
  1. 据中国国家地震台网中心消息,周六上午,云南省香格里拉县、德钦县与四川省得荣县交界地区发生地震。

    The quake hit the border area of Shangri-La and Deqen counties in Yunnan Province and Derong County in Sichuan Province Saturday morning , according to the China Earthquake Network Center .

  2. 国家数字地震台网中心的技术系统

    The technological system of China Center of Digital Seismic Network

  3. 国家数字地震台网中心应用地震波形数据格式及转换

    Data format and conversion of seismic waveform used in National Center of Digital Seismic Network

  4. 国家数字地震台网中心技术系统集成中关键问题的研究

    The Research on the Key Problems for the Integration of Technical System for National Center of China Digital Seismic Network

  5. 国家数字地震台网中心是中国数字地震观测系统的资料收集、处理、管理、保存和提供各种服务的中心。

    The National Digital Seismograph Network Center is a center for data collection , processing , management and preserving of the China digital seismologic observation system . It can provide various services .

  6. 扼要介绍计算机网络安全结构及Internet网络应用中的数据服务。国家数字地震台网分中心设在中国地震局地球物理研究所内。

    This paper briefly describes the security structure of the computer network , and the service problem of the Internet in the NC-CSB ( National Center of China Seismological Bureau ) .