military products as well as to promoting national defence and national economy benefit .

  3. 城市交通管理的国民经济效益评价方法研究

    Study on Evaluation of National Economic Benefit of Urban Traffic Manager

  4. 交通运输项目的国民经济效益计算办法探讨

    On the Methodology for Calculating the National Economic Benefit of Transport Projects

  5. 国道212线重庆至合川段高速公路国民经济效益后评价

    National Economic Evaluation of National Road No.212 in the Section of Chongqing-Hechuan Express Way

  6. 经济法的国民经济效益论

    On National Economic Benefit of Economic Law

  7. 国民经济效益是指在一定的资金投入条件下,对国民经济所作的贡献。

    National economic benefit is the contribution to national economy under the certain capital investment conditions .

  8. 公路项目国民经济效益分析

    Economic Benefits Analysis of Highway

  9. 改变约束法和国民经济效益最大准则在水电站水库优化调度中的应用

    Application of the variation constraint method and the maximum economic benefit criterion in optimization of reservoir regulation of hydroelectric stations

  10. 国民经济效益的计算是公路建设项目经济评价中的一个核心内容,如何准确、合理地衡量效益是经济评价研究人员必须注重的一个问题。

    It is a core problem to quantify national economic benefit accurately and reasonably in economic evaluation of highway construction project .

  11. 介绍了热力资源综合利用发电技术的特点,详细分析了热力资源综合利用发电的国民经济效益和财务效益。

    The power generation technical characteristics of thermal resources comprehensive utilization are introduced , its cost and benefit of national economy and finance are analyzed .

  12. 该指标体系从财务效益、国民经济效益和社会效益的三方面选取了投资回收期、就业效果等共八项作为评价指标。

    The index benefit system selects the investment pay duration , employment and other 6 factors from financial benefits , national economy benefits and social benefits three aspects .

  13. 第三、建设项目效益评价部分,运用计算机模型及财务分析方法,从国民经济效益评价、财务效益评价两方面对G314线阿克苏过境公路改建工程(北线)的效益进行评价;

    The third is the evaluation of the owning of the rebuilding programer in the national economy and financial affairs , by exerting computer pattern and assaying financial affairs .

  14. 国家审计作为政府强化监督、提高国民经济效益的重要手段,其市场化进程对于国民经济影响巨大。

    The National audit is the governmental central methods in strengthening supervision and increasing economic benefit . The market transformation process in national audit has notable effects on national economy .

  15. 内容包括渔业生产直接消耗系数,价值构成,国民经济效益分析,各种养殖类型的经济指标比较等。

    It consists of direct consumptive coefficient of fishery production , construct of value , analysis of the national economic results and a comparison of the economic targets of various types of culture .

  16. 经济评价结果表明,本文推荐方案的国民经济效益显著,各项评价指标良好,并具有一定的抗风险能力;

    The economic evaluation result indicates , the national economic benefits of the recommended scheme are remarkable , every evaluation index is good , and the scheme has certain ability to resist risk .

  17. 振兴装备制造业对降低工业综合能耗、提高整个国民经济效益、实现增长方式的转变作用巨大。

    Vitalizing equipment-manufacturing industry will greatly help china to reduce synthetic energy consuming of industry , to improve nation 's economic returns and to realize the transformation of the way of economic increasing .

  18. 所以提高机床工具行业的技术创新水平,对降低工业综合能耗、提高整个国民经济效益、实现经济增长方式的转变意义重大。

    So to improve the level of technology innovation in the machine tool industry is very significant to decrease industrial consumption , improve the whole national economic benefit and complete change of economic growth ways .

  19. 本文研究的主要目的就是如何确保国有资产有序有效的退出,从而提高国家经济实力,实现整个国民经济效益的提高,保持社会和谐发展。

    The aim of this dissertation is how to ensure sequential and efficient retreat of the state-owned asset , so as to improve the economic potentiality of nation and efficiency of national economy , improving society harmonious development .

  20. 复杂装备制造业是制造业的高端领域,提高复杂装备制造业的管理水平,对降低工业综合资源消耗水平、提高整个国民经济效益增长方式的转变作用巨大。

    Complex equipment manufacturing is the most sophisticated in modern manufacturing industry . The improvement of manufacturing management system for complex equipment plays a significant role in reducing the industrial comprehensive resource consumption and accelerating the transformation of national economic benefits increase mode .

  21. 从国民经济整体效益出发,建立了计算洪灾间接经济损失下限的多目标优化模型。

    The multi objective optimal model is given for indirect economic loss of flood damage .

  22. 电能质量的好坏直接关系国民经济的总体效益,对电能质量进行监测与分析从而提高和改善电能质量具有重要的现实意义。

    There is great practical significance to improve the power quality by monitoring and analyzing .

  23. 及时准确分析电能质量参数,对于电气设备安全生产、增强国民经济的总体效益、保障居民生活水平有着重要的意义。

    Real-time accurate power quality measurement is essential to electrical equipment safe operation overall national economy quality , convenience of the residents .

  24. 改善电能质量对于电网的安全、经济运行,以及降低能耗等均有重要意义,直接关系到国民经济的总体效益。

    Improving power quality is important for grid security , economic operation and reducing energy consumption and is directly related to the overall effectiveness of the national economy .

  25. 当前,在深化经济体制改革,实现两个根本性转变过程中,经济结构不合理的问题已经突出地影响了国民经济素质和效益的提高。

    At present , in the course of deepening economic restructuring and realizing two essential transformations , the problem of irrational economic structure has noticeably influenced the improvement of national economic quality and its benefit .

  26. 针对不同的指标特性,应用熵权综合评价模型对各衔接方案的非直接效益进行评价,应用国民经济评价直接效益指标,通过综合两方面的评价结果给出最终推荐衔接方案。

    According to the characteristics of different indicators , it gives a comprehensive evaluation based on the application of economic evaluation of direct benefit index and the application of entropy evaluation model and forms the final proposal .

  27. 项目投资经济分析是对项目的投入与产出全面的分析,航道建设项目作为特殊的交通基础设施项目,其产出效益主要体现在国民经济的社会效益上。

    The investing and economic analysis of the project is the overall analysis of its investment and output . As a special transportation infrastructure project , the producing benefit mainly embodies as the social benefits of national economy .

  28. 国民经济整体素质和效益不高,经济结构不合理的矛盾仍然比较突出。

    The quality and performance of the national economy as a whole remains poor , and unsound aspects of the economic structure are still conspicuous .

  29. 通过分析铁路建设项目国民经济评价中间接效益计算方法的缺陷,提出了改进的计算方法&消费者剩余分析法。

    By analyzing flaws in numeration of indirect benefit of national economy evaluation , we put forward a better method & method of consumer surplus analysis .

  30. 探讨了国民经济评价中外部效益费用的量化与定性分析方法,并结合矿山实际进行了应用研究。

    , the quantitative and qualitative analysis methods of external benefit costs in national economic evaluation were discussed , and the practical application in the mines was studied .